The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 121 Into the Prison

Chapter 121
"She did it voluntarily!"

Han Peizhao immediately yelled out.

Whether he forced it or voluntarily made a big difference.

Xue Chan is an unmarried girl, if she is voluntary, and Cheng Guogong's family will come forward to this matter, of course the major issue will be reduced to a minor one.

Huang Weisong is not a very upright and upright person, so he is not the one who insists on holding him down and giving Cheng Guogong the most thorough.

Han Peizhao's face was ashen, and his voice was cold: "Master Huang, although I was wrong about this matter, I never forced her!
I originally agreed with her that I would accept her as a passer-by, but who knew that she would regret it afterwards—"

He prolonged his tone, turned his eyes sideways, and stared at Jiang Yuanzhan: "I didn't even know that you just came in a hurry from outside. Why are you so sure that I forced her?"

It's all gossip over and over again.

No one would confess such a crime in the lobby of Jingzhao Mansion.

If someone else reported it, Han Peizhao would probably have nothing to worry about relying on the Duke's Mansion.

It was Jiang Yuanzhan who brought Zhao Lin together to report. With the two of them as witnesses, how dare Han Peizhao be too presumptuous?
Jiang Yuanzhan had expected that he would say this, and looked back unhurriedly: "You said Xue was voluntary, what proof do you have? You said you made an agreement with her and would accept her as a passerby, so where did you start? "

His eyes were scarlet, clearly looking angry and about to kill someone, and then he called Zhao Lin in a deep voice.

Zhao Lin immediately understood, hey, and took Jiang Yuanzhan's words: "When we opened the door, Mrs. Xue's face was full of tears, and her eyes were full of despair, Pei Zhao, how can I believe that he is voluntary?
After she woke up, you opened your mouth and said that when you marry a wife in the future, you will accept her as a concubine in the house. How is this like what you agreed before?

Since it was agreed, how could Mrs. Xue suddenly retort, not even asking you to finish the sentence, but interrupting you directly, saying that she will not be a concubine even if she dies? "

As he was talking, he shook his head even more vigorously at the end: "Pei Zhao, you are too confused, and now you are in the hall of Jingzhao Mansion, and you still want to drag Mrs. Xue like this.

You raped another girl and ruined her whole life, so now you want her to be convicted together with you?

You are such a disappointment! "

Han Peizhao narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhao Lin.

He always felt that something was wrong.

Because of Xue Chan's reaction.

By now, after listening to Zhao Lin's words, they all understood.

This is a bureau.

The trap set by Jiang Yuanzhan lured him into the urn.

Xue Chan, Zhao Lin, these are just pieces used by Jiang Yuanzhan to lure him into the game!
As early as when, Xue Chan had already turned against each other.

Not only did he tell Jiang Yuanzhan all about his plan, but he even turned his head to help Jiang Yuanzhan.

What good can she get...?
Han Peizhao's breathing became short of breath.

He fell into other people's trap without checking, and now it is really not easy to get out.

Just as Han Peizhao was thinking, Jiang Yuanzhan seemed to have made up his mind and made some decision.

Jiang Yuanzhan turned around and made an official ceremony to Huang Weisong: "It is absolutely impossible for Mrs. Xue to agree to be a concubine with Han Peizhao. I have evidence for this."

Han Peizhao's eyelids twitched, and Huang Weisong's expression darkened: "What evidence is there?"

He has been an official for many years, and it is not uncommon for him to handle this kind of case. In fact, it is a muddled case in the final analysis. One side says it is coercion, and the other side must say it is voluntary. It is normal.

There is nothing to take out such things as evidence.

Therefore, hearing Jiang Yuanzhan say this, even Huang Weisong couldn't help being a little stunned.

The corners of Jiang Yuanzhan's lips turned cold: "I sent a token to Mrs. Xue and told her that when Aye was transferred back to Beijing, I would tell my father and mother that I wanted to marry her. My aunt He and his uncle also knew it, but they didn't say it to the public because of Xue's reputation.

If Huangfu Yin doesn't believe it, he might as well send someone to Xue's house to fetch my token to the hall, or send someone to ask my aunt and uncle to see if there is such a thing! "

He gritted his voice, and the hand hanging by his side was also clenched into a fist.

Looking at his appearance, Huang Weisong feared that if it hadn't been for the court, he would have mentioned Han Peizhao's beating to death.

If this is the case——Although Jiang Yuanzhan is not the eldest son, he is highly valued, and he is an upright person. He joined the army at the age of 16 and served as the deputy commander. His future is immeasurable.

Even without these things, being able to enter Peiguo Duke's Mansion as his wife, for Xue Chan, should be the greatest blessing in this life.

She is a fool, a lunatic, with Jiang Yuanzhan's promise, how could she turn her head and answer Han Peizhao's words, why should she be a concubine or not?
They are both from the Duke's family, but they are far apart.

Not to mention being a concubine, even if Han Peizhao Xu Xuechan as the main wife, Xue Chan would probably choose Jiang Yuanzhan for her to be the wife of the country in the future.

Han Peizhao never expected that Jiang Yuanzhan would spend such a large amount of money in order to retaliate, and even Jiang Shi and Gu Huaizhang also helped him!
What kind of marriage promise? Anyway, Xue Chan is now a broken person in public. With no innocence, she can't remarry. If you say this casually, who really knows?
Han Peizhao gritted his teeth: "How do you know that you and her conspired against me?"

Huang Weisong frowned, but in the end he still dropped his hand on the gavel. When he was relieved, he raised and lowered his hand again, the gavel rang again, and the dull sound spread down the hall.

Han Peizhao knew that this was inappropriate, and he just made the matter worse, and he just brought Jiang Shi and Gu Huaizhang into it.

Huang Weisong didn't want to see this kind of situation, but he was at his wit's end and had no other choice.

This kind of case has to be tried behind closed doors, for the sake of Xue Chan's reputation, otherwise, if it gets out, she won't be able to be a human being.

Huang Weisong didn't dare to disturb Jiang and Gu Huaizhang, but he did send someone to Xue Chan's home to get the token Jiang Yuanzhan said.

Now that there are tokens as proof, some things have to be said otherwise.

Jiang Yuanzhan and Zhao Lin refused to give an inch, so he could only take Han Peizhao into custody for the time being, thinking about going to Cheng Guogong's mansion, and discussing the matter with the Guogong mansion in private.

Fortunately, Jiang Yuanzhan didn't hold on to him anymore, and he was relieved.

But when the jailer took Han Peizhao to the prison in Jingzhao Mansion, Jiang Yuanzhan said he had something to say to Han Peizhao and insisted on going with him.

Huang Weisong really couldn't afford to offend anyone, so he repeatedly told him that he might hurt others in prison, and only let him go after seeing his consent.

Coming out of Jingzhao Mansion, Zhao Lin was the first to let out a long sigh of relief: "He can be regarded as his own fault, but it's just a relationship of more than ten years, which really makes people..."

He said halfway, then sighed: "What are you going to do next? I think Huang Fuyin's posture is probably because of Cheng Guogong's mansion, he dare not deal with it, and he is afraid that he will go to Han's house soon.

If the Duke's Mansion insists on protecting Han Peizhao, it must alert Aye and Aniang to come forward..."

Jiang Yuanzhan said no, and looked sideways at Xue Chan: "Go home, wait a day, and come back tomorrow."

After Xue Chan squatted down with her hands tucked in and made a salute, she said hello with a blank face, turned around and left without a trace of nostalgia.

Zhao Lin's eyelids jumped up: "Second cousin, she..."

"She chose it herself, no one forced her." Jiang Yuanzhan raised his hand between his eyebrows, "Anyway, she won't stay in Beijing after the matter is over."

(End of this chapter)

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