The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 122 I Understand

Chapter 122 I Understand (Part [-])

Han Peizhao was pampered and pampered since he was a child, and Mrs. Cheng Guogong was extremely arrogant and pampered to him.

In the early years, there was still Cheng Guogong to discipline him, but since he was seven or eight years old, Cheng Guogong asked the immortals, and he no longer cared about the affairs of the mansion, even Han Peizhao's upbringing.

At his present age, he has never suffered or suffered. He has always been the only one who has suffered for others. Now it is the first time that Jiang Yuanzhan backhandedly designed him to throw himself into prison.

And he knew in his heart that this somersault, he was stumped.

Jiang Yuanzhan will not let it go.

But what Han Peizhao didn't expect was that Jiang Yuanzhan followed him to the prison in such a hurry to add insult to injury.

In the prison cell, with disgust and impatience all over his face, and a little restlessness between his brows, he stood with his hands behind his back and looked out the door.

There was no trace of anger on Jiang Yuanzhan's face.

The jailer was winking and wise, and left early, no one would come in to disturb him.

Han Peizhao folded his hands behind his back and clenched them tightly. Because of biting his back molars, veins burst out on his neck: "You are really good at it! But you are so petty—you have won me, so why rush to the prison?" Do you come here to add insult to injury and see my defeat?"

"I've never been soft on beating a dog in the water."

Jiang Yuanzhan looked at him with raised eyebrows: "You have lost, you have lost completely, and you are not convinced, not reconciled, so what can you do?"

"What the hell are you—"

Han Peizhao couldn't hold back, and asked impulsively.

After talking halfway, he suddenly stopped talking, and seeing Jiang Yuanzhan's complacent eyes, he became more and more annoyed, and suddenly changed the subject: "What are you so complacent about? Are you going to die in this game?"

"You want to die."

Jiang Yuanzhan squinted his eyes: "When you use this kind of indecent means to frame me, you should think about what will happen to you if you let me catch it.

Fortunately, you are still a gentleman of the gentry, and you have been Zhao Yi's companion for three years - a daughter from a good family, or exiled into the army, or served more than ten years of hard labor. Of course, there are also serious cases, and you will be sentenced to death.

But why would I tell you to die so easily? "

He sneered, and took half a step back when he stopped speaking: "Forget it, I will lead the army in the future, and I don't want a scum like you to exist in the barracks. Hard labor is a good choice, what do you think?"

Han Peizhao knew he did it on purpose.

He tried his best to calm down and try not to let his emotions be hooked by Jiang Yuanzhan.

But he couldn't bear it after all: "Your sister forced me to break off the engagement with He Dong Pei's family, it's clear that your brother provoked me first! Jiang Yuanzhan, you are really brazen!
Is it the two of you brothers who have the final say on the truth in this world?
Obviously did something wrong, bullying others, but not allowing others to fight back, how ridiculous! "

"is it?"

Jiang Yuanzhan's face became serious, and his eyes were condensed: "Are you unwilling to resign because of the divorce, or is someone else instigating behind the scenes, do you really plan to let me check it myself?"

Han Peizhao's heart sank, and he understood immediately.

He was silent.

Jiang Yuanzhan clicked his tongue: "I seem to understand your reaction."

Han Peizhao's expression tightened: "Don't go too far!"

Jiang Yuanzhan didn't say another word to him, shook his head, and walked away.

What Zhao Lin said was right, it's his own fault.

Fundamentally speaking, Han Peizhao and Liu Minghua are on the same path.

After he returned to Beijing, he heard what Zhuzhu said, and when he thought about it carefully, whether it was him or Zhuzhu, how could he ever bully others?
If Zhuzhu is really spoiled and domineering, Han Lingfu provoked her several times when she was young, she would have no idea what she would have been punished by Zhuzhu.

It's the turn of the Han brothers and sisters to dominate until today.

It seems that their brother and sister were too kind in the past, but these people have nothing to fear, just think that the children of the Jiang family are easy to bully.

It's okay to bully, the calculation is over, if nothing happens, and the responsibility must be pushed to their brothers and sisters.


Before Jiang Yuanzhan returned to the palace, the Jiang family already knew about it.

She knew everything Jiang Yuanzhan was going to do, but she didn't know when he was going to do it.

I thought we had to wait until the next year, at least let everyone have a good New Year.

Moreover, on the 25th of the twelfth lunar month, all the yamen are on holiday, and only Jingzhao Mansion can't rest, because it is necessary to maintain the law and order of the capital, and the closer the year is, the more it is necessary to guard against thieves in the city.

These can't be achieved by relying on the five cities' soldiers and horses alone.

Therefore, at the end of each year, Jingzhao Mansion is the hardest.

There was no need to burden Huang Weisong at this time.

Unexpectedly, he still chose to do it years ago.

And the reason why Jiang knows is not because Jiang Yuanzhan and Zhao Lin told her in advance, but because Mrs. Cheng Guogong came to the door crying again——

At that time, Mrs. Jiang was making a new pair of Chaoshou for the King of Changping County. Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan were sitting around on the Babu bed and playing Shuanglu. Zhao Ce also rarely went out, so he sat next to him and watched his two sisters play chess. .

The girl opened the felt curtain and entered the door, feeling chilly all over her body. She didn't dare to get any closer. She stood still at a distance and squatted down to reply: "Princess, Mrs. Cheng Guogong is here, crying and saying that she has something very important to see you , please help me."

Jiang immediately realized that something happened to Han Peizhao.

She paused her needlework, and her face became gloomy: "She is not afraid that others will think she is unlucky when it's New Year's Eve!"

Jiang Shi didn't wait to see Mrs. Cheng Guogong in the past, but after the resignation and this incident, seeing her is even more disgusting.

The chess piece in Jiang Wan's hand was clenched in the palm of his hand and he didn't let it fall again. He turned to look at Jiang Shi: "Does the aunt still see her?"

"If I don't see her, she will cry and go to your uncle's house. Your aunt has been suffering from a cold for several days. Although it is not serious, she should take good care of her. What bad luck does she have for nothing?"

As Jiang said, she had already put down the things in her hands and got up, beckoned to the left and right to get her a cloak, thought for a while, then turned to call Jiang Wan: "Are you going?"

Jiang Wan snorted: "I thought my aunt was going to say such things, girls, don't listen, don't tell me to follow."

Jiang Shi snorted: "If you are not allowed to go, you will probably sneak away. Besides, she is crying endlessly, and I am too lazy to deal with it. You go with me."

Seeing this, Pei Qingyuan was about to get up, but was stopped by Jiang: "Tell Zhuzhu to go, don't go, she is young, it doesn't matter what she says, you are already old enough, besides, you divorced the Han family, Don't go to see her, lest she pester you."

Then he told Zhao Ce: "Go too, don't stay here with me, go outside to meet your cousin, don't let him crash in, listen to those women crying, and see the battle of the sloppy rolling around."

After all the orders were finished, the girl also brought two cloaks, and she closed them up for Jiang Wan again, and then led the people out together, and went to the front hall to see Mrs. Cheng Guogong without mentioning it.

(End of this chapter)

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