Chapter 123 Great Employment (Part [-])
Mrs. Jiang took Jiang Wan to the front hall, but before he even entered the door, his face collapsed.

Anyway, it is also a noble family, a dignified headed mistress, walking in front of people, who doesn't respect the Duke and Madam?
The one who celebrated the New Year ran to the palace to cry.

Because Mrs. Cheng Guogong was indeed sitting in the main hall and crying loudly.

When I listened carefully, I realized that there was a falsehood in that piercing voice.

Jiang Shi walked in with a dark face, and Jiang Wan followed her.

Mrs. Cheng Guogong heard the footsteps at the door, her crying stopped for a while, she turned around and was about to ask for help, but when she saw Jiang Wan, all the words that came to her mouth were choked back.

Telling her to lose face in front of a junior, she really doesn't have to be a human being in the future!

And this girl Jiang Wan is no better than Jiang Shi!

The last time I divorced Pei Qingyuan, it was this ghost girl's indiscriminate remarks that caused her family to post thousands of taels of silver, but they still couldn't say anything, and everyone was still polite.

Later, Da Lang was annoyed by her questioning, so he told her the truth.

Jiang Wan was playing tricks from beginning to end!
It caused the Han family to suffer a great loss of dumbness, and they couldn't tell the pain.

It's not a good thing to be full of ghosts!
Jiang Shiming knew she was coming, so she cried again just now, thinking that the girl under her would answer carefully, so why did she bring Jiang Wan along?

Mrs. Cheng Guogong's expression changed slightly: "Princess, I have something to say, and I really have to ask you to come. Awan is still a child, so it's not easy to tell her. Would you tell her to..."

"You have something to ask me, but you can't ask my niece to listen. Whose reason is this?"

Of course Jiang was not angry.

Anyway, the last time the marriage was annulled, there was no difference between her and Mrs. Cheng Guogong and tearing her face. She rolled her eyes once and rolled her eyes twice, in essence, they are all the same.

Mrs. Cheng's words got stuck in her throat, and she felt uncomfortable if she couldn't go up and down, but just as she opened her mouth, Jiang choked back, and instead stuffed those words into her stomach, making her feel even more uncomfortable !
"Princess, this matter is really..."

She had a look of embarrassment on her face, as if she really had something to hide and couldn't speak.

Jiang sneered coldly: "If it's so difficult to speak, why don't you say it?"

Don't say that she now knows why Mrs. Cheng Guogong came here, even if she doesn't know the inside story, she is most impatient with others' hesitating and hesitating.

Mrs. Cheng Guogong could only shake her heart, tears fell down again, and half concealed what happened to Jiang Shi about Han Peizhao.

After she finished speaking, she didn't even have the courage to look up at Jiang's face, so she kept crying: "I really want to kneel down and beg you, princess, Dalang is a muddled bastard, but he is also He is a good boy. He grew up in Shengjing and was accompanied by His Highness the Third Highness. You can see what kind of temperament the children have.

Today, this matter is really confused.

The little lady of Xue's family is Jiang Erlang's beloved, so Da Lang will always feel sorry for him.

If you want to be beaten and punished, we all admit it.

But you can't report to the official...Princess, Da Lang is still being detained in the prison of Jingzhao Mansion. Because of the testimony of two gentlemen, Mrs. Xue insisted that it was Da Lang... He has nothing to say, and the Yin of the Huang Mansion will not... If you dare to close the case hastily, you have already put him in prison. "

The further she went on, the louder she cried: "Now the trial is behind closed doors, if there is a quarrel, Da Lang really can't be a man.

According to the "Da Ye Law", he could at least have served hard labor for more than ten years.

Concubine, although I don't have only Dalang's son under my knees, the concubine's son is recorded in my name and raised in my house, which is different from Dalang after all.

Just show kindness and persuade me..."

"Are you finished?"

Mrs. Cheng Guogong spoke a lot of words eloquently, but Jiang Shi always looked at her coldly and listened to her.

At this point, Mrs. Cheng Guogong's words were interrupted with a cold voice.

She was startled when she heard the words: "Princess..."

"It's not difficult for you to say it, it's because you shouldn't have said it in the first place." Jiang scoffed, "So you still know how to be ashamed? You also know that you have to force Zhuzhu to do this kind of thing? You also understand what kind of bastard your son is doing thing!"

Jiang gritted her voice, and slapped on the armrest again: "You're a bastard and you plan to get it done, don't you know that he has ruined other girls' lives? Fortunately, you were also raised in a high school, and you have been the Duke of the state for so many years." The mistress of the mansion, I think your brains were eaten by dogs! You can say such things! How dare you come to me!"

Even Jiang Wan felt very speechless.

To be honest, she really never thought Mrs. Cheng Guogong would dare to come to her aunt to beg for mercy after the incident happened.

The Duke's Mansion is based in Shengjing, and there are always contacts and contacts. If Han Peizhao is to be preserved, there may be other ways, depending on his family's preparations.

But no matter what it is, it is not going to the county prince's mansion to plead for mercy!
She just did it.

Jiang Wan didn't know whether to laugh or get angry.

Mrs. Cheng Guogong calmed down a little, as if she was going all out for Han Peizhao: "What you said is that killing him won't relieve your hatred! But I am such a biological son, what do you want me to do? Is he beaten?" Kill him and pay for Miss Xue's life, or just watch him go to hard labor?"

She still cried, but because Mrs. Jiang was too merciless and didn't like this, she changed her method and no longer cried loudly like before, sobbing softly: "Yang Fu Yin told me, Jiang Erlang Having said that, you and Master Gu have also met Miss Xue, I think since you acquiesced to Jiang Erlang's matter, you probably like Miss Xue very much.

Dalang insulted others like this...

Concubine, even if Da Lang is really blamed and punished according to the law, Miss Xue's innocence has been ruined.

When you know about this, there is absolutely no reason to ask her to enter the lintel of Duke Pei's mansion.

She will not be able to marry someone else in the future. "

Speaking of this, Mrs. Cheng Guogong gritted her teeth and didn't dare to pause for half a minute, and then said: "My family is willing to promise her as a regular wife, three letters and six rites, three matchmakers and six engagements, and marry her in with a good reputation. When Da Lang takes over the title in the future, she will be the justifiable wife of the Duke and the head of the house.

Since you feel sorry for Miss Xue, even if it’s not for my old face, but for Miss Xue’s sake, think about her future and find a good future for her, and I beg you to talk to Jiang Erlang Let's talk about it, hold your hand high and let Dalang go. "

Jiang frowned tightly, staring at Mrs. Cheng Guogong, as if she was looking at some monster.

Even Jiang Wan lowered his face, looked at Mrs. Jiang, and saw her nodding. She knew it, and asked Mrs. Guogong in a deep voice: "I divorced my cousin that day, saying that Mr. Han Dalang was plotting against Yun Dai, and I have lingering fears. I didn't even think about the marriage, and I didn't want to delay my cousin, so I gave up the marriage.

As a result, your family turned around and hired Miss Xue, I am young, maybe I don’t understand these things, so I have to ask a few more questions, Cheng Guogong’s mansion has preserved Mr. Han Dalang, but my cousin’s face, Where is the dignity of the Pei family in Hedong? "

(End of this chapter)

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