Chapter 124
Mrs. Cheng Guogong certainly knew that this was a dead end.

It is obviously the most coincidental thing, and no one can deliberately calculate it, but it has come to this step.

And Jiang Wan still didn't let her go, shaking his head at her constantly: "And these days my second brother and Mrs. Xue are getting close, I'm afraid everyone in Shengjing would know about it, everyone would know about it.

My second brother was transferred back to Beijing to serve in the military and horse department. His colleagues in the court and the central government all knew that Mrs. Xue sent food to the military and horse department every day, and he also accompanied Mrs. Xue to the household department to open a female household.

Ma'am, these things have been rumored before, even if the common people don't know about them, you should know about them too. "

Mrs. Cheng Guogong's heart sank, and she quickly realized what Jiang Wan was going to say.

She was just about to stop her, but Jiang Wan didn't give her this chance at all: "Either people take this as my second brother's young love affair, or wait to see if my second brother really wants to get along with Mrs. Xue?" Family struggle.

Anyway, with so many people staring and watching, you turned around and wanted to welcome Mrs. Xue into Duke Cheng's mansion, and where did you put my second brother?Where did you put the face of our Pei Guogong Mansion? "

Jiang Wan lowered his voice earlier, with a forceful air.

It's just that in the end, she picked up the ending, melodious and charming, and no one could find any faults.

The Duke's wife is an elder, and as a junior, she is well-mannered and has done an excellent job.

Even if the elder was out of tune, Jiang Wan did not lose his manners.

Mrs. Cheng Guogong hated her teeth so much that she didn't dare to scold Jiang Wan, she just lowered her head, gritted her teeth, and then raised her head, her expression as usual, she didn't dare to let Jiang see anything: "Of course I thought about it." of.

It was my Dalang who caused the trouble, so you can't just let him suffer. "

She was looking forward to Ai Ai, and then went to see Jiang: "I thought, Miss Xue was born and raised among the people, and there are not many people who know her in the court. When this matter subsides, my family will send her to live in Waifu with money and effort." In the first half of the year, Dalang will be arranged to travel abroad.

It just happened to say that it was still because of Yun Dai's matter, and he was depressed in his chest, so he went out to relax.

After a year or so, Dalang and Mrs. Xue were taken back to Shengjing, and then they were said to be the girl Dalang met when he was traveling abroad. Another poor man with no father or mother.

In the past few years, Grandpa Xiuxian asked, my family does not expect Dalang to be brilliant, and I can live this life in peace, so I have nothing to ask for.

In this way, it is reasonable to accept Miss Xue from a slightly cold background, and it is reasonable for outsiders to say anything.

At that time, Miss Xue will change her face and marry Da Lang again, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds? "

Mrs. Cheng Guogong's eyes were full of hope and pleading, and she was afraid that Jiang Wan would make trouble again. She was afraid that she would open her mouth, so she hurriedly said: "As for the uncle and aunt in Mrs. Xue's family, my family will naturally clean up and send them away. If they go out, they will not be allowed to return to Shengjing for the rest of their lives.

The common people may have a chance to see Miss Xue in the future, but at that time, Miss Xue is already the wife of the future Duke and a noble person, so they dare not recognize each other rashly.

It doesn't matter if you recognize it.

We say she is not, she is naturally not.

As for the matter of Jiang Erlang and Miss Xue... This kind of matter was only said to be a repayment of kindness, but there were more rumors outside.

Slowly throwing away his hands, others will not take it to heart when they see that there is no excitement to watch, they just take it as a real repayment and just leave it alone. "

Jiang Shi was really annoyed this time.

It's not that she has no brains and no calculations, so it's not easy to raise a pair of children.

It's that all the careful planning in this lifetime has been spent on how to deal with the aftermath of my son and daughter!

It's not easy for the Duke of Cheng's mansion to come to this day with a prominent family and a family with hairpin tassels, raising a good child like this, even if it is completely destroyed in the hands of her, the Duke's wife!
Of course, Cheng Guogong himself is also inseparable.

This couple is really rare in the world.

Maybe it's because Jiang's eyebrows and eyes are too cold, and the whole body's breath is icy. Mrs. Cheng Guogong saw her heart sinking, until she sank to the bottom of the valley and was frozen again. Sitting on the official hat chair, all the strength in the whole body seemed to be taken away by someone.

She was about to cry again, when Jiang opened her mouth: "It's almost Chinese New Year, and you came to my house to cry bitterly, did you come here on purpose to bring bad luck to my house?"

How dare Mrs. Cheng Guogong?
This is the Prince's Mansion of Changping County. His surname is Zhao, and he is a descendant of the Tian family.

The father of the King of Changping County, Lord Laokang, is a compatriot with the first emperor and his mother. They are the uncles of the official family.

Who dares to bring bad luck to Changping County Palace?

Now I can't even cry anymore.

"But the princess..."

Mrs. Cheng Guogong wants to ask again.

Jiang raised her hand: "I really don't know what kind of heart your Dalang has. Since you mentioned Sanlang, I watched him grow up these years, and always thought he was a kind and kind boy. What happened?

I recalled that day when he came to the door and pestered Zhuzhu to say that it was not his intention to be taken to the Yuhua Tower, and so on——if you want to say who Saburo Zhongsanlang has the best relationship with in Shengjing, except you Jia Dalang, I'm afraid there is no second person, right?
Today, your Dalang did such a thing, presumably there is no trace to be found!
I should also go to the palace to report back to the saint, and check carefully. Is it because your Dalang brought Saburo back at the beginning, which made him so unbelievable now? . "

Mrs. Cheng Guogong was shocked: "No! How could this happen? Princess, this is absolutely nothing!"

Da Lang has not yet been cleared of the accusation of cheating on a good family. It really makes Jiang go to the palace again to talk nonsense with the saint. That's really hard to save the Daluo Jinxian.

Mrs. Cheng Guogong really didn't expect that Mrs. Jiang would be so difficult to speak.

She knew Jiang shi had always been cold and hard, but she wouldn't...

"Princess, at least my natal family and the Wei family are still..."

"You don't have to say that."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Jiang knew what she was going to say, but snorted heavily: "I also advise you, it won't work here, let alone go to Gu's to say it.

These days, she is suffering from a cold and is ill. Mr. Gu is the most protective person, and he has always loved his wife.

If Mrs. Guo uses these messy things outside to disturb her recuperation, I guess Mr. Gu will not let you go. "

Mrs. Cheng Guogong's face turned pale.

Jiang Shi unceremoniously ordered the maid to see off the guests: "I can't help you with this matter, and I don't intend to help you and your eldest brother. He deserves to suffer for the evil he has done. As for that girl from the Xue family, she will not be outside. If there are only a few words that are not good, if there is——I can probably find someone to settle the score."

 ps This family is also dead, the father doesn't care about anything, the mother is only arrogant, not to mention raising two wastes, they are still black-hearted wastes!

(End of this chapter)

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