Chapter 125 Save Me (Part [-])
Zhao Yi condescended to go to see Han Peizhao in the prison of Jingzhao Mansion, and that was also what Mrs. Cheng Guogong begged his grandpa to tell his grandma.

Otherwise, if he stayed inside the palace, he wouldn't even know what happened outside.

Fortunately, the case of Han Peizhao has only been frozen here by Huang Weisong. It is not considered a final case, let alone a conviction for Han Peizhao, so even if he is temporarily detained, Huang Weisong still explained to the prison guards that he must not be treated harshly or neglected. The prison cells are much better than other environments.

In the cell at the end of the corridor, Zhao Yi saw Han Peizhao who had been imprisoned for a long time.

Anxious and restless.

In fact, this cell is already considered very good.

Two windows were opened on the east wall, allowing daylight to seep in so as not to be completely dark.

Because of the special instructions from the adults above, the jailer made a thick felt mat before sending Han Peizhao in, and spread five or six layers of hay on it, and cleaned it clean.

One is not so dark and damp, and the other is that there is still a clean place for him to sit.

Who could have this kind of treatment?
Han Peizhao was indeed sitting cross-legged on the pile of hay.

Hearing footsteps, he looked up and saw that it was Zhao Yi, his eyebrows twitched.

He got up in a hurry, and walked to the cell door in three or five steps: "Your Highness..."

Zhao Yi shook his head, and turned to order the jailer who followed: "Go, I have something to talk to the young man."

When the little jailer walked away quickly, this place became an extremely clean and secret place again.

Anyway, Han Peizhao was not held in the same place as ordinary prisoners. The prison was empty, and if the voice was louder, he could hear the echo, but if he suppressed it deliberately, no one else could hear it.

Only at this time did Zhao Yi speak: "What's going on? Mrs. Guogong is going crazy outside, and she has already written a letter to your grandfather's house. I went to your house first when I left the palace, and she wants to find a way to get you back." Go out, but don't dare to make too much noise.

When you just had an accident, she went to the emperor's uncle's house, but she was forced to go back by the emperor's aunt's few words, which made her very ashamed.

When I went, she kept crying, and your sister was also anxious and lost her composure.

Right now, people have been sent to the Taoist temple outside the city to tell Lord Guo that what Huang Weisong said, I think there must be something else inside, so I came to see you in the prison.

Pei Zhao, what's going on? "

When the last question was asked, Zhao Yi gritted his voice a bit.

It was because he knew about Han Peizhao's faults.

As early as when Han Peizhao was 13 years old, he had raped the girl next to his concubine sister. If it hadn't been for the duke's wife to take care of him, he would have been ruined long ago.

After so many years, not only did he not change his ways, but relying on the presence of the Duke's wife, he made things worse.

Last year, when he was drunk, he also ruined a girl serving tea beside the Duke's wife.

Zhao Yi has said to him many times in private that what he fears is that he will not be able to control this in the future, and things will be ruined.

In the past three years, he also knew everything about Han Peizhao and Xue Chan, and had met Xue Chan twice in private, so he thought of using Xue Chan to deal with Jiang Yuanzhan, which was a surefire thing.

As a result, Jiang Yuanzhan fell into the trap before he was serious, and Han Peizhao fell first!
Zhao Yi clenched his teeth: "Why did Xue Chan sue you at the Jingzhao Mansion? What did you do to her?"

After hearing Zhao Yi's words, Han Peizhao's face was extremely gloomy.

"Although I have some problems here, it's not that I can't control it. Xue Chan has been with me for three years, and I haven't reached that level yet! I know she is of great use, and I know that I will meet Zhao Lin When she goes out, she also has an appointment with Jiang Yuanzhan to do those things in Fengkelai in broad daylight!"

Han Peizhao's tone was also bad.

He was already upset at first, but he was somewhat annoyed by Zhao Yi's point of view: "Since your highness doesn't trust me so much, why bother to go to the prison? Just throw your hands away, everyone is clean, and no one suspects it anyway." Get on your head!"

"What crazy words are you talking about?" Zhao Yi gritted his teeth, and every word leaked out from between his teeth.

He couldn't believe it.

What is there for Han Peizhao to be angry with him?
They have been on the same boat since five years ago!
Cheng Guogong's mansion has gradually drifted away from the edge of the court since the previous generation of Guogong, and has become a wealthy idler in the true sense. Han Peizhao has ambitions. Zhao Yu doesn't need him, and Zhao Xing is even less likely, so he is the only one he can rely on .

Their interests are common.

Now it's like crazy!
Zhao Yi pinched his browbones, and the anger surging in his heart had never been restrained: "Is there any difference between what you do and what I do?"

However, he quickly calmed down and caught the slightest unusualness from Han Peizhao's words: "So in today's matter, it was Jiang Yuanzhan and Xue Chan who plotted against you, right?"

The anger in Han Peizhao's heart gradually dissipated.

He couldn't help feeling a little downcast.

Seeing this, Zhao Yi's heart sank, and he generally understood: "You don't even know about it!"

But what can he do?
Jiang Yuanzhan made it clear that he had calculated everything.

Even Zhao Lin is in this chess game.

The precise calculation step by step is to catch him.

There are also those words about marrying a wife or not.

Jiang Yuanzhan is really willing to let go!

"Your Highness, it's useless to ask the princess of the county."

Han Peizhao's face was ashamed, and he heard what Jiang Yuanzhan said in the hall to Zhao Yi: "Before he did these things, he had already planned and arranged everything properly. That being the case, how could it be useful for my aunt to go to the Prince's Mansion of Changping County to ask for it?
Your Highness doesn't have to go..."

His voice was low and a little hoarse.

Zhao Yi frowned: "Can you figure it out, what went wrong to make such a field?"

Han Peizhao just shook his head: "I have thought about it carefully, the problem must be on Xue Chan, but I don't know how Jiang Yuanzhan noticed it.

And Your Highness, it is useless to ask these questions now.

I think it will be difficult for me to get away this time. Since Jiang Yuanzhan was able to bribe Xue Chan, he will use his tricks to kill me. Judging by his appearance, it is impossible for him to let me go easily.

Is there a way, Your Highness, to save me? "

There was nothing left for him to hope for.

After all, how much strength can the Han family have?
He ran into Jiang Yuanzhan's hands this time. How many people are really willing to fight against Duke Pei's government because of this kind of thing?
It is the Jiang family that is in the limelight. They have stayed in Shengjing for a long time, weighing the pros and cons, and calculating people's hearts. No one can do better than the noble family.

Han Peizhao's throat tightened, and he raised his eyes to look at Zhao Yi. After a long time, he swallowed gently, and asked him almost word by word: "Your Highness, can the Zheng family talk?"

(End of this chapter)

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