The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 126 Raw Rice Cooked Mature Rice

Chapter 126 Raw Rice Cooked Ripe Rice (Part [-])
On the lintel of the century-old Zheng family in Xingyang, Empress Zheng and Emperor Jin He sang in harmony.

Since the Jin Dynasty and Emperor Yuji, he has favored the Zheng clan three times.

In addition to Empress Zheng's father who had to be granted the title of Duke Ping, the younger brother of Empress Zheng's mother was also granted the title of Shou'an Bo six years ago.

The Zheng family stayed away from the disputes in Shengjing since the first emperor's dynasty, and guarded the one-acre land in Xingyang. In the eyes of the people in the world, they have already withdrawn from the political center.

Since he didn't do much, no matter Yu's family, the country, or the situation of the court, he didn't have much help, and he only had the name of his mother's family in the middle palace. possible.

However, Emperor Jinhe valued Empress Zheng very much, and he was never stingy with the Zheng family's tweets. Even now, it has already exceeded the custom that should be customary in the middle palace.

Therefore, when Shou'an Bo got the canonization decree back then, who didn't say a word while envious, that even a lintel like the Zheng family now relies on women to enjoy its glory.

If one were to ask if the Zheng family could speak up in front of Emperor Jinhe, they would definitely be able to.

What Han Peizhao thought was right.

Zhao Yi was brought up in Zheng's family, the old Duke and his wife have always treated him very well, if he asks and writes a letter to Xingyang, the old Duke will probably be willing to help.

But Zhao Yi didn't want to.

He even asked Han Peizhao coldly with a dark face: "You let me alarm my grandfather because of this kind of unspoken thing, and let him write a booklet to go to Beijing to intercede for you in front of the emperor?

Or do you want him to send someone to Beijing to talk to Aunt Huang? "

Zhao Yi gritted his back molars: "You said that Jiang Yuanzhan plotted against you, yes, we all know it, but do you have evidence?

There is no evidence, why do you report to the emperor?
Instead, you—”

He prolonged the ending, and Han Peizhao's already ashen face became paler, and his eyes were darkened, with no light in sight: "That's right. Since he is planning to plan like this, there must be evidence in his hand that I plotted against him first." , and Xue Chan's personal certificate.

It's hard not to let people suspect that it was me who wanted to get rid of the crime, and I insisted on charging him with such a crime. "

He closed his eyes and smiled wryly: "It's just that I'm afraid I won't be able to assist His Highness in the future."

"It's not necessarily hopeless—"

I don't know how many thoughts flashed through Zhao Yi's mind, and in the end, he turned his heart and looked at the prisoner: "Father, queen, mother, and queen should not be disturbed, but no matter in front of the emperor, uncle, aunt, or two elder brothers, I am now There is no way to return half a point for you.

But there is one person who can save you. "

Han Peizhao's eyes flashed a little light: "Who?"

"Han Lingfu."

It is a common thing for Zhao Yi to come and go to Duke Cheng's mansion.

But it was the first time to see Han Lingfu alone.

And it's also against the rules.

It's just that right now the Duke's wife is all focused on Han Peizhao's lawsuit. When Zhao Yi said that she wanted to see Han Lingfu alone because of Han Peizhao's affairs, she immediately had no objection, and hurriedly sent someone to the inner courtyard to call Han Lingfu. Fu went to the front hall, and gave up the main room to Zhao Yi, and led the maid to leave without mentioning it.

When Han Lingfu came, her complexion was not good, as if she had cried, the corners of her eyes were red, she was not energetic, she looked listless and her head was drooping.

She greeted Zhao Yi without raising her head, and asked him in a low voice: "The Third Highness has seen my elder brother, is he okay now?"

Zhao Yi said it was okay, and asked her to sit down and talk: "It's about your brother, and I don't want to go around in circles with you."

Han Lingfu just took her seat, when she heard the words, she looked sideways, her eyes full of doubts: "Please speak, Your Highness."

"No one can save him, and neither can I."

Han Lingfu frowned, "Even Your Highness, you can't do anything?"

Zhao Yi said yes, but changed the subject and called her: "But Er Niang, you can."

Han Lingfu was obviously taken aback, and asked Zhao Yi back: "Me? Your Highness the Third Highness means, me?"

"I have a plan. If it succeeds, it can save your brother, and it can also fulfill your long-cherished wish. But if it fails, the lintel of the Duke's Mansion will be in decline since then, and there will be no room for maneuver."

Zhao Yi looked at her intently, without taking his eyes off half an inch: "Would you like to hear it?"

Han Lingfu's heart tightened suddenly, and the tension was brought to his face again, and his voice was always tight when he spoke: "Third Highness, why not speak directly."

Because Zhao Yi said that her long-cherished wish has been fulfilled.

That's about Zhao Xing.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Yi opened his mouth, he first mentioned Zhao Xing to her: "My second brother—"

Then he paused, still looking at Han Lingfu, observing her expression carefully: "Didn't you always like him all these years? But I'm afraid you don't know yet, the father, the queen, and the queen have already made a fuss, and next year the second brother's birthday After that, we will formally marry him and Zhuzhu, Er Niang, you have no chance at all."

Han Lingfu stood up abruptly: "How could this happen!"

Zhao Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't worry, sit down and listen to me."

Han Lingfu stood there with a livid face and did not move.

Whether it was Liu Minghua or Jiang Wan, the saint never considered her!

Even if the lintel of Cheng Guogong's mansion is slightly inferior, it will not be so——

Zhao Yi took a full look of the unwillingness on her face: "If something like this happens to your elder brother now, let alone marrying my second elder brother, even your future marriage will be greatly affected, that's your responsibility." The future is also the future of the Duke's Mansion."

Of course Han Lingfu knew!
So she made up her mind and called Zhao Yi decisively: "What does the Third Highness want me to do?"

"If you lose your dignity to my second brother and cook raw rice, he can only marry you."

Zhao Yi didn't hesitate any more, and directly said this to Han Lingfu: "Since he has married you, you will be his concubine in the future. The matter of your brother is related to your country. He doesn't want to cause such a scandal to his Yue family.

The second brother is different from me.No matter where the emperor's uncle and aunt are, or in front of my elder brother, he can speak up.

He is willing to help your brother, so naturally it will get twice the result with half the effort.

And your wish is fulfilled, marry him as your wife.

It's just that this matter needs to be kept secret, and he can't be aware of it, otherwise, if you make a fuss in front of the father, the queen and the queen, if you intend to seduce the prince of the heavenly family, it will be a dead end, and the queen will never allow you. "

After finishing his sentence, he stood up slowly, and called Erniang again: "So I said just now, the success or failure of this matter is only a matter of one thought, if it succeeds, it will succeed, if it fails, what will happen? I must understand in my heart."

"Third Highness, you..."

"I told your elder brother that he asked me to ask you, to make up your own mind, or to discuss it with your mother. But Er Niang, there is not much time left for you—no one knows that Mrs. Xue will What to do, I have already sent someone to watch her, but at this juncture, I can't move her.

If she wants to go to Jingzhao Mansion to make a big fuss, once it is uncovered, everyone will know about your brother's scandalous deeds, and then all your hard work will be in vain.

So you make an idea as soon as possible, if you are willing, I will plan for you, if not... I have no other choice. "

(End of this chapter)

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