The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 127 The Sweetheart

Chapter 127 The Sweetheart

Zhao Yi's every word and every sentence seems to be for the Duke of Cheng, and also for the sake of Han Peizhao's brothers and sisters.

It's not that Han Lingfu couldn't understand what he meant.

But I don't care about those right now.

Regardless of whether Zhao Yi is out of selfishness or not, at least in this matter, everyone's interests are still the same.

Han Lingfu's eyes flashed fiercely, and he gritted his teeth and called the third highness: "You don't need to discuss with my mother, I can decide my own affairs!"

Zhao Yi was a little surprised: "Madam Ke Guogong..."

"Aniang is getting angry because of the elder brother's matter right now, and she has lost her sense of control. Even the princess of the county has begged. I told her that she couldn't come up with any good ideas, so it's better for me to make up my own mind."

Han Lingfu knew what he was going to say: "Can Your Highness Third help me to ask His Highness Second?"

Zhao Yi frowned: "You want to meet him outside?"

Han Lingfu laughed and shook her head: "It's so good that such a thing is outside, it's in the Duke's mansion. The Third Highness can tell him... Don't say that I want to see him, he probably won't come. You just say yes My mother-in-law is anxious about the elder brother's affairs, and wants to see His Highness the Second Highness.

After all, my aunt is old and considered an elder. The Second Highness values ​​etiquette the most. Even if she doesn't want to help, she will probably come to the house and make things clear.

If he is really unwilling to come, he can only trouble the Third Highness to spend some time. "

Zhao Yi agreed decisively, and immediately said hello after hearing what she said.

Han Lingfu lowered her eyes, and her voice became weaker: "I still have to ask Your Highness the Third Highness to help me buy a few things outside, but as you said, do it in a more secretive way."

But when she said this, she laughed first, then shook her head and sighed: "It doesn't make any difference whether it's hidden or not.

The sage has always valued His Highness the Second Highness very much. If something happened to him in Duke Cheng's mansion, it's fine if he succeeds, and he can win a blog.

In the end, the family will be implicated, at least it will be demoted, and at the worst—"

Zhao Yi's complexion darkened when he heard this: "If you don't want to get involved..."

"Do not."

Han Lingfu interrupted him categorically: "The so-called all-or-nothing is nothing more than that. I have admired Zhao Xing for ten years, and I am not willing to let it go like this!"

If it was Liu Minghua, she would admit it.

That is the person chosen by the saint, so what can she do?
She even thought at the beginning that in the future Zhao Xing would be crowned king, and she begged Aye to go to the imperial court and say that she would be willing to be Zhao Xing's side concubine.

She is also from the Duke's Mansion, and she is willing to be a concubine, and the officials will not be willing to do so.

But if Zhao Xing's main concubine is Jiang Wan, she can't accept it no matter what!
What's more, if the elder brother caused such a disgraceful thing, once convicted, it would definitely be heard by the officials and saints, and she might not even be qualified to be Zhao Xing's side concubine.

The firmness that flitted across Han Lingfu's face actually shocked Zhao Yi: "A family is prosperous and all are prosperous, and all are damaged. I will be implicated because of the elder brother's affairs. If the marriage is hindered, the elder brother should be with me." Take it all.

Aye didn't ask about family affairs for many years, and A Niang struggled to support the lintel of the Duke's mansion. Our Han family has come to this point, no matter what the consequences are, we will admit it.

Even if my parents want to blame me, I have nothing to say. "

She raised her chin, and Zhao Yi saw from her the hard work that she insisted on competing with Jiang Wan when she was young.

He took a deep breath, and couldn't help feeling a little admiration in his heart: "I know, I'll do it right away, you are at home... get ready."

When Zhao Xing left the palace, he didn't go directly to Duke Cheng's mansion, instead he went to the Duke's mansion first to find Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan raised her eyebrows when she heard his intentions: "Why bother to see him? Most of the time, it's just those words, which make people angry. Aunt knows what kind of virtue she is, and after listening to those things this morning, she was very angry! "

Zhao Xing rubbed the top of her hair, his brows dull: "I guess it's not that she wants to see me."

Jiang Wan frowned: "Zhao Yi said?"

"He didn't say it clearly, maybe he was afraid that I wouldn't go. But Mrs. Guo and I have always been people who can't talk to each other. At this time, begging me is better than asking the elder brother directly. He cried, made trouble, and hanged himself. Eldest brother took these as the last There is no way, either scold her, or do something for her."

Jiang Wan's furrowed brows hadn't had time to relax, and he laughed when he heard this: "Why do you say that about Your Highness?"

Seeing her smile, Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and withdrew his hand: "So I think it's probably Han Lingfu who wants to see me, and it has nothing to do with Mrs. Guogong."

He saw the corners of Jiang Wan's mouth moving, and knew that she had something to say, so he stopped her first: "If she was only begging for mercy, no matter if I knew the inside story, I would not help her. After this incident, she lost face in Shengjing Well, Cheng Guogong probably wants to write a book, and his family will move out of Shengjing, so that they will never see each other again.

If she had other thoughts, she would simply explode together and deal with her and Han Peizhao together to prevent future troubles.

Do you feel bad? "

He said that in order to prevent future troubles, Jiang Wan knew that it was Zhao Yi who was on guard.

But originally Zhao Yi's greatest hope was not Cheng Guogong's mansion.

There is still a Zheng family in Xingyang.

But she didn't have to mention that.

People like Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing know better than anyone else.

Jiang Wan just felt that he was holding a breath in his heart: "I know that she may have bad intentions, but I still want to see her. It really makes people unhappy."

Zhao Xing's complexion became softer and softer: "Are you still afraid that I will suffer a loss in her hands?"

"She should have that ability."

Jiang Wan sneered, with disdain on her face: "If you can be fooled by her and suffer from her, then don't come to see me."

Zhao Xing said yes: "Then what is there to worry about?"

Actually not.

Zhao Xing has always been the most reassuring in his work.

He is always thoughtful and thoughtful, such a smart person, it is really hard to cheat him.

If it wasn't for his willingness, she would have died quietly in the harem long ago.

Don't think about these things, once you think about it, your heart hurts.

She felt that she was really not a human being, and what she did was not a human thing, and she felt sorry for a character like Zhao Xing, who was so damaged in her hands.

Jiang Wan pursed her lips, and took two steps towards him: "Then you go, be careful."

Then she stood on tiptoe, Zhao Xing only smelled a scent of peach blossoms, and when he subconsciously wanted to avoid it, Jiang Wan just whispered in his ear: "Even if I was really tricked by her, I still can't bear to see you, Second brother is in my heart, you are the most precious."

In the cold winter season, Zhao Xing felt like he was in March when spring was warm.

The peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the eyes are full of fragrance.

His beloved girl said the most beautiful love words, and said them to him alone.

Zhao Xing's heart was burning hot, holding Jiang Wan's catkin, his eyes almost burst into tears.

He carves a girl into his blood, and the blood is connected, so it is more than precious.

But could not speak.

I was still afraid that such strong and hot feelings would scare her, so I just uttered a word: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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