Chapter 128 Insanity (Part [-])
Entering Cheng Guogong's mansion, there is a little girl who leads Zhao Xing all the way into the Waterside Flower Hall.

He was as young as Cheng Guogong's mansion.

But this kind of courtyard layout is not bad.

The flower hall passes through the hall, goes up to the verandah, and at the end is the waterside thatched cottage.

Having learned the southern style of gracefulness, running water is really introduced under the water pavilion. If it is in spring, the trickling water is the happiest sound, bringing vitality and surging spring tide.

Now in the twelfth lunar month, the sky is freezing and freezing, which is another charm.

Zhao Xing had no intention of admiring the scenery, and when he entered the door, he saw Han Lingfu alone, and there was a clear fragrance in the room, and there were some delicate dishes and a jug of wine on the round table.

It turned out to be nothing more than a means.

Zhao Xing thought to himself.

He said with a sullen face, "Since you want to see me, you should ask Saburo to say it bluntly, whether to come or not is my decision, not to deceive me to this point under the guise of your mother's name."

Han Lingfu tucked her hands, knelt down and bowed: "If I invite Your Highness to come down, will you still come to see me?"

Zhao Xing stepped forward to sit on the Zen chair, glanced at the suet white jade Boshan stove on the long table with chicken wings and wooden carvings of double dragons playing with pearls, and clicked, calling Yuan Fu.

Yuan Fu understood, stepped forward in twos and threes, fetched water, and poured out the incense in the furnace.

The doors and windows were closed tightly, and the fragrance lingered, Yuan Fu walked up to the west window again, raised his hand, and pushed half of the door open.

The cold wind came in, and Han Lingfu shivered: "Isn't Your Highness cold?"

"If you feel cold, go back to your boudoir and you will be warm."

Han Lingfu's face changed slightly, and she immediately laughed at herself: "Your Highness has never been so cold in his dealings with others, but he was the only one with me—because I had sex with Jiang Wan several times when I was young, right?"

Zhao Xing narrowed his eyes, looked up and said, "It's because of your evil intentions."

Hearing these words, Han Lingfu's face was almost distorted: "Isn't it right? Could it be that Xi..."

She stopped talking suddenly, and glanced in the direction where Yuan Fu was standing.

Zhao Xing knew what she meant.

There was no need to dismiss Yuan Fu.

But when he saw the battle in the house, he changed his mind.

Now he wants to know even more how Duke Cheng's mansion is going to end up, and how Han Lingfu is going to get out unscathed.

So Zhao Xing waved his hand and told Yuan Fu to go outside the waterside house to guard.

Yuan Fu was slightly surprised, but he didn't refute a word, and walked out the door almost turning his head three times at a time.

Seeing this, Han Lingfu smiled again: "Yuan Fu seems to be very wary of me, so is your Highness looking at me with the same heart?"

Zhao Xing didn't even pay attention to her words.

Han Lingfu didn't seem to be waiting for his answer at all, she just walked forward half a step slowly, and said to herself: "I have admired Your Highness since I was a child, but Your Highness just said that my intentions are not right.

Could it be that liking Your Highness and being pleasing to you is considered to be an evil intention?

Compared with Liu Minghua, am I actually a person with evil intentions? "

She smiled wryly, her eyes filled with bitter words: "I even thought in the past that I would be satisfied to be a side concubine with His Highness.

But I never knew that His Highness actually looked at me like this—"

Han Lingfu almost cried: "I don't understand, what is the reason?

Now that something happened to my eldest brother, His Highness must be aware of it.

For so many years, His Highness has been very concerned about everything related to Jiang Wan.

Since Miss Xue is Jiang Erlang's sweetheart, she is also related to Jiang Wan.

I know that His Highness must hate my eldest brother because of her, but I still don't give up. I would like to ask His Highness to come over to the house and talk to you. "

Zhao Xing clicked his tongue: "So?"

Han Lingfu's breathing was slightly stagnant, biting her lower lip, hesitating for a moment, Fang said again: "The Third Highness told me that the marriage between His Highness and Jiang Wan has been settled in front of the official sage, and will be settled next year."

She took another half step forward tentatively: "It turns out that I have never missed it. Your Highness treats Jiang Wan differently, not because you treat her as a younger sister, but because she has always been on your heart all these years.

But I am also sincere to His Highness, whether His Highness is willing to welcome me to the palace in the future, even if it is just to be a side concubine, I am willing.

It is true that I am asking you to say such things to you now, but my heart..."


Zhao Xing finally opened his mouth seriously, but with two simple words, it was a rejection that could not be refuted.

Han Lingfu's face turned pale: "I only ask for the position of side concubine next to His Highness, is that not possible?"

"I told you, you're out of your mind."

Zhao Xing sneered: "Miss Han Er, I have been cold to you all these years, don't you really know why?

Your intentions, wish to let the world know.

I ask myself that I have always been kind to others, but seeing you is not enough.

From the beginning to the end, all I gave you was rejection, with a firm attitude, and you knew it well.

But you pestered her again and again, and when I was young, it was because I treated Zhuzhu differently that I targeted her several times.

You knew that I wanted to treat her, but you still did that, was it for me? "

He shook his head and said no: "It's just for yourself.

To this day, you let Zhao Yi lure me to the Duke's mansion under the guise of Mrs. Guo's name. Is it because you love me?

It's not—"

Zhao Xing stood up and stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes full of coldness: "It is to save your brother, and it is also because you understand that once he is convicted, you will no longer even have the qualifications to be my side concubine.

So you are just in a hurry, so you can only make the first move.

To put it bluntly, your behavior today is tantamount to recommending yourself as a pillow.

A noble lady, disregarding etiquette and decency.

I thought you were so clever, but it turned out to be nothing more than that—”

He glanced lightly at the table of wine and food: "Are you thinking that if I soften my heart for your pity's sake and agree to you, that would be the best, and everything will be solved easily.

If I refuse, you pretend to be pitiful and miserable, toast me a glass of wine, cut off the love of the past ten years, and walk away from me from now on, I shouldn't refuse because of emotion and reason.

So whether it's the incense in the Boshan furnace, or the wine in the jug on the table——Han Lingfu, you are so courageous! "

At the end of the conversation, Zhao Xing bit his voice harshly, all without exception.

Han Lingfu's pupils trembled: "How could you..."

"You are really fooling me for a fool."

Zhao Xing didn't bother to talk to her, so he raised his voice to call Yuan Fu.

"Do not--"

Yuan Fu was frightened and guarded the door, not daring to go far, but when he heard Zhao Xing's voice, he pushed the door open and entered, just as Han Lingfu was about to get the jug on the table.

Zhao Xing's eyes darkened, and he looked away. Yuan Fu rushed forward in three steps and two steps, and held her down.

"It seems that you are not going all out, and you are still thinking about destroying the evidence, so as not to make me get caught and implicate the Duke's Mansion."

With a low voice, suppressing the disgust in his eyes, he asked Han Lingfu coldly, "Did Zhao Yi give you an idea?"

Han Lingfu had already planned for the worst in her heart, but she never thought that it would be like this.

She hasn't had time to do anything yet...


But she recovered quickly.

The word "finished" crossed her heart, and she knew that this matter could not be resolved.

But as long as Zhao Yi is still there - she can gamble the entire Duke's mansion, but she must not implicate Zhao Yi!

 Second brother:?That's it
  Jiang Yuanzhan:?Why are you so good?How do you know she is like that?
  Zhao Ran: ... Speechless

  Second Brother: ... Speechless

(End of this chapter)

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