Chapter 129
There was an aphrodisiac in the jug of wine.

Even the incense in the water pavilion has added some imperceptible aphrodisiacs.

When the two are combined, the medicinal effect is stronger.

If it's just burning incense, it's not a big problem.

That's why Han Lingfu was fine after staying alone in the water pavilion for so long.

Of course, the incident alarmed Mrs. Cheng Guogong.

Her face was pale, and when she hurried to the waterside pavilion, Han Lingfu had already been tied up by Jing Shuang and Jing Lu.

The girl who was pampered and raised by Gaomen has never suffered from crying.

The big man's hands don't matter, Han Lingfu's hands were tied together, and there were obvious red marks on his wrists.

But how can Mrs. Cheng Guo take care of her heart?

As soon as she entered the door and scanned the situation in the room, she knelt down in front of Zhao Xing with a plop: "Forgive me, Second Highness, she is young and ignorant, offended and rushed..."

"For Mrs. Guo's words, I'd better wait until the next day to go back to my father and queen mother."

Zhao Xing interrupted her, not intending to show her any favors, and then said coldly: "I invited Madam here, because I want to ask Madam a few words first."

Mrs. Cheng Guogong broke out in a cold sweat from fright, and was suppressed by Zhao Xing's momentum, and dared not take a breath even more.

She dared to cry and grab the ground in the Prince's Mansion of Changping County, but no matter what she dared not speak forcefully in front of Zhao Xing.

How valuable this person is, anyone in the world who has eyes can see clearly.

Even if I borrowed her a hundred more courage, she really dare not play tricks in front of Zhao Xing!

Her teeth chattered up and down, and she knelt there with shivering shoulders, which was actually pitiful.

Zhao Xing just glanced coldly: "Ms. Han was raised in a deep boudoir. I didn't know that the Duke's mansion taught her so much that she was raised to be self-deprecating. Now, if she wants to use such a method, self-recommendation is not counted, and this kind of inferiority is still used." Doing things in an attempt to seduce."

Mrs. Cheng Guogong suddenly raised her head, Zhao Xing narrowed her eyes: "Madam doesn't know anything?"

"I... I really... I really don't know this!"

Just now the little girl at the bottom was talking back and forth, saying that she was afraid that Erniang would do something bad and offend the Second Highness.

She originally thought that Zhao Xing is a good-tempered person, even if Erniang offends her, and she comes to ask for a crime, it is nothing more than saying that the family is in a state of desperation because of Dalang's affairs, Erniang is confused for a while, please don't worry about it .

That's all.

So when Yuan Fu came to invite her and said that Zhao Xing wanted to see her, she didn't feel that it could be a big deal at all.

She knew Erniang's intentions a long time ago, and she just showed her heart and wanted to fight for that position.

She knew about it, but she didn't plan to take care of it.

But who would have thought... Who would have thought that such an unbearable thing!
Mrs. Cheng Guogong's face was not much bloody at first, and this matter even faded away.

She was furious, and slapped Han Lingfu on the face: "You bastard! Did I teach you, Aye Suri, to cultivate this kind of virtue in you?"

The slap was so powerful that Han Lingfu was unsteady and leaned on the ground, apparently also stunned.

As soon as Zhao Xing frowned, Yuan Fu would understand, stepped forward three or two steps, supported Han Lingfu to kneel down, and called Mrs. Guogong in a deep voice: "The little lady in the house has done something wrong, Mrs. Guogong, please don't follow me. My idea, if you want to beat and scold the discipline, don't do it in front of His Highness."

Mrs. Cheng Guogong's throat tightened, her heart broke.

She hurriedly knelt down, pretending to kowtow to Zhao Xing: "Second Highness, Second Niang, she only admired her since she was a child..."

"Let's keep this and tell the queen back."

Zhao Xing probably understood it.

Most of what Han Lingfu did was instigated by Zhao Yi.

That's a real rascal.

There is no room for maneuver in Han Peizhao's affairs, and he can't help at all. When Xue Chan broke up the matter, several families joined forces to kill Han Peizhao, and Cheng Guogong's mansion would also be accused of being incompetent. relationship.

He has always been close to the Duke's Mansion, so it's best to be a man with his tail between his legs in the next few months, and the fact that he stayed in the Yuhua Building has to be brought up and repeated by the people. goods.

Seeing that Cheng Guogong's mansion was hopeless, he didn't want to save people at all.

Simply teasing Han Lingfu, trying to seduce him.

Whether it succeeds or not, naturally it has nothing to do with Zhao Yi. Han Lingfu is not completely a fool, knowing that he will not pull Zhao Yi into the water at this time.

But if it really works, this is his handle, and of course it falls into Zhao Yi's hands.

Even if his father and queen would not punish him for this, it was inevitable that he would accept Han Lingfu.

As far as Zhao Yi is concerned, at least he has an eyeliner around him.

It's hard to say how long Han Lingfu's so-called sincerity can last before the interests of the family.

Play a good abacus.

But this matter really has nothing to do with Mrs. Guogong.

With that slap just now, Mrs. Guo really wished she could kill Han Lingfu.

So Zhao Xing stood up slowly, with his hands behind his back, and looked down at their mother and daughter: "The lady of the country is staying at the mansion well, it is best to send someone out of the city as soon as possible to invite the man back to the mansion, and then think about how to get there It's better to talk back to the Queen Mother.

As for the second girl Han——although your family’s reputation and decency can’t be taken care of at all, but for the sake of the Duke, I will leave her in the Duke’s Mansion until the Queen’s father and queen make a decision. . "

After his words fell, he had already started to walk out.

When passing by Mrs. Cheng Guogong, she paused for a while: "Madam should know how to measure, and won't embarrass the Duke, huh?"

Mrs. Cheng Guogong's heart sank, and she looked up.

Zhao Xing's face was cold, with icy scum in his eyes, there was no refinement or elegance.

The world is blind, and so is her girl.

It was only then that she suddenly woke up.

Then it's too late.

Erniang's big mistake has been made, and there is no turning back.

Mrs. Cheng Guogong replied repeatedly: "Your Highness, don't worry..."

Zhao Xing glanced at her lightly, retracted his gaze, and turned to go out.

Behind him, Han Lingfu seemed to have just regained consciousness, and Zhao Xing had already stepped out of the water pavilion door with one foot.

She uttered suddenly, almost hoarsely, the sharp voice cut through the silence and silence in the room: "Your Highness! Is she just like that?"

Hearing this, Zhao Xing frowned, and even Mrs. Guo raised her heart in her throat, subconsciously wanting to slap her again.

"I am like this today..."

Han Lingfu lowered her eyes sadly: "Your Highness doesn't even want to look at me more, does he?"

She is incurable.

Obsession arises in the heart, and paranoia becomes a demon.

That is not necessarily love.

All things that turn from love to hate, destroy if you can't get it, or do whatever you can to get it, shouldn't be considered love.

Zhao Xing withdrew his gaze, he really didn't want to look at Han Lingfu again, and told Jing Shuang in a cold voice: "You stay and watch her, don't allow anyone to approach her, and don't allow anyone to talk to her."

Most of the crazy people talk nonsense, and he doesn't want Han Lingfu to say something bad about Zhuzhu.

(End of this chapter)

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