The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 130 Extremely Rude

Chapter 130 Extremely Rude (Part [-])
After leaving the Duke's Mansion, the sky was filled with snow.

The land of Shengjing was quickly covered with a layer of whiteness.

At first, the snow was as soft as fluff, but it gradually turned into heavy snow, and it became bigger and bigger as it fell.

There was a small stove in the carriage, Yuan Fu was afraid that Zhao Xing would be cold, so he handed over a hand stove: "Your Highness, the snow outside is getting heavier."

"Snowflakes are pure white, that's why Zhuzhu has always loved winter snow the most."

But under the cover of cleanliness, there is never a constant hiding of dirt, which makes people feel bored and occasionally tired.

Zhao Xing took the hand stove, the temperature was just right, he tapped his fingertips on the hand stove cover made of brocade satin: "You go to the county prince's mansion."

"But about Miss Han Er..."

Zhao Xing shook his head and interrupted him: "I didn't ask you to tell Zhuzhu, I will tell her about these things myself."

Yuan Fu said ah, and immediately understood that he was asked to see Jiang Yuanzhan.

Because of Xue Chan.

Then Zhao Xing patted the carriage, the driver stopped the car steadily, and Yuan Fu was about to get out.


He called out again.

Yuan Fu turned his head and saw Zhao Xing handing over the hand stove in his hand.

He was moved for a while, and just about to say that the slave is not cold, Zhao Xing glanced at him strangely, and clicked: "Leave it to Zhuzhu, let her be good in the palace, don't worry about getting angry."

Yuan Fu kept oh, and quickly took it, carefully holding it in his arms, a gold-plated hand stove, which he also protected very carefully, got out of the car and got off, and hurriedly walked towards the Changping County Prince's Mansion.

During the holidays in the middle of the court, there are people on duty in each department's yamen. Usually there will be no major events at the end of the year.

Therefore, since the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, Emperor Jinhe seldom went to Funing Hall to deal with government affairs.

Most of the time, he accompanied Queen Zheng in Hanzhang Hall.

Whether playing chess or enjoying flowers, whatever Empress Zheng likes to do, he will accompany her.

I am busy all year round, and only these ten or so days are the most leisurely, when I can lay down my hands and spend time with my beloved wife.

Therefore, as soon as Zhao Xing returned to the palace, he went straight to Hanzhang Hall.

At that time, the little maid came back from picking the red plums, Empress Zheng was fiddling with the screen, and Emperor Jin He was leaning on the three-legged table, holding a book in his hand, but his mind was obviously not on the book, his eyes He never left Queen Zheng at all.

Gong'e outside opened the felt curtain and led Zhao Xing in, just as the last plum in Empress Zheng's hand had been placed.

As soon as he saw him, the smile on his brows became stronger, and he waved his hand and called him: "You came just in time, I just finished it, do you see how it looks?"

Zhao Xing looked indifferent, rather than laughing, it would be better to say that he was flirting, more like he had to perfunctory.

Empress Zheng and Emperor Jinhe looked at each other, and Emperor Jinhe buckled the scroll behind his back: "Why do you look like this when you come back from outside? Did you quarrel with the little girl of the Jiang family?"

Zhao Xing felt helpless.

Empress Zheng also glared at him.

In the Golden Palace, he was a high and mighty emperor on earth, but when he returned to the harem, he became a different person.

Xu was too restrained in the previous court, and had to bear the majesty of the emperor. After many years, he was really tired. It has always been like this in the past ten years.

Father and son of the Tian family seldom have warmth, but Jin Hedi did a very good job in this.

He saw that Empress Zheng also stared at him, so he changed his words: "What's the matter?"

Zhao Xing thought about it, then nodded first and said yes: "My son went out to the palace, and didn't go to the emperor's uncle's house."

After finishing speaking, he looked up and appeased Empress Zheng first: "There is something I have to go back to you and the emperor, but you have heard that don't be too angry, otherwise I won't go back."

He rarely does.

Empress Zheng's complexion was not good on the spot.

Jin Hedi also sat up straight: "Where did you go?"

Zhao Xing did not speak.

Empress Zheng pressed her brows together and calmed down for a while: "Just tell me, I just don't want to be angry."

But she will definitely be angry after hearing it.

Only then did Zhao Xing agree to reply: "Han Peizhao from Chengguo's mansion caused trouble, and he ruined the innocent little lady in Fengkelai, but that little lady is Jiang Yuanzhan's...confidant and friend."

He deliberately paused, even Empress Zheng was taken aback, and asked him: "That lady Xue?"

Zhao Xing hummed: "This matter came to the Jingzhao Mansion, for the sake of the year, the Governor of the Huang Mansion only temporarily put Han Peizhao in prison, and went to inform the Duke and Madam.

The Duke's wife loved her son so dearly that she even went to beg the emperor's aunt.

But you also know Aunt Huang's temper.

She couldn't express her feelings, she had nowhere to ask for help, and she didn't dare to make a big noise, so she didn't know how to entrust it to Saburo.

San Lang went out of the palace to visit the Duke's mansion. He came back to the palace to find his son more than an hour ago, saying that the wife of the Duke had something to ask for, so he asked the minister to come to the Duke's mansion.

Erchen thought, probably it was because of Han Peizhao.

For those who are celebrating Chinese New Year, it is better to go to see her and persuade her to die. How to convict her and make a copy after a while, the Yamen will make their own decision, so I went. "

This is appalling enough.

It's nothing more than the emperor's stability.

But his face was still ugly.

"It's just asshole!"

Jin Hedi made a small case: "What a good son of a noble family, two years ago, Cheng Guogong even submitted a zhezi to ask for a seal for him. That's how he made me look up to him!"

Empress Zheng's face was solemn: "Nonsense! This kind of crap, the Jingzhao Mansion can deal with it as it pleases, pleading? What can I plead? She is an innocent girl with a bright future, but she is ruined by—— "

Forget it.

Saying this right now would only add to anger.

Empress Zheng thought about what her youngest son had done, her complexion was ashen, and she called the female officer close to her: "You go to the Zhentang Hall..."


Zhao Xing cupped his hands and made a salute: "I haven't finished answering my son's words."

Empress Zheng's breath stagnated: "Aren't you upset and angry about this?"

Emperor Jin He also raised his eyebrows and looked over.

Zhao Xing tightened the corners of his lips, shook his head and said no: "My son went to Duke Cheng's mansion, but in fact it was Han Erniang who used the name of the Duke's wife and entrusted her to Saburo to ask my son to meet you in private. one side.

She was afraid that her son and minister would not go, so she used the name of the Duke's wife.

Saburo probably didn't expect her to be so presumptuous, and for her brother's sake, he helped her out. "

After he finished speaking, he took a deep breath: "Erniang Han set up a small banquet in the water pavilion of the Duke's Mansion. First, she recommended herself as a pillow to sit in front of my son, and then put aphrodisiac medicine in the wine and spices. If my son was not vigilant and found it in time, I'm afraid it will be a mess now." I suffered a great loss and fell into her trap!"

Zhao Xing gritted his teeth, and annoyance appeared in his eyes again: "My son left Jing Shuang in Chengguo Duke's mansion to take care of him, and hurried back to the palace to report to you and my father. This matter is of great importance, and my son dare not If you are good at it, you can become the government of the country—”

He tightly clenched the hand hanging by his side, gritted his teeth, and even changed his words, only calling the Han family: "It's really out of place, extremely rude!"

(End of this chapter)

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