The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 131 Whose Child

Chapter 131 Whose Child (Part [-])
The white porcelain amphora placed on the black lacquered table with square head turned into pieces had already shattered.

The red plums in the bottle were originally the most beautiful, and the white porcelain bottle complements each other even more.

Empress Zheng liked to play with these people since she was young, and her skills were good, far better than those servants in the conservatory who were doing errands.

It's just a pity that the bottle of plum blossoms.

Empress Zheng gasped for breath after listening to the end of the matter, her eyes turned black several times, if not for Emperor Jinhe supporting her waist, she would have passed out and fell on the soft couch .

Now that she drank half a cup of tea, Jin Hedi kept patting her back to calm her breath, and she managed to recover.

The pieces of broken porcelain in front of her disturbed her even more. Empress Zheng pushed Jinhe Emperor away with a wave of her hand, and coldly ordered the female official Hanzhang: "Go and call Sanlang!"

Zhao Xing frowned, stopped people subconsciously, and then persuaded Empress Zheng: "You call Sanlang here, and you just scold him. Anyway, he begs for mercy, saying that he doesn't know anything about it. I grew up with Han Peizhao, for the sake of these things, I thought Erniang Han just wanted to see me for mercy, what else can you do to him?"

He asked back and sighed silently: "Queen Mother, just now I advised you, don't be too angry, you agreed."

"Such a bastard thing!"

Empress Zheng gritted her teeth.

She was born to be the sexiest person.

When I was a girl at home, I was not a strong person, and I had brothers and sisters above, and I just ate, drank and had fun every day.

As she was a little older, she followed her aunt and sister to learn how to be a housekeeper and keep accounts. Although she behaved like a noble girl, she was never arrogant and domineering.

In short, she is a very good lady who has been raised since she was a child.

Marrying into the royal family, even though she experienced two turmoil with Emperor Jinhe in the past, Emperor Jinhe protected her so well that until now, she seldom blushed with others.

I was really angry today, I dropped something, and I wanted to curse at someone.

Hearing Zhao Xing's words now, his expression became colder: "You call me for this kind of thing..."

"All right."

Jin Hedi was afraid that she would get angry more and more, so he coaxed her in a soft voice: "You are angry in the palace, what's the use of getting angry?

Anyway, Erlang is smart, and it's not a bad thing.

Saburo, he... he should have some experience and develop some skills.

But in any case, it is the Han family's sons and daughters who are hateful. "

At this point, he frowned again: "When you came back from the Duke's mansion, did Duke Cheng go home?"

Zhao Xing shook his head and said no: "The lady of the country also messed up and threatened to kill Mrs. Han Er. I saw their mother and daughter making a mess, so I really didn't want to get involved in the chaos at his house, so I just left people to watch. Han Erniang, to prevent her from pondering because the incident was revealed, and also to prevent the Duke's wife from being confused, secretly released her to leave the capital.

Before leaving, I told Mrs. Guogong to send someone out of the city to inform Cheng Guogong as soon as possible.

At this moment..."

He paused for a moment, his eyes darkened: "It's probably time to come back."

Chengguo Mansion·Study
Cheng Guogong has indeed returned home.

How could he still be able to stay in the Taoist temple when such a big incident happened in the family?
Han Lingfu was detained in Shuixie, and Jing Shuang was ordered by Zhao Xing to guard her every step of the way, not allowing anyone to approach her, and not asking anyone to talk to her.

Even Cheng Guogong came back after hearing about this and went to Shuixie to see her, but Jing Shuang stopped the door.

At this time, Mrs. Cheng Guogong was crying, and she sat on the grand teacher's chair and patted her thighs: "What should I do? What can I do now? Dalang is still locked up in Jingzhao Mansion, and Erniang has such a thing again. Things! The sage has always been the most concerned about His Highness the Second Highness, and there is definitely nothing he can do about it! What should we do?"

Cheng Guogong sat behind the desk with a flat face.

He propped his hands on the desk, his expression was dull, and his eyes even flickered several times.

After a long while, I shook my head and sighed, "Now you know how to be anxious."

Mrs. Cheng's heart sank.

He was just too calm.

No anger, no blame.

She looked sideways, and there was nothing but indifference on the most familiar face under the light and shadow.

A big accident happened in the family. If one of them can't be fixed, the whole family can't be saved.

And what about him?
Like a normal person, he stayed out of the matter and watched with cold eyes.

Mrs. Cheng Guogong suddenly became angry: "Isn't this your home? Isn't that your pair of children? I have supported you for ten years in such a big Duke's mansion. What do you mean now?"

Her heart was completely cold: "You blame me for not teaching the child well, which caused today's disaster, right? You only care about cultivating immortals, making alchemy and taking medicine every day, and why have you ever cared about the child or the house?

Now that something happened, it's all my fault, but you are innocent, can't you be implicated by our mother and child? "

Cheng Guogong gritted his teeth, and finally there were emotional fluctuations on his face: "Are these two children really mine?"

He narrowed his eyes: "There are many things that I won't expose, and you'd better keep them in your stomach for the rest of your life and don't mention them.

Let's all be quiet and live like this for the rest of our lives, okay?

How and when the two children were conceived, you know, and I may not know. "

He stood up abruptly: "For a pair of children who don't know if they are my blood, I have to pay the entire Duke of Cheng's mansion. I shouldn't blame you? I shouldn't hate you?"

Cheng Guogong's originally dull face showed a little more hatred: "I have treated you, Da Lang and Er Niang with the utmost benevolence and righteousness!

At the beginning, the official sage chose him to be the third highness's companion, and I turned it down. It was you who said that the child's future should not be delayed. If you are a good mansion, do you really plan to let the child grow up useless? I follow you, pamper you, and let him go.

How arrogant he is, he even dared to bully the Third Highness in the past, I want to control him, but did you tell me to control him? "

Mrs. Cheng Guogong's face was pale: " do you..."

"How would I know?"

Cheng Guogong stood up, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at her with cold eyes: "I gave you the greatest tolerance, and tried to influence you with love, and the result is self-evident.

The two of us, so be it.

The disasters caused by Dalang and Erniang, I will be responsible for them after all, and the Duke's Mansion will be responsible for them.

I am also very old. At this age, I don't want to make the scandals known to the world.

I want face, but also give you enough dignity.

It's just that there are some things you shouldn't say, and you don't deserve to say them.

I have never asked about the upbringing of this pair of children, one is that you don't ask me to, and the other is that you—"

He took a deep breath, but he didn't say any ugly words: "From now on, you won't be able to enjoy the glory and wealth of the Duke's mansion. Go, clean up, and follow me into the palace to plead guilty."

(End of this chapter)

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