Chapter 132 Asking for the title (Part [-])
Cheng Guogong and his wife entered the Funing Hall to see them.

Empress Zheng sat beside Emperor Jinhe.

On the left hand side of the dragon chair throne, there is another square throne with a smaller size.

That has always been the privilege of Empress Zheng alone.

Apart from her, no one dared to take a seat beside the throne.

Cheng Guogong and his wife knelt down at His Royal Highness, kowtowed and pleaded guilty.

Empress Zheng always looked unkind, and refused to give even a kind look.

Jin Hedi is the father, but also the emperor, so he will never be like her.

He asked Cheng Guogong to get up, he seemed extremely disappointed, shook his head and sighed: "You are also a veteran, these years, you have always lived in a Taoist temple, I told you earlier, so it is not a problem.

Your Dalang was such a clever child when he was young. I valued him so much that I chose him to be Saburo's companion.

What a good child, now he's done like this.

And your second mother..."

Emperor Jin He sighed again, and the sound of the sigh was obviously a lot heavier: "Great lady, even if she is really interested in Erlang, you are Aye, can't you get rid of this old face and come to me to ask for a marriage?" ?
Even if I don't agree, it's a matter of passing the Ming road in a serious way, why is it here.

Why is this? "

He didn't scold or get annoyed, Long Yan was expected to be furious, but instead made Cheng Guogong and his wife even more ashamed to face it.

At this time, Mrs. Cheng Guogong absolutely dare not open her mouth to intercede.

She never thought that the Duke of the country was fully aware of the scandals she had done in the past few decades.

Grandpa Guo spoke clearly and clearly.

When he was young, he was affectionate, and he really liked her, so he tolerated such things, turned a blind eye, and wanted to wait for the day when she changed her mind.

In the end, instead of waiting, a catastrophe came.

The Duke of the State has given up his mind a long time ago. Now he is just old and really doesn't want to lose this face anymore. He calls the old things the people of the world to talk about.

It was as much his decency as it was hers.

It is indeed the end of the day for the married couple to do this.

If she dares to act presumptuously in front of the imperial court again today, no one will be able to keep her.

The Duke will no longer bother to protect her.

Therefore, Mrs. Cheng Guogong kept silent, and dared not say a word except kneeling upright.

Cheng Guogong did not stand up at all. Hearing the words of Jinhe Emperor, he kowtowed more and more, and kowtowed again, pleading guilty: "It is the minister who did not teach well, raised such a child, and caused troubles for the officials and the saints. The minister is guilty. "

Emperor Jin He still shook his head, but looked at Empress Zheng.

Cheng Guogong and his wife's attitude is soft, but it doesn't mean that Queen Zheng must accept it.

Empress Zheng took a deep breath: "Duke Cheng, this is the end of the matter, don't blame me for speaking harshly, for not showing respect to your couple."

Cheng Guogong hurriedly said that he didn't dare: "but listen to the teachings of the sages."

"Your child, acting absurdly is really humiliating the lintel. You have been obsessed with Taoism all these years, and all the children in your family have been left to the Duke and Madam to take care of them. Now that you have caused trouble, it should have been shared by both of you and me. Say, can you admit it?"

"I admit it myself."

Empress Zheng said that was good, then looked back at Emperor Jinhe, her voice was cold, and she called the officials: "I have only three sons under my knees, and Dalang is older, so I don't have to worry about it. Sanlang is young, and he grew up without me. Only Erlang is the child I brought up with my own hands. I don't want him to suffer, and I don't want anyone to go to great lengths to plot against him.

Since the Duke and his wife are willing to admit it, let the officials make a decision for Erlang. "

After she finished speaking, she looked towards His Highness and saw Mrs. Cheng Guogong secretly looking up, and immediately remembered what Zhao Xing said that she had gone to Changping County Prince's Mansion to pester Mrs. Jiang to make a fuss.

Empress Zheng gritted her teeth again: "There is still Pei Guogong's mansion standing there!"

She gritted her voice, and then asked Cheng Guogong: "How much do you know about Mrs. Xue and Jiang Erlang, Cheng Guogong?"

Cheng Guogong was speechless.

Empress Zheng sneered: "You said it yourself, how can you ask the officials to show respect to your family, and how can you treat your two children lightly? It's simply abominable!

With the background of Miss Xue, if Jiang Erlang hadn't really put her on the top of his heart, he would not have dared to show that he wanted to take her as his wife in front of the princess of the county and the secret envoy Gu.

In the end, a good marriage was ruined by your boss—"

Empress Zheng's voice stopped abruptly, and Mrs. Cheng Guogong shivered.

Cheng Guogong lowered his head, his eyes were dark and there was no light.

He understands.

Before entering the palace, he knew that this matter could not be resolved.

Whether it was between his house and Pei Guogong's mansion, or because the Second Highness was there, from the beginning to the end of this matter, in front of the official sage, the Han family could not get half of the benefits.

Now it's just a show.

The officials don't want to be too harsh. After all, his family is different from the previous Duke Liu's mansion.

The Liu family was covering up, and even joined forces with Liu Minghua to commit heinous crimes.

His family is still able to smoke out... If you blindly beg for mercy, it will be a bad thing.

Even the saint is going to stand up to be this villain, so he naturally needs to be more informed.

Cheng Guogong gritted his teeth and came to a conclusion in his mind. He bent his mind, kowtowed once more, then straightened his waist, raised his head and replied: "I know that I am useless. I can neither share the worries of the king, nor contribute to the world. Now that the two children are disrespectful, each of them committed such a scandal, the minister is guilty, so I ask the officials to take back the title of Cheng Guo Duke, and move the whole family out of Shengjing, after that, the three generations of the Han family will not be officials!"

Mrs. Cheng Guogong was taken aback, and suddenly turned her face to look at him.

But he just knelt there, his expression unchanged: "I know that Dalang and Erlang have committed a lot of crimes, but Erniang is a girl after all. I still want to ask the officials and saints for the sake of asking for heavy punishment. Xu Chen took her out of Beijing together, taking care of her reputation a little bit.

After leaving the capital, the minister will send her to the Han's family temple. From then on, the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha will always accompany her, and let her lead her to practice in order to atone for her sins.

If the official family is willing to give the minister some dignity and save Dalang's life, the minister will be grateful and grateful, and will never forget the official family's great kindness.

But I dare not intercede for Da Lang, according to the "Da Ye Law", he should be beheaded..."

People who were already old became ten years older for a while.

After winning the title, he was expelled from Beijing, and three generations of clan members were not officials. This is indeed an extremely severe punishment.

Emperor Jin He took a deep breath, looked at Empress Zheng's complexion again, and squinted his eyes: "You couple, go back, these two matters will not be decided until the opening of the dynasty. .”

Not sure or not.

Cheng Guogong didn't know what to do, he really didn't have the confidence, but he didn't dare to ask the king.

So he had no choice but to stand up slowly on his knees, and gave Mrs. Cheng Guogong another hand. The couple bowed to salute, and without saying a word, they respectfully exited Funing Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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