The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 133 Promoting Feelings

Chapter 133 Promoting Feelings (Part [-])
As soon as Cheng Guogong and his wife withdrew, Empress Zheng pulled her face down: "The officials will not really want to indulge Han Peizhao and Han Lingfu, right?"

She is not ignorant.

After decades of marriage, how could she have made trouble?
Jin Hedi knew that she had always been the most gentle and gracious, and even the late emperor once said that Zheng's family is worthy of being the mother of the world.

This kind of praise and praise is not something everyone can get.

She would ask this out of anger.

The crux still lies with Erlang.

"I know you are angry, but Cheng Guogong asked the court to seize the title, and said that three generations of descendants will not be officials. This kind of punishment is too heavy. If I agree, will I still have to kill his sons and daughters?"

Emperor Jinhe went to shake Empress Zheng's hand: "A lot of things have happened in Shengjing in the past half a year, and we should live a few days of cleanliness. A few days ago, Jiang Hu sent back a secret letter from Youzhou, and the Turks were ready to move. Now he guards In Liaodong County, the people of Youzhou can also enjoy a smooth and stable new year.

But the resumption of the war is only a matter of time. "

Empress Zheng's eyelids jumped up suddenly: "Then..."

Jin Hedi noticed that her fingers tightened, and patted the back of her hand reassuringly: "It's okay, I'm telling you this, just to advise you, don't hold Cheng Guogong's mansion too much.

Since he was willing to plead guilty, he asked himself to be held accountable, raised his hand, and let it go if he could.

Incidents happened in Liu Guogong's mansion and Cheng Guogong's mansion one after another, which is definitely not a good thing for the court.

If it is placed on a normal day, it is fine to send and punish, and the left and right are their own children who are not up to date and made mistakes first, no matter how much punishment is given, it is not an exaggeration.

The situation is special now, and these two families both started their careers in the military in the early years.

In the future, you can't really rely on Jiang Hu to fight on the battlefield alone, can you?
The military generals in the court didn't want to fight at all. Seeing the Liu family and the Han family end up like this, in the bottom of my heart, I'm afraid they will feel that they are cunning rabbits and poor dogs. How many people are really willing to work for the court? "

Empress Zheng certainly knew how powerful it was.

But she just couldn't figure it out.

In the final analysis, those people have no ability.

The Duke of Peiguo's mansion is also established by the military and military. Hasn't Jiang Hu never been treated coldly?

It's because they themselves think that they will never be able to compare with Jiang Hu in terms of ability and ability, so they can't sit in Jiang Hu's position, so they just want to blindly hide in comfort and leisure, keep their old achievements and eat their laurels, and live in peace for the rest of their lives, just fish in troubled waters go down.

Empress Zheng let out a long sigh of relief.

Emperor Jinhe had always wanted to clean up the court, but he couldn't pull all these people down and kill them all.

Kill them all, that's called self-disruption.

There are so many capable people in the world, and the most indispensable thing in the imperial court is talents, but they have the foundation and experience, where can they find them all of a sudden?

If everyone was like Jiang Yuanzhan, he wouldn't have to worry.

And those rich families.

Which one is not deeply rooted, and the forces behind it are intricate.

Empress Zheng finally calmed down: "I always listen to the officials."

Emperor Jinhe patted her again: "Sanlang acted foolishly this time, you feel sorry for him, but he can't stay like this forever.

Compared with Dalang Erlang, he was already incapable of writing and martial arts, and he was not top-notch in every way. If this continues, he will not be expected to help Dalang in the future. "

Empress Zheng frowned: "How old is he..."

"He's 15 years old." Emperor Jin He didn't let Empress Zheng finish his sentence this time, "During the [-]th and [-]th, you said that he was still young and would get better gradually. Are you still saying that now?
When Dalang was fifteen, Qiu Lie was already able to shoot back a black bear by himself.

Erlang Twelve-San did a good job, and even the old master was full of praise for him.

Do you look at Saburo again? "

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Empress Zheng's complexion changed, and her eyes were sullen, so he hurriedly coaxed people: "He is also my child, I am not saying that he is not good, let alone that the Zheng family did not teach him well.

But he left us when he was young and was sent to the Zheng family. Even in his maternal ancestral family, there is always a monarch and minister in front of him.

He is the prince born in the first line, and will be the prince in the future. He is raised in the Zheng family. Everyone in the Zheng family dares not give up their hearts.

You have to admit this. "

Empress Zheng lowered her eyes: "What do the officials want?"

Emperor Jinhe slowly withdrew his hand: "I have already decided to crown Dalang the king in February, open the mansion and build teeth, and tell him to move out of the palace, and practice in the palace for a few more years, and it will be done.

At that time, let Sanlang move to live in Dalang's palace. "

Empress Zheng's complexion changed suddenly: "This is impossible!"

Emperor Jinhe also rarely frowned: "Rou Niang, how did Duke Cheng's mansion get to where it is today? You can see it, are you not afraid at all?"

Empress Zheng suddenly caught her breath.

Emperor Jinhe shook his head: "Dalang treated him badly, and never fulfilled his responsibilities as a brother. In the past, he was willing to teach Erlang hand in hand, but since Sanlang returned to the palace, he didn't even bother to give Sanlang a good look.

Rou Niang, the flesh and blood of the Tian family, is our blessing to be like Da Lang and Er Lang.

But like Dalang and Saburo, talent should be the norm. "

He saw that Empress Zheng's face turned pale, he paused for a moment, and then persuaded: "In the past, there was Erlang to mediate, and I always thought that in the future, we will leave the children alone to support us. With Erlang, Sanlang's life will always be better." better.

He is willing to fight for himself, and he doesn't want to compete with Dalang. If he can stay in the capital, it is best for brothers to support each other. Back one or two.

But now there is Jiang Awan between the two brothers, I think Sanlang himself is confused, do you still dare to expect Erlang to protect him well? "


Queen Zheng wanted to refute, but was speechless.

Emperor Jin He used to fight against each other like this back then. Those who hid in the dark, the turbulent waves that cannot be seen, have never experienced it personally, and will never see the truth of the matter.

She accompanied him all the way, so what didn't she know?

Seeing that she was silent, Jin and Emperor handed over a hand: "Tell him to go. One is to suffer some training under Da Lang's hands, and he will develop some skills. The other is if he is obedient, Da Lang will look at him It's pleasing to the eye, the two brothers live together, it's best to develop a relationship, and they won't be afraid in the future.

Besides, what are you afraid of?Da Lang is not an asshole.He didn't want to see Saburo any more, so why did he still kill him in his palace?

Children will grow up, and you have to learn to let go. "

Empress Zheng raised her hand and slowly sent her white right hand into Emperor Jin He's hand, biting her lower lip: "Aren't you going to marry Da Lang?"

Jin Hedi lightly squeezed her palm: "That's the future Empress of the Central Palace, don't worry.

I see, San Lang's matter is more difficult to deal with right now, so let's hold on to their brothers first. "

 Your Highness: Unlucky!
  Second Brother: Unlucky!Brother, stay away from me in the future!
  Zhuzhu: Same as above.

  Second Brother: Same as above.

  Zhao Yi:?
(End of this chapter)

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