The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 134 Preventing troubles before they happen

Chapter 134 Precautions (Part [-])

Shengjing has been snowing for several days, and the streets and alleys are covered with layers of hoarfrost.

Zhao Xing is the palace that leaves at dusk.

Empress Zheng got angry and had a headache when she heard his reply, she chose to go out at this hour, she made it clear that she didn't plan to go back to the palace, she was going to stay in the county palace for the night.

It's just that I feel sorry for him to meet such an ignorant bastard like Han Lingfu and go through such a thing.

Knowing that Jiang Wan was the only one he was thinking about, he let him go.

Jiang Wan was waiting at the gate of the Prince's Mansion with an octagonal palace lantern.

As soon as Zhao Xing's carriage entered the long street, a young man came inside to answer the conversation.

Although she knew that Han Lingfu couldn't do anything to Zhao Xing, she was still worried all day long.

But Zhao Xing asked Yuan Fu to send the hand stove over, and Jiang Wan knew that he didn't want her to go out and get involved in these things, and that meant telling her to stay at home and wait for news from him.

Now that he heard that he was coming, he hurried back to Jiang's, took the girl and ran out.

It gets dark early in winter, especially after snow falls.

However, candles were brightly lit in front of the Prince's Mansion, and there were six lanterns hanging high under the gate of the Zhu Hong Mansion, which instead reflected the snow on the ground with a faint silver light, which was bright.

Zhao Xing got out of the car, looked up, and saw Jiang Wan waiting in the corridor.

At this time, the snow was a little smaller, but it was still floating all over the sky. She was wearing a honey-colored cloak, embroidered with large red plums, and the hood was not put on properly, and it was half down.

The few strands of hair tied with red strings in front of him were covered with white snow.

Zhao Xing frowned, walked up the steps quickly, and blocked the wind and snow for her, then raised his hand to pat the snow off Jiang Wan's shoulder, and pointed to those on her hair: "It's freezing cold, since I'm here, what can't I wait for?" Shall I go to the mansion and talk about it?"

Jiang Wan pursed his lips and handed over the palace lantern in his hand.

Zhao Xing looked at her cold and red fingertips, and glanced at the two girls Changan and Changning behind her.

Jiang Wan yelled at him: "It has nothing to do with them. Look at this lamp!"

Zhao Xing had already taken it from her hand. Hearing what she said, he improved a little and looked carefully.

The octagonal palace lantern is exquisite and transparent, and there are eight painted paintings on the outside.

Usually one side is one side, but this lamp is very different.

The eight sides are disassembled and each is a painting, and when viewed together, it is also a whole picture.

It is indeed ingenious, and it is not available to those who are not skilled painters.

Of course Zhao Xing recognized who wrote it, so he raised his eyebrows: "Xian Baolai?"

Jiang Wan's face was full of pride: "I've been preparing for half a month! It gets dark early in winter, and if you go in and out with this lantern for lighting, you won't be afraid of falling! Isn't this gift from me very thoughtful?"

What can Zhao Xing say?

He was accompanied by palace attendants when he went in and out, so it was impossible for him to be thrown in the dark wherever he went.

But her kindness really made people very happy.

Even the haze brought about by Han Lingfu and Zhao Yi's conspiracy was swept away at this moment.

Zhao Xing smiled and said: "The most rare thing is Miss Jiang's heart."

It was he who taught her the pen and ink paintings.

Her above abilities are all inherited from him, and there is really nothing to offer.

Jiang Wan saw his brows and eyes stretched, and then closed his cloak: "Just smile, I was afraid that you would be troubled by the Han family's affairs, so I took this lamp and ran out to wait for you."

The two of them had just passed the screen wall not far away, and were about to go to the upper courtyard to pay respects to Mrs. Jiang.

Zhao Xing paused slightly when he heard the words, and looked down at her.

Jiang Wan also happened to look up to meet his gaze, and smiled: "This was originally a New Year's gift for you. I thought about it for a long time before I prepared this, but in order to make you happy, I gave it to you in advance."

The smile in Zhao Xing's eyes became stronger: "Then what should we do during the Chinese New Year?"

Jiang Wan shrugged: "I'll prepare something else for you. I'm not that stingy. As a gift to my second brother, do I still take this one as a New Year's gift?"

Zhao Xing's hand holding the palace lantern tightened three points, and his breathing became heavier.

It was cold, and every breath brought out a small cloud of white mist.

Jiang Wan poked his arm: "Don't get excited, won't you be laughed at by my aunt?"

Then he raised his hand again and pointed to the white mist that had just dispersed in front of Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing was helpless for a while, seeing her bent over with a smile, stretched out his hand to pick her up, and led her all the way to Jiang's house.

The whole family knew what Han Lingfu did.

When Yuan Fu spoke back and forth with Jiang Yuanzhan, Jiang Yuanzhan happened to be talking in Jiang's house, so he listened together.

At that time, he was already annoyed for a while, and Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan had to coax him for a long time before he could calm him down.

Therefore, when I met Zhao Xing now, and brought up the disgusting things about the Han family, I didn't have such a temper.

"Based on what you mean, I'm afraid the officials may not be able to kill you."

Zhao Xing hummed: "That's why I asked Yuan Fu to tell you. My father has his own considerations, and Cheng Guogong is willing to go ahead and retreat to save his sons and daughters.

The emperor didn't want to chill the hearts of the courtiers, and even made the generals feel that the end would be nothing more than that.

Even if there was something wrong with his family, according to his father's usual style of doing things, he might have a lot of worries, and he must leave a way for Han Peizhao and his sister to survive. "

Zhao Ran frowned when he heard this: "Isn't that letting the tiger go back to the mountain? Their brother and sister are a good pair of wolves, tigers and leopards, so that's not a good thing!

Cheng Guogong's mansion was defeated and left Shengjing, but as long as the people are still there, the foundation is still there.

Cheng Guogong has a lot of wishful thinking! "

Jiang stared at him, and then asked Zhao Xing: "Do you want Erlang to tell Xue Chan that you can simply make things bigger and make the capital uneasy, and everyone knows that if Cheng Guogong wants to protect Han Peizhao, he will not let you go." Can't keep it?"

Zhao Xing nodded deeply: "He can't stay.

I know that my father wants to be safe, but this matter cannot be safe.

The emperor father and the empress mother were soft-hearted towards Zhao Yi, and he always cleaned himself up in everything, but so many things happened these days, the emperor's aunt saw him, even if he was really innocent, Han Peizhao couldn't stay anymore. "

Jiang frowned, pinching her eyebrows as if thinking about what Zhao Xing said.

Seeing her hesitation, Zhao Xing called her again: "Didn't Yuan Zhan intend to let Han Peizhao go from the beginning?"

As he said that, he looked sideways at Jiang Yuanzhan: "I expected you and Xue Chan to have a back hand, and you have to put Han Peizhao to death to finish it?"

Jiang Yuanzhan raised his eyebrows and looked back: "Then you still ask Yuan Fu to tell me?"

Zhao Xing was noncommittal, but he heard a definite answer from Jiang Yuanzhan's words: "So don't worry about Aunt Huang, this is not against the father, but to prevent problems before they happen, and end them early to avoid future troubles."

Jiang took a deep breath, and it took her a long time to relax: "Have you told Da Lang?"

Zhao Xing shook his head: "Brother left the city early this morning and will come back around tomorrow. He doesn't know these things yet."

Mrs. Jiang frowned again, and changed what she was about to say: "When Dalang comes back, go and tell him yourself, what you said is to prevent problems before they happen...Erlang, those things will never happen." Don't lie to your brother."

(End of this chapter)

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