Chapter 135 Crazy (One More)
Twelfth lunar month 29, the day before New Year's Eve.

It's snowing all over the sky, and it hasn't stopped since last night.

Xue Chan, an outsider of the Jingzhao Mansion, knelt down straight at the bottom of the steps, her peach-colored cloak turned plain white by the wind and snow.

No one knew how long she had been kneeling, but when the yamen servant on duty saw her pale lips, he rubbed his hands and breathed, and came down the steps to persuade her: "Miss Xue, it will be New Year's Eve tomorrow, the case cannot be settled before the year Yes, the government is also celebrating the New Year, right? You should go back quickly, the snow is flying so hard that you will freeze your body."

He probably really felt sorry for Xue Chan, and sighed: "Master Fu Yin is an upright and fair person, and Mr. Jiang is protecting you, after the new year, he will definitely give you justice.

If you kneel outside the government office like this and let the people who come and go see it, you can't hide that matter.

It's so troublesome that everyone knows it, how can you be a lady Xue? "

Xue Chan didn't pay any attention.

Even her long eyelashes were covered with white snow, and the heat in her eyes warmed and melted the snowflakes, which turned into mist and hung wetly on the curled eyelashes.

She shuddered: "Thank you, I know all about it, but I know that Duke Cheng's mansion has seen the two Highnesses.

The affairs of the nobles are one thing today, and another thing tomorrow.

My lord is in a high school, and there are times when I can't help myself, so I can't rely on him for everything.

This is my case, this is my fate.

Leave me alone, I will just kneel here and wait for Mr. Fuyin to give me justice. "


Seeing that she remained unmoved, the yamen servant was almost frayed, and she refused to get up.

But in such a cold day, there was already a thick layer of snow on the ground. The place where Xue Chan knelt was melted by her knees, and then another layer fell and piled up again.

People kneeling in such icy snow, the cold air invades the body, and accidents will happen.

And after kneeling for so long, do you want her knee?Do you still want those legs?
This is Jiang Yuanzhan's darling, and he really knelt at the gate of the government office. If Jiang Jiaerlang initiates a sexual attack, the unlucky ones will not be the adults in the hall, and they are not the only unknown people like them?

Therefore, the yamen servant became determined and gritted his teeth: "You wait, I'll go and plead for you to Lord Fuyin!"

After he finished speaking, he ran into the government office.

Xue Chan's eyelids were pressed down, and her fingers that were red with cold fell two inches above her knees, and rubbed them vigorously.

For freedom, she will give up anything.

But he said that the yamen servant hurried all the way into the government yamen and went straight to the third hall.

Huang Weisong was indeed there.

He was resting well at home, but the chief on duty sent someone to the Huang Mansion to answer. He knew Xue Chan was kneeling here, so he left the house and rushed to the mansion.

Persuasion is also what he asked people to persuade.

He didn't want to see Xue Chan.

This case is embarrassing, and the time is also embarrassing. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, who wants to deal with the case?
But he didn't want to offend Xue Chan.

There was a knock on the door, and Huang Weisong yelled in. The little yamen servant pushed the door open, feeling a chill.

Huang Weisong rolled up his cuffs: "Have you left yet?"

The yamen servant showed a look of distress, and shook his head: "Ms. Xue is like eating a weight, no matter what I say, she just knelt there and refused to move.

My lord, I can't see it... She has been kneeling for a long time, I think her face is pale, if she kneels down like this again, she will really be kneeling outside the government office, Mr. Jiang... there is no way to explain it. "

Huang Weisong also felt a headache and was angry.

How aggrieved he, Jingzhao's governor, is!

It's like this every time I encounter a case!
It should not be too light or serious, and he would not easily offend either end.

Huang Weisong waved his hands impatiently to let the yamen servants leave first.

When he went out, Chief Liu, who was sitting with Huang Weisong in the third hall, slowly called the lord: "Miss Xue is kneeling outside like this, she doesn't even care about her own reputation and face, and insists on forcing you to give her justice and an explanation. My lord, you can't hide in the government office and not go out.

If she really did something good or bad, Jiang Erlang was already full of anger and had no place to vent it, so shouldn't it all be vented on the adults? "

"You still need to say!"

Huang Weisong patted the armrest: "You asked me to go out to see her, what did you tell her? You said that the young man would be dealt with after the next year? Or did you say that this case is beyond my control? It's just nonsense!"

This case must be heard by Datian, and he knew it from the beginning.

Moreover, Cheng Guogong and his wife had entered the palace, and he knew it.

But there was no decree in the palace, and the whole thing seemed to be put on hold here.

What can he do?
However, Xue Chan is a dead-headed person.

With the county prince's mansion and Pei Guogong's mansion here, where can she suffer?

He looked irritated, and Director Liu could only continue to persuade: "Otherwise, my lord will go to the county prince's mansion to see if Jiang Erlang can do anything?"

Huang Weisong shook his head and said no: "How did she know that Mrs. Guo had seen the two highnesses? Jiang Erlang told her! She is a little girl who grew up in the market, where did she know those great truths?

What was born in a high school, I can't help myself..."

His voice paused, his breathing stagnant.

Don't Jiang Yuanzhan already know something inside?

The officials don't want to punish, but plan to calm down?
The Jiang family had lost face in front of the imperial court, but Han Peizhao was still reading with His Highness the Third Highness after all, so if he really dealt with it, it would hurt the Third Highness's face.

Officials and saints may not be willing.

Huang Weisong stood up.

Manager Liu panicked and stood up with him, not knowing what he meant, so he tentatively called him: "My lord?"

Huang Weisong gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "I will go to the palace immediately to face the saint. You go tell Xue Chan and let her go home and wait for news. If she still refuses, at least get her into the government office and wait for me to leave the palace. Have something to say to her!

As for those onlookers..."

Before he finished speaking, the little yamen servant who withdrew earlier ran back with a panicked face.

He didn't even care about the rules, just pushed the door open and entered, out of breath.

Huang Weisong's eyelids jumped up suddenly: "What happened to Xue Chan?"

The little yamen servant shook his head again and again, his face changed greatly: "Miss Xue, she started yelling outside the government yamen! Kowtowed and yelled at the same time, telling her grievances, please Lord Fu Yin to uphold justice for her and punish the young master Cheng Guogong!"

He gritted his voice, finished speaking in a single thought, and added: "She made a lot of noise, and the people onlookers have already blocked the entrance of the government office! Right now, it's just the people watching the excitement, pointing fingers and talking, my lord , how can this be done!"

Huang Weisong's eyes darkened, and he almost fell down.

Chief Liu and the little yamen servant had sharp eyes and quick hands, supporting him from left to right: "My lord!"

Crazy, just crazy!

Xue Chan is a girl, and she actually——

She couldn't get into the Peiguo Duke's mansion, so she gave it all up!

Huang Weisong waved the two of them away: "I will enter the palace right away, you go and get her in, evacuate the surrounding people as much as possible, and then go to the county prince's mansion and inform Jiang Erlang to come to the mansion to accompany Xue Chan. go!"

(End of this chapter)

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