Chapter 136 Kill It (Part [-])
Outside Funing Hall, Huang Weisong was sweating profusely.

The little eunuch secretly glanced at him several times, but didn't say a word to him.

He waited until he had two cups of tea before Li Fu came out with his back bent.

As soon as he approached, he saw that his head was covered with sweat, so he smiled and handed over a clean handkerchief: "Fu Yin Huang wiped his sweat, it's outrageous to see officials with such a disheveled appearance."

Huang Weisong didn't dare to pick him up. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with the cuff of his official uniform, thanked him again and again, and then asked Li Fu cautiously, "Did the official family come from the Saint's Palace?"

Li Fu smiled and said nothing, turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation, leading Huang Weisong into the hall.

Huang Weisong's heart sank.

That's it.

He knew that he was at home with his wife and children preparing for the New Year, and the officials must also be with the saint.

Then he messed it up.

In the Dongci room, Jin and Emperor sat cross-legged on the Arhat's bed, and they seemed to be in a good mood, even with a faint smile, the corners of their lips were slightly raised, and they seemed to be in a good mood.

Huang Weisong didn't dare to look again after a hasty glance. He kowtowed to pay his respects, and all his actions were done in one go.

Emperor Jin He also saw his restraint and fear, smiled and asked him to sit down and reply: "If it weren't for the urgent matter, you would not enter the palace at this hour.

It's the Chinese New Year, and I'm cutting the window grilles with the queen, but aren't you idle?
You're not at home with your wife and children today, and you're going to work in the Yamen? "

Huang Weisong breathed a sigh of relief at this point, but he didn't dare to let it go completely: "This is all the duty of the minister."

Jin Hedi didn't listen to his polite words, and asked him directly: "Tell me, what happened."

"It's the case between the young master of Duke Cheng's mansion and Mrs. Xue..."

Huang Weisong hesitated, and he hesitated when answering: "The minister dare not make a decision on this case without authorization, and should wait until the next year to open the court to make a copy, and then submit the paperwork to the officials to know.

But I also know that since the Duke's Mansion is located there, the officials of this case must have known the inside story for a long time.

Since the officials have no imperial decree, they just ask the ministers to wait until the next year.

But today Mrs. Xue ran to the government office early in the morning, knelt upright, her face turned pale from the cold, no matter how much she persuaded her, she just refused to get up.

She was a victim, she was pitiful, and I couldn't bear to drive her away.

Originally, I was going to enter the palace to ask for your will, but I asked someone to invite her into the mansion for now, but who knew that she suddenly lost her temper and made a fuss outside the mansion's gate, and she... actually... herself..."

Jin Hedi's face darkened: "She herself is known to be making trouble, and the people who are coming and going to watch now have surrounded the Yamen of Jingzhao Mansion, right?"

Huang Weisong nodded heavily, and said repeatedly: "The minister has arranged for someone to invite Mrs. Xue into the government office, and also ordered the subordinates to evacuate the people to appease the people, and also sent someone to the county prince's mansion to ask Mrs. Jiang to accompany Mrs. Xue. If you can't think about it for a while, then do something stupid.

But the officials, this case can't be dragged on—everyone knows about Mrs. Xue's disturbance, and if it doesn't take a while, it may spread throughout Shengjing.

This little father-in-law acted absurdly, the evidence is conclusive, if Mrs. Xue doesn't make a fuss, there will be nothing to deal with after the next year, and she must have a good year in peace.

But when she made a fuss... the minister can only enter the palace at this time, and ask the officials to rule! "

He said, stood up, and knelt down again: "I am incompetent. I can't share the worries of the officials. On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, I want the officials to worry about these things. I am guilty."

Jin Hedi's face was ashen, he rubbed the center of his eyebrows for a while, and told him to get up: "This case——"

What do you think when the four words came to his lips, Jin Hedi felt that there was no need to ask.

Although Huang Weisong is the governor of the Jingzhao Mansion, on the one hand there are Sanlang and Cheng Guogong's mansion, on the other hand there are a lot of in-laws behind the Pei Guogong Mansion and the Jiang family. If he has his own opinions and dares to make a decision, he will not rush Entered the palace.

It's useless to ask, why bother him.

It is not easy for him to be the governor of Jingzhao Mansion, Jin Hedi still knows it.

So he sighed: "You go back first, Shaoqing Zhen has his own order to deliver."

Huang Weisong was not completely relieved until this time.

I also felt that I was right.

The officials had already made up their minds, so they kept suppressing it.

He talked back and forth without asking for his opinion, which was enough to explain everything.

Huang Weisong got up and said respectfully, "I will take my leave."

What he didn't know was that when he stepped out of the palace gate, Emperor Jinhe ordered Li Fu to call Zhao Yu to the Funing Palace to answer.

In fact, when Jiang Yuanzhan and Zhao Yi were involved, Jin Hedi didn't even need to ask what choice Zhao Yu would make.

But as a father, he always had other thoughts.

Zhao Yu came bravely in the wind and snow, and before he entered the door to greet him, Emperor Jin He had already waved his hand to stop him.

Li Fu immediately took Zhao Yu's cloak that was still stained with snow, poured hot tea for him to warm his body, and then stepped aside.

Jinhe Di Surong called him and told him about Xue Chan. After seeing the surprise in Zhao Yu's eyes, he squinted his eyes: "I originally thought that Cheng Guogong would ask for heavy responsibility and wanted to change the lives of his sons and daughters. It's not impossible. But now everyone knows that Xue Chan is an innocent unmarried girl, according to the law..."

"According to the law, Han Peizhao should be executed."

Zhao Yu put down the teacup in his hand, glanced indifferently through the steaming heat, took the words of Emperor Jin He, and asked, "The reason why Father wants to give Han Peizhao a way out is because of Saburo, right?"

Emperor Jin He sighed: "He is your own brother..."

"It's two different things." Zhao Yu didn't change his face, but his attitude was very firm, "I never thought of doing anything to him, as long as he was honest and behaved.

Han Peizhao is his companion, but can this be done for him and make him disregard the law?
My son also knows that father, you are wise and martial, not all because of Saburo, and you don't want to make the general feel cold, you don't value the family of martial arts.

But in this matter, Erchen thinks that it cannot be taken lightly! "

"Sanlang stayed in Yuhua Building a few days ago, and Han Peizhao caused such a scandal again. For a long time to come, your brother will be ashamed to see others."

"He's ashamed to see others because he asked for it." Zhao Yu refused to give an inch, "Pei Guogong is still stationed in Youzhou, a place of bitter cold in Eastern Liaodong, and he never complained to the court.

Aye, Duke Cheng's mansion practiced martial arts, and Duke Pei's mansion did the same.

If the two companies are at fault in this matter, then it's okay to each hit [-] boards.

It happened to be Han Peizhao's fault alone, but why should the Peiguo government keep backing down and leaving Han Peizhao a way out? "

Emperor Jin He was completely disappointed.

He originally hoped that Dalang would show some mercy to Saburo.

Now it seems that don't count on it.

He didn't even call him father, but changed his name to Aye, and he wanted to punish Han Peizhao to death.

And don't take up Saburo's stubble at all——

Emperor Jinhe's sigh was even heavier: "Then kill it. You go and deliver the decree in person, that Duke Zhuncheng's mansion will spend the new year in Beijing, and leave Beijing after the new year without delay.

Now that you've lost your fortune, let's deal with it together, and don't tell the common people to watch this excitement a few years ago, and use this as an excuse to make the city full of wind and rain, making life unsafe.

Go ahead. "

(End of this chapter)

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