The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 137 He's Annoying

Chapter 137 He's Annoying (Part [-])
The people of Shengjing surrounded Jingzhao Mansion and refused to leave. When Zhao Yu went to deliver the decree in person, they were stunned again.

What happened this year?

It's so restless.

There are only good days in the peaceful and prosperous times. Occasionally, there will be some small troubles in the capital. After all, where the rich and the rich gather, such people can become the talk of the common people even if the nobles sneezed.

But in just a few months, the two dukes' mansions collapsed one after another.

Liu's family ransacked their family and exiled them and punished them heavily, so Han's family did the same.

Duojue was driven out of Beijing, three generations were not allowed to be officials, and the eldest son was sentenced to death—if it was not for tomorrow, it would be New Year's Eve, and Han Peizhao's head would fall today.

This kind of excitement, no one dares to join in.

The people scattered like birds and beasts, and Zhao Yu's face was cold.

He went into the government office, but Jiang Yuanzhan hadn't left yet.

Huang Weisong's heart fell to the ground, and he deeply believed that the officials were ruthless and decisive.

In a state duke's mansion, if you say you want to win the title, you will win the title.

A good eldest son, he will kill if he says he wants to.

The nobles didn't speak, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Zhao Yu handed over the imperial decree to him, and only asked Jiang Yuanzhan, "Is there anything else?"

Jiang Yuanzhan looked back at Xue Chan.

She had been frozen in the wind and snow for a long time, and her complexion improved after being warmed up for a long time.

Sensing Jiang Yuanzhan's gaze at this moment, he pursed the corners of his lips and stood up slowly.

When Huang Weisong was looking at it in a daze, she actually paced up, brought her knees together, and knelt down again.

He was taken aback, and took two steps back: "What is Mrs. Xue doing?"

Don't you want to make trouble?

Because of her, Cheng Guogong's mansion is over, and Han Peizhao can't live anymore. It would be too much to make trouble.

Jiang Yuanzhan can't indulge her like this, can he?

Thinking of this, Huang Weisong's complexion no longer looks good.

After all, what Zhao Yu just asked just now, he didn't hear the slightest bit of blame, but he wanted to support Jiang Yuanzhan instead.

Stop torturing him!Let him have a good year!
As a result, Xue Chan kowtowed and said in a low voice, "The daughter of the people must surrender herself."

Xue Chan's imprisonment had Zhao Yu's approval. Although he didn't make it clear, Huang Weisong understood that he was responsible for anything that happened.

What's more, the officials don't care about the life or death of Xue Chan, a little lady.

People in Shengjing thought she couldn't stay, so after getting Jiang Yuanzhan's asylum, they changed their appearance and left the capital to live. Naturally, no one cared about her anymore.

Ten years in prison, Jiang Yuanzhan said it himself.

Xue Chan also admitted.

In fact, Huang Weisong said that the punishment was a bit heavy.

No matter how you look at it, Xue Chan was the victim from the beginning, and even later, she was only instigated, considered an accomplice, not the main culprit.

According to the law, three to five years in prison is enough.

Huang Weisong only felt that these gentry children were ruthless one by one.

It's not that it's not good, he has no position and is not qualified to say this.

It's just that I can't afford to provoke it.

He is so confident that he even dares to lie to the sky, design a bureau, and dare to knock down a government.

If it were him, he would have to swallow his breath.

Zhao Yu and Jiang Yuanzhan left the government office, and there was a carriage from Pei Guogong's mansion waiting at the door.

Jiang Yuanzhan raised his eyebrows, and saw Jiang Wan lift a corner of the side curtain.

Seeing that Zhao Yu was standing with Jiang Yuanzhan before returning to the palace, she was about to get out of the car.

Zhao Yu frowned and said no need: "It's cold, just stay in the car and don't get off, I'm going back to the palace soon."

After Jiang Wan said yes and thanked him, Jiang Yuanzhan bid farewell to Zhao Yu and headed for his carriage.

Before leaving, Zhao Yu recalled what Zhao Xing had said before, lowered his eyes, lowered his voice, and called Awan.

Jiang Yuanzhan, who was getting into the carriage, was taken aback and looked back at him.

Jiang Wan also opened the curtain again and looked out: "Is there something else, Your Highness?"

"Erlang said that you are not allowed to go to Duke Cheng's mansion to meet Han Lingfu."

The original words are of course not the case.

It's just that Zhao Yu was too lazy to say those words to coax Jiang Wan.

Anyway, that's what it means.

After Jiang Wanxiu raised her eyebrows for a moment, she quickly opened them up, and said with a smile that she knew: "She has nothing to see, I won't go, His Highness will tell Second Brother for me, so that he can rest assured."

Seeing that she was obedient, Zhao Yu hummed, waved his hand, motioned for her to go, turned around and got into his small sedan chair, and ordered to go back to the palace without mentioning it.

The carriage of the Duke's Mansion started to drive slowly, the wheels rolled, covering the voices of the two brothers and sisters talking in the carriage.

"His Royal Highness just said something to me. I think the official saint is still very reluctant to part with Zhao Yi."

Jiang Wan was not surprised: "Isn't that normal? Why doesn't she feel sorry for the meat that fell from the saint's stomach?
This time, Duke Cheng's mansion collapsed, and it was still such a scandal. Even he was disgraced and his face was dull.

He is sixteen years old, and the theory is that he should go to the imperial court to practice, and after two years he will officially receive a job, that is called growing up.

At this juncture, the sage may not be in a hurry. "

Jiang Yuanzhan sighed.

Jiang Wan gasped: "It's rare for me to see my second brother look so downcast."

His face turned cold, and he leaned against the carriage, covering his forehead with his palm: "In February, His Royal Highness will be crowned king, and the officials are going to send Zhao Yi to His Royal Highness's palace, and let him practice under His Highness for a while, and follow him into the palace." It doesn’t make any difference if you practice in court.”

Jiang Wan gasped when he heard that.

Zhao Yu didn't want to see Zhao Yi the most, even Aye knew it, and the official sage would only know it better.

Isn't this forcing Zhao Yu to accept this ambitious brother?
Jiang Wan frowned.

And Zhao Yizhen went to Zhao Yu's palace...

"Is it training, or living with His Royal Highness?"

"Live there." Jiang Yuanzhan didn't know why she asked this question, but he still answered her, "His Royal Highness just said a few words to me when he came out, and it was very annoying. I guess, even the marriage It's all suppressed for now."

It doesn't matter if it's a marriage or not.

In the previous life, Zhao Yu also got married later.

In the second year after she married Zhao Xing, that is, in the year when Zhao Yuli's crown prince had an accident, the officials appointed Yingchuan Chen's daughter as the crown princess for him.

His concubine is the future mother of the country, so he should be more cautious.

As far as Jiang Wan is concerned, it is by no means a good thing for Zhao Yi to live in Zhao Yu's mansion!
One is that it never happened before, and the other is that if it is calculated according to the date, Zhao Yu should be crowned king next year, but he injured his leg during the autumn hunt in September and recuperated for half a year.

Immediately after that, in April, Zhao Yu was officially canonized as the prince, in June, he married the Chen family, and in October, Nanyuan was in turmoil.

At that time, Zhao Yu insisted on personally leading the troops to quell the rebellion, and Emperor Jin He only thought that such turmoil was not worth mentioning, so he allowed him to lead the army if he came back in three to five days to quell the rebellion, and he could gain more military merits. Eight thousand elite soldiers left the city.

From that day on, Zhao Yu never came back.

What's more worth mentioning is that she was almost accidentally injured by a cold arrow on the hunting ground in September of that year!

If Pei Qingyuan hadn't blocked an arrow for her, her life might be in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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