The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 138 New Year's Gift

Chapter 138 New Year's Gift (Part [-])
Looking back now, there are traces to follow.

I'm afraid that the cold arrow on the hunting ground back then was also arranged by Zhao Yi.

If she was accidentally injured and her life was hanging by a thread, Zhao Xing would definitely not leave her behind and leave the capital. Aye and his second brother would not need to lead the troops in person to calm the chaos in Nanyuan. He would not send Aye and his second brother out at that juncture.

It should have been a matter of course for Zhao Yu to go.

Even though there was an accident like Pei Qingyuan blocking the arrow, Zhao Yu still led the troops out of the city.

All this should have been three years later.

Now that Jiang Wan heard these words, layers of cold sweat broke out from his temples.

For the past six months, Zhao Yi has been too busy to take care of himself, and if something happened to Duke Cheng's mansion, he would have to stop for a long time.

So she originally thought that she would try to remind Zhao Xing after next year and the ceremony.

Everyone will have a few months to live a peaceful life.

Now it seems that it may not be possible.

Living in Zhao Yu's mansion, he knows Zhao Yu's whereabouts even better.

Zhao Yi didn't have to do it himself.

I can only hate that she helped Zhao Yi do so many stupid and absurd things, but she didn't know anything about Zhao Yi's influence outside the palace.

Apart from those few insignificant private properties, Cheng Guogong's mansion and Zheng's family, there is nothing else.

Jiang Wan's face was gloomy, and Jiang Yuanzhan was startled, so he called her several times: "What are you thinking?"

She suddenly came back to her senses, shook her head and said it was all right: "I hope he can be more peaceful and honest under His Highness's hands."

Jiang Yuanzhan didn't doubt that he was there, but sneered coldly: "I think he is afraid that he will disappoint the hearts of officials and saints."

Moreover, Zhao Yu would mention this matter to him inexplicably, most likely he had been on guard against Zhao Yi for a long time.

No one sleeps in on New Year's Eve.

At night, they had to go to the palace for a palace banquet, and the whole family usually had a meal together at noon.

The New Year is lively, and getting up early is also a joy.

Mrs. Jiang had already made two new sets of clothes for Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan, one for early New Year greetings, and another for the palace banquet.

And early in the morning, Gu Huaizhang took Wei and his two sons to the gate of Changping County Prince's Mansion.

Others' homes only drop by on the first day of the Lunar New Year, but his home is not.

Every year.

If Jiang Hu was in the capital, their family would also come over.

Before the palace banquet on New Year's Eve, they were all spent in the county palace.

In the lively New Year's greetings, the elders sat in the upper seats, waiting for the children to come up and kowtow one by one, and then gave money to the red envelopes.

Jiang Shi and Wei Shi wrote all three characters of eccentric eye on the red envelope.

Pei Qingyuan alone can beat Zhao Ran's three brothers together.

Even the one in Jiang Wan's hand was not as thick as hers.

So after getting up after New Year's greetings, Gu Huaizhang took Changping County King to play chess, Jiang Wan just hugged Jiang Shi and Wei Shi and acted like a baby: "My red envelope is the biggest and thickest every year. Now that my cousin is here, aunt and Wei My aunt is so eccentric, even my red envelopes have become smaller, I don't obey!"

She smiled and frowned, showing no sign of disobedience.

Jiang Shi pushed her away: "You are not shy when you see that the big girl is about to reach Jiji, and she is still hugging someone and acting like a spoiled child."

The Wei family loves her like this the most, and he gestured to take off the round red jadeite bracelet from his wrist and put it on Jiang Wan's hand: "Take this, it's worth several of your cousin's red envelopes!"

There are more than a few.

This is the top grade red jadeite, Jiang Wan still knows how much it is worth.

But the elder did not dare to resign, and she did not plan to resign.

The ring was too big, and she couldn't wear it on her hand, so she simply held it in her hand, leaving Jiang Shi alone, and only hugged Wei Shi: "Auntie still loves me the most! It's just right, I'll go play cards in the afternoon, I I’m not afraid of losing money anymore! With my aunt’s bracelet, even if I fight for seven days and seven nights, it’s enough to lose!”

These words made everyone in the room burst into laughter, and even Changping County King and Gu Huaizhang, who moved to Xici Room to play chess, also laughed heartily.

Gu Huaizhang even teased her: "You are so worthless, you lose in poker every year, and you don't know how to be more competitive and win last year!"

After everyone had laughed, Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Wei went to talk and wanted to let the children play by themselves, Yun Xing opened the curtain and came in.

Jiang Shi saw the brocade box in her hand at a glance, and there was a faint smile in front of her eyes.

Even Wei Shi looked at Jiang Wan with a smile.

On the contrary, Jiang Wan looked embarrassed.

At this time, it is time to send gifts to the door, and it is not afraid of being rude to only prepare the next one. There is no one else except Zhao Xing.

Sure enough, Yun Xing wrapped her peach red jacket and squatted in front of her for a while, holding the small box firmly in front of her body, and replied: "The palace sent someone to deliver it to the cousin girl. The Second Highness said that this is a reward from a saint. It just happens to come in handy when Miss Cousin goes to the banquet at night."

Jiang covered her lips and smiled: "It's hard for him. If you give a gift on New Year's Eve, and you are afraid of being annoyed, you have to go to the saint. The saint may laugh at him now."

While smiling, he nudged Jiang Wan over: "Go and see, I brought you something nice."

Jiang Wan's little face was rarely flushed, and he just hid in Wei's arms, but didn't open the brocade box.

Wei Shi hugged her and called Yun Xing: "Open it and let's take a look."

Yun Xing opened the brocade box with a bang.

The penetrating red tourmaline hairpin is carved into the shape of a plum blossom, just like a plum in full bloom in the cold, but for this kind of heart, the red plum is scattered and a little bit of human warmth is added.

It is a gift that pleases the little lady very much.

Moreover, although red tourmaline stones are not hard to come by, if you want such top-quality red tourmaline stones, even the palace will not be able to contribute much throughout the year.

It is strange to say that it is a reward from a saint.

Otherwise, how could Jiang Wan take this thing out so easily?
She secretly glanced at it twice, full of liking.

Wei let her go: "It just so happens that the jacket I picked out for you when I entered the palace today, those gold and silver hairpins are too vulgar, and the white jade hairpins are too plain, it can be seen that the Second Highness is careful, and your dowry box is not in the right place. I'm missing a red tourmaline hairpin, so I brought it to you?"

Anyway, the marriage between her and Zhao Xing has already been decided, although the outside world doesn't know the way, but the family knows it.

Today is the Chinese New Year, the whole family is happy, and the elders are not like the elders, so Jiang Wan made fun of this and spared no effort.

Jiang Wan muttered with her mouth curled up, "Why are you doing this!"

Pei Qingyuan was really embarrassed to see her, and there were so many cousins ​​in the room, so he stepped forward and put his arms around her: "Auntie and auntie have to talk, our Zhuzhu's face is going to be familiar, I'm afraid I don't need it today With this tourmaline hairpin as an embellishment, the blush on her face is enough to dress up!"

Jiang Wan thumped her lightly: "You laugh at me too!"

Pei Qingyuan pulled her hand down: "I'm not laughing at you, take the things back quickly, let's go play cards."

Jiang Wan made a face at Nuzui, Jiang Shi and Wei Shi looked at each other for a while, then smiled and waved her to tell her to go quickly: "Stick here, can't you show off your hairpin? Don't tell us to talk, why don't you hurry up and tell your cousin shall we go?"

So she asked Chang Ning to accept the brocade box, and said goodbye to Pei Qingyuan and the elders again, and retreated from the main room of the upper courtyard without mentioning it.

(End of this chapter)

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