Chapter 139 Apology (Part [-])
During the first emperor's reign, the palace banquet on New Year's Eve was a feast for the emperor and his ministers.

Those above the third rank in the imperial court, those who have gained face in front of the imperial court, those who can talk, and the nobles of Shengjing, all have to go to the palace for a banquet.

After Jin and Di Yuji, the rules were changed.

Palace banquets are reserved, even if family members are allowed to go to the banquet together, it is better to have a reunion dinner in one's own home.

But during the Chinese New Year, it is impossible to say that the palace is deserted.

Therefore, every New Year's Eve, only the clan and relatives of the emperor are called into the palace for a banquet. The banquet starts early and leaves early.

In fact, the former Changping County King said privately that Emperor Jin and Emperor wished to spend the New Year with Empress Zheng alone, so they didn't want to join in the fun with them.

But the whole world celebrates together, so we have to put on a show.

It was earlier when Jiang and Wei led the children into the palace, and went straight to Hanzhang Hall to pay New Year greetings to Empress Zheng.

Gu Huaizhang's aunt is a daughter of the clan, so apart from being close to the royal family, he is naturally considered a clan relative, so it is only normal for him to enter the palace for a banquet.

Jiang Shi did not expect that Princess Huayang would come so early this year.

When the children greeted her, she kept looking at Jiang Wan.

This made both Jiang and Wei confused.

When Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan got up, Empress Zheng smiled and beckoned the two girls to come closer, first pulled Pei Qingyuan, and praised her endlessly: "It's strange that your aunt..."

When the words came to his lips, he stopped, and immediately changed his words: "I like and treasure you so much, she is really a fairy concubine-like person. I can't even compare with you. The little ladies in Shengjing are not as good as you. You are so outstanding."

Pei Qingyuan blushed and bowed his head.

The little lady in red who was sitting next to Princess Huayang curled her lips and said dissatisfiedly: "The sage just praised me for going to the south of the Yangtze River for half a year, and my life has become more and more beautiful. Now that I have met Mrs. Pei, I don't know what to do." Our business."

That is Shen Baozhi, the jewel in the palm of Princess Huayang.

She is only fourteen or five years old, and she has always been a spoiled person. Even if she is in front of Empress Zheng, because of the high seniority of Princess Huayang, she and Empress Zheng are of the same generation. Many rules.

Jiang Wan had never liked her very much.

He also loves to act like a baby, and loves to hold his own seniority.

It's boring.

People of the same generation who really regard themselves as saints, don't talk about such coquettish nonsense coquettishly.

Sure enough, Empress Zheng's eyelids also twitched, instead of following her words, she teased her even more: "Why don't you come and compare yourself with Qing Yuan, let me see if you are prettier or she is prettier?"

Shen Baozhi's little face was even more broken.

Pei Qingyuan didn't intend to offend anyone, and was just about to circle around, Jiang smiled and took the words: "There is no partiality, since A Yuan came, we all love her more.

During the New Year's greetings this morning, Zhuzhu was still talking about this.

It is said that Ah Yuan took such a thick red envelope alone, and compared her, which shows that we are all biased.

If you want me to say, you don't even mention manners and rules, just because of A Yuan's face, no matter where you go, you should make people like you, right?
Anyway, I'm getting older, and seeing your pretty girls, there's nothing I don't love. "

Following what Empress Zheng said, she praised Pei Qingyuan to the sky, and then she called Shen Baozhi: "In terms of seniority, you are still an elder. Why do you care about this with a junior? Ah Yuan was born well, so it may not be you It's not good, isn't it?

You, Aye, Aniang, are famously good-looking, but the world has never seen you, so who doesn't know that you are beautiful? "

Shen Baozhi curled his lips blindly, ignoring Jiang's words at all.

Sitting aside, Wei squinted her eyes. Empress Zheng didn't bother to talk to her, so she pulled Pei Qingyuan to sit beside her, first asked if the Pei family was okay, and then asked if she was used to living in Beijing, and completely left Shen Baozhi aside. .

Princess Huayang's face was more or less uneasy, and she felt sorry for her daughter, pinching Shen Baozhi's palm: "Didn't you bring that painting into the palace, and asked Erlang to show you what's wrong? When it comes to the banquet ahead, I don’t even care about that.”

After hearing this, Empress Zheng glanced away, clicked her tongue almost inaudibly, and called Lady Hanzhang: "You go with Baozhi, let Erlang show her, and bring her back after reading."

The female officer nodded in response, and went forward to ask Shen Baozhi to move.

Princess Huayang patted the back of her hand calmly, signaling her to be obedient and hurry up, so she stood up reluctantly.

When he was walking away, he happened to pass by Jiang Wan, and he bumped Jiang Wan on the shoulder, not knowing whether it was by accident or on purpose.

It doesn't hurt, it's just very rude.

This was clearly for Jiang and the others.

Sure enough, Jiang's face also changed.

Jiang Wan rubbed his shoulder, biting his lower lip aggrieved.

Shen Baozhi gave her a provocative look, stepped forward and continued to walk outside the hall, without apologizing at all.

Jiang Wan refused to swallow her anger and give in to her, not to mention that she hadn't shown much respect to her aunt just now.

So I added some strength to my hands, rubbed my shoulders harder, and pretended to let out a muffled groan, which seemed to be in pain.

Wei Shi sat close to her, and Princess Huayang was not far away, so she could hear clearly.

Princess Huayang unexpectedly called Shen Baozhi to stop, and then looked at Jiang Wan with concern: "Did it hurt you?"

Shen Baozhi stood still because she heard her mother called her.

But as soon as she turned her head, Princess Huayang reprimanded her in a deep voice: "You bumped into Ah Guan, don't you know that you have to apologize to others? Even if you are on a daily basis, you are so lawless in front of a saint!"

Shen Baozhi was shocked.

Jiang Wan himself was quite surprised.

Did Princess Huayang really change her gender?Or take the wrong medicine?
Last time she went to the county prince's mansion, she came like this...

Scolding Shen Baozhi for the sake of outsiders, I have never seen him grow up this big.

The jewel in the palm of the family is a sweet-sounding pearl, and her pearl in the palm is the real pearl.

Or why even the saints are just too lazy to talk to each other and don't pursue it?
Shen Baozhi stood there blankly, her eyes turned red all of a sudden.

Jiang Wan secretly thought it was bad.

This is called her mother-in-law, but if you really cry, why does it look like you have been bullied?

So Jiang Wan withdrew his hand, shook his head lightly, and didn't move much, as if he didn't dare to move his shoulders, and said in a low voice, "It's okay, don't blame her, she was probably a little annoyed just now.

Don't talk about her, I usually get angry when I see my aunt and aunt favoring my cousin like that.

I'm really fine, and I don't feel any pain, it's just that I was hit suddenly, and I have to slow down. "

Shen Baozhi almost gritted his teeth: "You talk nonsense..."


Empress Zheng let go of the hand that was holding Pei Qingyuan, with a gloomy expression on her face: "It's Chinese New Year, what are you going to do? Make an apology to Ah Wan, let's go back for now!"

(End of this chapter)

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