Chapter 141 Be Honest (Part [-])
Zhao Xing has always been like this.

It is well known that he prefers Jiang Wan.

People before others, never need to put on a show.

Whoever he is willing to save face will have face.

If he doesn't want to, no one else will succeed.

The best talker and the worst talker.

He came quickly, and stood in front of Jiang Wan with his hands behind his back. When he lowered his head, he saw the plum blossom hairpin.

The smile in Zhao Xing's eyes became stronger: "Why didn't you come over together just now? You can sit down with the queen mother."

Jiang Wan smiled and said nothing.

Pei Qingyuan greeted him, and calmly pulled off Jiang Wan's cloak.

Jiang Wan thought for a while, then called out to her second elder brother in a crisp voice: "I have something to tell you."

Pei Qingyuan was in a bad mood, and he said, "Isn't that a matter of disappearing?"

Zhao Xing's face changed slightly when he heard the words, he only looked at Jiang Wan: "What happened?"

Jiang Wan still smiled, and pushed Pei Qingyuan's hand away: "Cousin, let's go first, I'll have a word with my second brother, and I'll be here in a while."


Pei Qingyuan still wanted to persuade her, but he didn't know how to say some words.

Besides, is this really a shadowless thing?

Even she doesn't think so, let alone Zhuzhu herself?
The Second Highness got a marriage gift, they will be husband and wife sooner or later, since this kind of thing happens, it's better to make it clear in advance, so as to avoid any misunderstanding.

And Shen Congzhen is here.

I just don't know if it's the eldest princess's thoughts alone, or if Shen Congzhen knows it too.

So Pei Qingyuan sighed lowly, and after another salute with Zhao Xing, he stepped up to the gazebo.

Zhao Ran has already hurried over to meet her.

Jiang Wan's eyes were bright: "Cousin, he really cares."

Zhao Xing hummed.

Xindao people are really different from people.

Zhao Ran wished to show his thoughts on his face so that everyone could see it.

Then he asked Jiang Wan, "What do you want to tell me?"

Jiang Wan took half a step back, Zhao Xing understood and immediately followed.

The two of them went to the Taiye Pond one by one, farther and farther away from the gazebo side. Even if they wanted to say something, others could no longer hear them, and Yuan Fu was guarding not far away, not letting anyone approach .

"Do you remember that I mentioned to you twice before that Princess Huayang has a strange attitude towards me?"

Zhao Xing nodded: "Did she do anything in Hanzhang Palace just now?"

Regarding Jiang Wan, Zhao Xing has always paid special attention to it.

Zhao Xing could see what kind of attitude Princess Huayang had treated her in the past.

So in these years, I haven't really gotten close to this aunt.

Even with the Shen family's children of similar age, he was not very willing to move around.

He was coping with it on the bright side, not intending to have a heart-to-heart conversation.

Jiang Wan sighed: "She seemed to want to tell Shen Congzhen about me, so her attitude changed suddenly. On that day, she ran to Funing Palace to fight for me in front of the officials."

She said it calmly, and when she looked up, Zhao Xing's warm complexion suddenly froze.

He was about to look back, but was stopped by Jiang Wan: "Don't look at him, listen to me."

Zhao Xing clicked his tongue: "What the hell do you mean? Did she and the queen try to test it?"

Jiang Wan said that it was about the same, and seeing his expression, he didn't dare to delay, so he told Zhao Xing what Princess Huayang said and did in Hanzhang Palace.

After finishing speaking, he closed his cloak and stared at Zhao Xing with burning eyes: "Cousin didn't want me to say it just now, and I probably think it's okay, after all, the eldest princess didn't really speak.

But I thought, if she didn't mean that, everything would be unreasonable.

Isn't the saint and the attitude of her aunt and aunt towards her also there?
Since she has this kind of mind, today's palace banquet, Shen Congzhen is here again, I am afraid you will misunderstand, so I will tell you, let's make it clear first, it has nothing to do with me.

Don't get mad at this either. "

She coaxed Zhao Xing again: "It's not worth getting angry about this, I might as well not tell you.

I don't take him seriously, and you shouldn't worry about it, let alone embarrass him because of this, it will make us very stingy.

The sage's attitude is very clear, even if the eldest princess really meant that, Shen Congzhen himself knew that this matter would not be possible anyway. "

Jiang Wan frowned, seeing that Zhao Xing still had a bad complexion, she joked, "Is it not normal for such an outstanding little lady like me to have divorced Zhao Yi, and someone would think of me? You have to be angry about this." , I don’t know how much anger I want to give you.”

Zhao Xing still clicked his tongue.

He clicked his tongue blindly, staring at Jiang Wan without saying a word.

Jiang Wan felt terrified when he saw him, and shook the edge of his cloak: "What are you looking at me for? Give me an accurate answer."

Zhao Xing shook his head helplessly: "It's a bit difficult for you to tell me and not make me angry."

He sighed: "But because you are so obedient, in case I misunderstand, and to be honest, I will restrain myself and not trouble him."

Jiang Wan finally heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

Zhao Xing wanted to rub the top of her hair.

But today she pulled her hair up, her hair was in a neat bun, and there were so many people watching, his left arm only moved slightly, but he restrained it, retracted it, and fell to his side again.

Then he called her, his voice was low and deceptive: "Will it always be like this in the future?"

What Zhao Xing said was ambiguous, but Jiang Wan just knew what he was asking.

She nodded solemnly: "For a lifetime, life after life. Erlang and I know everything, talk endlessly, be honest with each other, and never lie."

She suffered a loss once and suffered a huge setback, so she will not come back again.

No matter what Princess Huayang thinks, what Shen Congzhen thinks about her, those are not important.

As long as she can take precautions before they happen, and don't make a big fuss about this matter for those who are interested, and provoke her relationship with Zhao Xing, that's enough.

Zhao Xing couldn't hold back.

His palm rested on the top of Jiang Wan's hair, and he patted it lightly twice, without disturbing her bun: "This plum blossom hairpin really suits you very well."

Jiang Wan's face turned red immediately: "I haven't asked you yet, when did you prepare this gift?"

Zhao Xing smiled and said nothing.

The best red tourmaline is rare.

Nowadays, even the tribute from the palace is not as good as every year.

He got this rough rubellite three years ago.

The inner mansion sent it to his mother's concubine's palace. He saw it at a glance, and his mother's concubine asked for it. Then he carved a plum hairpin with his own hands. He hid it in the palace and never showed it to anyone.

There are many more.

Slowly give it to her later.

In the past five years, he had no chance and was deprived of his qualifications by her. He couldn't even give these things away on her birthday, for fear that she would dismiss them and even be too lazy to take a look.

It's all good now.

Jiang Wan saw that he was mysterious and didn't say anything, and didn't ask questions, and then remembered the joy on Shen Baozhi's face, as well as the disappointment and flash of jealousy when he was striding towards him, curled her lips: "Second brother is used to recruiting people."

(End of this chapter)

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