Chapter 142 Injured (two more)
In Shen Baozhi's hand is a picture of spring scenery.

Quite out of place.

However, she is good at painting, the vegetation, flowers and birds are lifelike, and the exquisite scroll unfolds, as if she can really smell the fragrance of flowers and hear the singing of birds.

Everyone gathered around to criticize, but she was only talking in embarrassment.

Seeing Zhao Xing accompanied Jiang Wan back to the pavilion, he rolled up the painting scroll, held it in his arms, and almost trotted towards Zhao Xing.

But I was in a hurry, tripped, or slipped after snow.

Anyway, when she was about to go to Zhao Xing, she exclaimed and fell forward, and she was about to fall into Zhao Xing's arms.

Of course the scroll in his hand was thrown down.

Zhao Xing frowned and took a step back to avoid her.

Jiang Wan subconsciously stepped forward and handed over a hand.

Shen Baozhi's eyes changed, and he grabbed Jiang Wan's outstretched arm.

It must have fallen.

But Jiang Wan was fine.

Because Zhao Xing took a step back and realized that Jiang Wan was going to help someone, so he hurried up to protect him.

Shen Baozhi tugged Jiang Wan's arm to fall, but Jiang Wan was safely protected by Zhao Xing.


But Jiang Wan let out a low breath and gasped.

Jiang Yuanzhan, Shen Congzhen and others rushed over, Jiang Wan was clutching his forearm, his face was full of pain, and Shen Baozhi also fell to the ground, as if he had sprained his foot.

When Zhao Xing heard Jiang Wan's voice, his face changed suddenly, he lowered his head to check, and found blood oozing from her wrist.

It looks like it was scratched by something.

Jiang Wan couldn't bear the pain, her eyes were red, and shed tears.

Pei Qingyuan hurriedly took the handkerchief and covered it with her first, Zhao Yu had already put on a dark face and let the imperial physician pass.

Shen Congzhen helped his younger sister to get up, saw blood on Jiang Wan's side, and his face was not good-looking: "Ah Wan, are you okay with the wound on your hand?"

Jiang Wan twitched and shook his head.

When Shen Baozhi stood up, she glanced at Shen Baozhi's hand.

Everyone followed her gaze.

The surface of the ruby ​​is carved in the shape of a rabbit. The ears of the rabbit are pointed, with bright red blood stains hanging on them, even more gorgeous than the ruby ​​itself.

Jiang Wan withdrew his hand from Pei Qingyuan's hand, and covered the wound by himself: "Are you okay? Don't wear such a ring next time. Although it is cute and good-looking, if something happens, it will hurt people."

Shen Baozhi turned pale when he heard this.

Jiang Wan saw it and felt cold.

She didn't know if others could see it clearly, but she could see it clearly anyway.

Shen Baozhi did it on purpose.

The slap on her wrist was even more intentional.

She had no intention of doing anything.

The desire to hold Shen Baozhi back was even real.

After all, Zhao Xing "will not save him when he sees death", Shen Baozhi really fell and was injured, although he was concerned about the defense of men and women, but Shen Baozhi's virtue is likely to be entangled.

And Princess Huayang.

Her precious daughter suffered a crime, she would be blamed if she didn't grab Zhao Xing and scold her.

It's all troublesome.

Jiang Wan didn't want to see Zhao Xing being scolded and unable to retaliate, so he stepped forward to help him.

As a result, Shen Baozhi felt dark about herself.

Zhao Zexian clicked his tongue: "I looked at Zhuzhu's wound... and fell straight. Even if you subconsciously want to grab Zhuzhu's wrist, the ring on your hand can't hurt anyone under normal circumstances, right?"

Because Shen Baozhi didn't intend to stand still with her hand at all.

Jiang Wan looked down at his wrist, and the hand that was covering the wound tightened a bit, and the blood oozes out even more.

Zhao Xing's face was livid, and he called Yuan Fu: "Go and urge the imperial physician again!"

Then she looked at Shen Baozhi: "After you touched Zhuzhu's wrist just now, did you stop and scratch Zhuzhu with your ring?"

This kind of wound can be seen by an expert at a glance.

There is a big difference between intentional and unintentional.

Shen Baozhi's face turned pale, he shook his head again and again, and squeezed Shen Congzhen tightly: "I don't, brother, I don't..."

Shen Congzhen also frowned: "Second Highness, Bao Zhi almost fell down just now, in a moment of impatience, she accidentally hurt A Guan, she is timid, Second Highness's face like this will scare her."

Zhao Yu couldn't hear these words, his eyes were slightly cold, and he was about to speak.

But Jiang Wan interrupted him with a loud voice: "Where does such a thing happen, I am kind enough to save people, but she wants to kill me instead, isn't this wolf-hearted?
I don't think she is like that either.

What's more, this kind of injury is not serious, it's just that the skin is cut and bleeding oozes out, it looks severe, after a while, I will apply some ointment to stop the bleeding, and then I'll be fine.

For those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, it is time for the banquet to be held in the hall, but a disturbance over such a trivial matter, and then alarmed the officials and saints, it will not be possible to have a good New Year's Eve dinner. "

But her wrist must still hurt, because she frowned.

It's just bragging rights.

Zhao Yu looked at Zhao Xing, but Zhao Xing only looked down at her.

Jiang Wan pursed her lips and shook her head at Zhao Xing: "Second brother, don't be so sullen, you just wanted to hold her back, and I won't be hurt by her unintentionally.

It's urgent to save people, and you still think about the defense of men and women. Although it's not your fault, shouldn't you pay me a good thing to make up for the little blood I bleed? "

Zhao Xing pressed the tip of his tongue against his left cheek, pressed it twice, and then let go of that breath.

Shen Baozhi did it on purpose.

He can be sure.

I don't know if other people saw him or not. When he pulled the little girl back, he didn't feel another force pulling her down. Pulling the beads.

But Zhuzhu's wrist is broken.

Zhao Xing didn't know what the little girl was up to, but looking at her cute and pitiful appearance, he carefully tasted those words just now.

For no reason, he thought of the two times in the Yunxiang troupe and the tea house.

Distressed is really distressed, but also a little more angry.

She hurt someone, did she really just expose it so lightly?

Zhao Xing thought to himself that it would never work.

But he complied with Jiang Wan's words: "After the banquet is over, what do you want, I will prepare it for you."

Then he looked at Shen Baozhi again: "I was also in a hurry just now, and my words were out of proportion, so don't take it to heart."

He lowered his head, glanced at Shen Baozhi's foot that didn't dare to touch the ground, and called Shen Congzhen: "She hurt her foot, take her to rest first, and ask an imperial doctor to see it. If it is really serious, the banquet later will be fine." Take a leave of absence, don't go there, the emperor and the queen will not care about this."

Shen Baozhi wanted to talk pitifully, but Zhao Yu had run out of patience.

He glanced at Zhao Xing, then waved Shen Cong to get Shen Baozhi away quickly.

As soon as Shen Congzhen heard what Zhao Yu had said, he didn't dare to stay longer. After all, Jiang Wan's wrist injury was really investigated, whether it was intentional or unintentional, who could say for sure?

Zhao Xing was never a reckless person.

The words that came out of the mouth must have been aware of the clues before asking the question coldly.

So Shen Congzhen hurriedly saluted, and helped Shen Baozhi leave the Taiye Pool.

Jiang Yuanzhan was furious, it was Zhao Ran who pulled him, and he stared at the backs of the Shen brothers and sisters leaving, wishing to make a hole, and finally let go of his clenched fists, and glared at Jiang Wan angrily : "The girl's house is so good that it scratches the skin a little bit! It doesn't matter! You are the only one who has no heart, and you are the biggest heart!"

 Zhuzhu: Who do you think is careless?
  Second brother: hum!

(End of this chapter)

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