Chapter 143 Grounding (Part [-])
No matter how dare the imperial doctor delay, he came in a hurry.

He didn't even pay attention to greetings, and Zhao Xing asked him to see Jiang Wan's injuries with a cold face.

It was true that there was only a layer of skin torn on the wrist, it was nothing more than Jiang Wan's delicate skin and tender flesh. After the cut, the area around the wound became red and swollen, and some blood oozes out, which is just scary to look at.

If this kind of injury was placed on ordinary people, they would not take it seriously.

But this man of gold and jade, he looked at the face of the second highness, as if he was going to eat people, who has seen this before?

So cold sweat broke out on his temples, he withdrew his hand, and prescribed a prescription: "The injury is not serious, just take the ointment and apply it for three or two days, and it will be fine, and there will be no scars, don't worry, Your Highness."

Zhao Xing hummed, and Jiang Wan looked up at him: "Look, I'll just say it's okay, second brother, don't blame Shen Baozhi, it's not a big deal."

But he rarely paid attention to Jiang Wan, and raised his voice to ask: "Are the emperor's aunt and Mrs. Wei still with the queen mother?"

I don't know who he was asking, but a little eunuch tucked his hands in and answered him yes.

The corners of Zhao Xing's lips rose almost invisible for a moment.

Zhao Yuyin stared at him all the time, just happened to have a panoramic view of the subtle expression changes on his face.

With a frown, he was about to speak.

Zhao Xing has already ordered in a deep voice: "You go to Hanzhang Palace, and you will call after you return to your mother, so that Aunt Huang and the others know about Zhuzhu's injury."

How dare the imperial doctor twist Zhao Xing's mind, but he has been working in the palace for so many years, and this kind of thing goes back to the masters, isn't that looking for trouble?
So he sneaked a glance towards Zhao Yu.

As soon as Zhao Yu heard Zhao Xing's words, he knew that he had no good intentions. He should have suppressed his thoughts and sent the Imperial Medical Association to work as an errand.

It's just that when the words came to my lips, I suddenly felt that it was unnecessary.

And the little girl was sitting pitifully on the stone bench, her eyes were red, and she was covering the wound on her wrist.

He really didn't think the injury was serious, even if he didn't see the imperial doctor, Ming'er would heal by himself.

Zhao Yu didn't even understand how Jiang Wan was wronged like this.

Last time on the school field in the western suburbs camp, he did not forget that she beat him hard.

With such a twist of the arm, Jiang Wan didn't even frown.

Today I let a ring cut my hand, and the pain is unbearable.

But Zhao Yu didn't intend to find out.

The little girl's family loves to be coquettish, there are many people here, and it's really to save others, and whether Shen Baozhi is intentional or not, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.

So Zhao Yu didn't stop him, instead he sent the imperial doctor: "You go, you don't have to come back when you get back."

The imperial doctor got his order before he gave a salute and hurriedly left the pavilion, asked the little eunuch to lead the way, and gradually walked away.

Jiang Wan smiled silently.

I thought that she and Zhao Xinghe should be a match made in heaven.

The palace banquet was not too late, and there were only a few songs and dances at the banquet. It was just that the clansmen and nobles sat together to talk with the empress, chatted about household chores, and offered two glasses of wine. It's gone.

But what is unusual this year is that after the palace banquet, Empress Zheng left Princess Huayang and Shen Baozhi's mother and daughter alone.

No one knew what Empress Zheng said when they left their mother and daughter. It was only on the second day, the first day of the Lunar New Year, when the news spread, that everyone knew that Shen Baozhi had been restrained, and she was not allowed to go out and walk around during the New Year's Eve.

It was Zhou Wanning who came to tell Jiang Wan about this.

Getting up early and walking around, Fan Yang and the Lu family are still somewhat close to the Shen family due to their ancestors, but now the Zhou family does not have many relatives who need to travel around in Shengjing, so Mrs. Lu will take Zhou Wanning to the eldest princess's mansion to pay New Year's greetings in these years Sit down.

It was supposed to be a joyous day, but Shen Baozhi was nowhere to be seen, Mrs. Lu asked a few more questions, Princess Huayang sighed and said that she was ill and it was inconvenient to see others.

But when he left from the eldest princess's mansion, he heard a few little girls talking nonsense, and only then did he know that Shen Baozhi had been restrained since he left the palace last night.

Even the Eldest Princess can't protect her if the saint sends it, so she can only be locked in her own courtyard and not let her see anyone.

"You don't know, His Highness Huayang changed his face on the spot. If it doesn't hinder A Niang and me, I'm afraid I'm going to drag those naughty girls down immediately and beat them to death!"

Thinking about Princess Huayang's face, Zhou Wanning felt terrified, patted her chest, and asked Jiang Wan: "Yesterday you were in the palace, what kind of big mess did she make to make the saint unhappy? Even disregarding His Highness Huayang's face, he sent a message to restrain her feet."

Jiang Wan felt that she and Zhao Xing were made for each other yesterday, but after hearing this today, she thought it was indeed a mother-child bond.

Zhao Xing only showed some clues to the saint, and she knew that Shen Baozhi had done something bad.

Sitting next to him, Pei Qingyuan gasped: "Did she really hurt you on purpose yesterday?"

If it weren't for this, who would get angry during the Chinese New Year and ground people openly?

Zhou Wanning stood up abruptly, walked half a step in front of Jiang Wan, and pulled Jiang Wan to look again and again: "Where is the injury? Is it important? Is she crazy? Dare to hurt someone in the palace! I will find her—— "

"you come back."

Jiang Wan dragged the person back, and then raised his wrist to show her: "It's all right, if you don't look carefully, the wound can't be seen clearly. Yesterday my aunt and aunt took me to apply the medicine carefully, He repeatedly told him not to touch the water, as if it had been done so badly.

Hasn't the saint already grounded her?Even if you go to find her, you won't see her face.

Besides, do you still dare to beat Shen Baozhi in the eldest princess's mansion? "

Zhou Wanning was not convinced: "Why is she so wicked!"

But he didn't want to leave anymore, holding Jiang Wan's hand, carefully inspected the wound on her wrist, and breathed a sigh of relief: "But it must be very painful. I usually cry when I touch it. Is it okay to get blood?"

Then he blew lightly on her wound, and asked Jiang Wan: "But how did this get to the saint? You go and sue her? Princess Huayang will hate you later!"

Seeing her childish behavior, Pei Qingyuan was full of protection and distress, so he couldn't help laughing, and the tenderness in his eyes was coated with two layers.

Jiang Wan himself was used to it, so he pulled Zhou Wanning's hand and held it in his palm: "I didn't file a complaint."

After answering this sentence first, he told Zhou Wanning about what happened yesterday in detail.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Wan looked sideways at Pei Qingyuan: "She did it on purpose, and the second elder brother can also see that, in fact, no one can hide that little thought, only cousin, you are careless, and you don't know her very well. , I thought she was an inadvertent mistake.

She was just relying on the Eldest Princess, thinking that even if she hurt me in the new year, it would only be a minor injury, so we might not dare to quarrel.

Or if there is a quarrel, it doesn't matter, the eldest princess will never let her suffer.

She really isn't a good person. "

Pei Qingyuan's expression darkened immediately.

Zhou Wanning patted her thigh and shouted: "There really is the Second Highness! That's how it should be, who wants to spoil that bad girl Shen Baozhi!"

(End of this chapter)

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