The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 144 Can't send you off

Chapter 144 I Can't Send You Off (Part [-])
Lu Shi and Zhou Wanning's mother and daughter even stayed in the county palace for dinner.

The night market in the city was even more lively on the first day of the new year. Anyway, the children had to go out to play at night, and they had to go to Zhou's house to pick up Zhou Wanning. The Jiang family simply left their mother and daughter at the county palace.

After dinner, I spent less than two cups of tea with the elders, and when the carriages and horses were ready outside, Mrs. Jiang asked the children to play by themselves.

With red silk hanging high and jade belts paving the streets, Shengjing is a scene of prosperity and prosperity.

Three-year-old children are running all over the street, and teenage girls are laughing and playing.

Jiang Wan didn't have any interest in ringing tonight, and Zhou Wanning even teased and teased her for a long time.

Going to the streets at this moment is just to join in the fun.

After strolling around for a while, everyone transferred to Yunxiang Opera Troupe.

On the first day of the new year, there was a new play, and the troupe's business was very good.

Jiang Wan's private room was quiet, and when the group of people went upstairs, the young man didn't even ask a question, and went to prepare tea and snacks as usual in previous years and brought them up without mentioning it.

Uninvited guests came very quickly.

Shen Congzhen appeared outside the private room without saying a few words in the private room, and without hearing the actual script downstairs.

Jiang Wan subconsciously frowned.

Both Pei Qingyuan and Zhou Wanning knew what she said, and when they saw Shen Congzhen, they also became vigilant.

It's just that the gentlemen don't know the inside story, Jiang Wan didn't mention it, and the elders didn't say that, seeing Shen Congzhen now, although he still thinks about Shen Baozhi hurting others, after all, he won't have anything to do with Shen Congzhen Resistance.

Zhao Ran was the oldest, so he greeted Shen Congzhen with a smile to come in and talk: "Why are you going out next year?"

Shen Congzhen's complexion changed slightly: "Baozhi is ill, so she asked me to go to the street to buy two things for her, passing by Yunxiang troupe, saw the carriages of the county prince's mansion and the state's mansion, thought that Ah Guan must be there, so I came up to make a call." call."

It was only for a moment that his face sank, and when he spoke, he had returned to normal.

After finishing speaking, his eyes swept over Jiang Wan, and he asked her with a smile, "How is your injury?"

Zhao Ran nodded the back of his hand and didn't answer any more.

He just asked casually, not thinking about Shen Baozhi's grounding, let alone stabbing a knife in his heart.

But Shen Congzhen obviously thought so.

He was too lazy to explain, and he didn't want to talk to Shen Congzhen anymore.

Jiang Wan bent her eyes and shook her head, but said nothing.

Jiang Yuanzhan clicked his tongue: "If you don't ask her a few words, her injury will only get better."

Shen Congzhen was choked up, but he was not annoyed: "I knew you must still be angry. After a few days, Baozhi will recover from illness, and the injury on his foot will be healed. I will treat you to a meal as a host.

A Guan is a magnanimous person, although it is true that there is no need to pay any more, but I have to let you calm down, right? "

Jiang Wan squinted at him.

Shen Congzhen didn't have much contact with him before.

It was still for the sake of Princess Huayang.

She really didn't want to deal with those of the Shen family.

Others are almost the same.

If you get too close, I'm afraid that Princess Huayang will feel that there is something wrong.

Just so neither far nor near, maintaining a kind of alienation of not seeing when looking up, just right.

Looking at it now, Shen Congzhen is actually very good at life.

He knew clearly that he was not welcome to see him, but he was able to speak clearly and logically, so that no one could find any fault with him.

The measure is in place, but not too rushed, nor will it appear arrogant.

"It's said that it takes a hundred days to hurt the muscles and bones. She hurt her ankle. Even if it's not that serious, it's best to rest more."

Jiang Wan took a sip of tea, lowered his eyelids, and closed his eyes indifferently: "You don't need to eat, it seems so serious, but it's really nothing important."

Shen Congzhen glanced at Zhou Wanning who was sitting beside her, and was speechless for a moment.

He inexplicably heard another meaning from Jiang Wan's mouth.

Just don't want to pick up on it.

The sage wanted to confine Baozhi, but he didn't say how long it would be.

Jiang Wan told Bao Zhi not to come out to see anyone for three months.

Shen Congzhen frowned: "Awan, I just..."

"Why are you here?"

Zhao Xing's voice came from behind, which startled Shen Congzhen.

But he also found that Jiang Wan's face was jumping with joy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his eyes brightened, and the previous matter was nothing to do with him.

She raised her voice to call her second elder brother, so sweet that she got tired of it.

Shen Congzhen felt his throat tighten.

The sweetness and sweetness of the little girl was not for him to show.

He doesn't deserve it.

This kind of cognition made Shen Congzhen tightly clenched his hands hanging under his cuffs.

Zhao Xing had already stepped into the door, humming lightly in response to Jiang Wan's words.

He passed by Shen Congzhen, didn't take a single look out of his spare eyes, met Jiang Wan, his brows and eyes stretched: "Is the wound healed?"

The smile in the corner of Jiang Wan's eyes froze.

Those who celebrate the Chinese New Year always say the same thing when they meet her.

She curled her lips, and simply showed him her white wrist: "Ningning heard that I was so excited that I was injured, and she said that she wanted to find someone to settle the score. Shen Silang also asked me this when he saw me, and now the second brother is also asking this. It’s not a porcelain doll, it will break if you touch it?”

Shen Congzhen's eyes twitched.

It is really clear enough.

High judgment.

There is also the sentence that you need to find someone to settle accounts——

Shen Congzhen glanced at Zhou Wanning.

Not to be outdone, Zhou Wanning stared back.

Jiang Yuanzhan squinted his eyes and coughed: "Sanniang is young, and she has been in love with Zhuzhu since she was a child. You are not annoyed by such words, are you?"

Shen Congzhen said of course not, so he looked away.

Zhao Xing has already taken his seat.

Shen Congzhen was the only one standing there in embarrassment in the room.

Neither advance nor retreat.

Zhao Xing tapped the edge of the round table: "You haven't answered me yet, why are you here?"

Shen Congzhen had no choice but to take out what he said just now and say it again.

After Zhao Xing listened, he said oh, and then raised his eyebrows and asked him again: "I heard from the emperor's aunt that you got two copybooks in Liangzhe, the authentic ancient copies?"

Shen Congzhen raised his eyebrows and said, "I always like to collect these, and His Highness the Second Highness knows about it."

Zhao Xing said: "I know you love to collect, so I was quite surprised to hear that Aunt Huang said that she wanted you to give the copybook to Zhuzhu."

He pointed it out directly, not afraid of embarrassment, and stared at Shen Congzhen in a daze, without taking his eyes off: "Did you want to give that copybook, or did the emperor's aunt make the decision for you?"

Shen Congzhen's scalp was numb.

Zhao Xing did it on purpose.

He can only do it on purpose.

When we met before, be polite.

Zhao Xing is a very considerate person.

In terms of seniority, he is still a generation higher, Zhao Xing would not talk like this, never.

Shen Congzhen's eyes suddenly flashed Jiang Wan's expression when he first saw Zhao Xing appearing at the door.

Something slowly cracked open in his heart.

He suddenly frowned, and immediately changed his words: "I don't know about this. Those two copybooks are my favorite things, and I definitely can't give them away."

Shen Congzhen said this quite smoothly, and immediately explained to Jiang Wan: "If you like those, I will find a good one for you to send to you another day. Since Auntie agreed, I can't refute anything, it's just that Two copybooks, I'm afraid it won't work."

 Shen Congzhen: He who understands current affairs is a hero
(End of this chapter)

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