Chapter 145
Chapter 140 Six

Shen Congzhen is a very knowledgeable person.

This kind of "good" character has actually been reflected since he was still young.

We were all about the same age and grew up together.

There was a Zhao Yu on the top, who was different from them, the rest seemed to be not much different.

Shen Congzhen has a high seniority and a young age, so getting along with him is more or less awkward.

In addition, Princess Huayang is really strange.

When the children were young, she especially liked to talk about it.

Back then, he even made a joke in front of the sage, teasing Zhao Xing and asking Zhao Xingguan to call Shen Congzhen Uncle.

The sage gave her face, and it was hard to say anything. Because of his young age, it was rare for Zhao Yu to be rude and presumptuous in front of the elders, so he refuted it on the spot and questioned Shen Congzhen coldly. dare not answer.

Afterwards, the story spread, and everything was said.

However, within half a year, everyone forgot about it, and if the days were longer, no one would mention it.

Since that time, Princess Huayang, every time she entered the palace, she only learned a little bit how to write the word "restraint" in front of the official saints.

Not to mention that he didn't dare to say anything about seniority in front of Brother Zhao Yu.

As for Shen Congzhen himself, he didn't know if he was frightened by Zhao Yu.

He entered school at the age of eleven or twelve and practiced martial arts. He is actually talented, capable of both literature and martial arts, and can be regarded as a relatively well-rounded person.

Jiang Yuanyao said at that time that the master actually values ​​Shen Congzhen very much.

Among these people, they are all capable of both literature and martial arts, but there is more or less a focus.

For example, Jiang Yuanyao, Zhao Xing and Han Peizhao are more proficient in writing and ink.

And people like Jiang Yuanzhan and Liu Ziran have better skills.

It was not until later that Zhao Xing was personally instructed by Zhao Yu that his riding and shooting martial arts improved greatly.

There are even those like Zhao Lin and Zhao Yi who are incapable of writing or martial arts, who are more than enough than the best, and they are not worth mentioning at all.

If you want to talk about all-round talents in civil and military affairs, it is Zhao Yu and Shen Congzhen.

Theoretically speaking, Shen Cong really has such a good ability, and with such a background, he is in the limelight. Under Zhao Yu, he should be No. 1 among the noble sons of the gentry.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Jiang Wan stared at Shen Congzhen.

Think of many things from the past.

At the age of 11, Shen Congzhen even lost to Zhao Ce, who was younger than him, when he wrote poems in the Winter Banquet Collection.

At the age of 12, he got together to eat barbecue and Fei Hua Ling, and he lost to the girls one after another, even Zhou Wanning, who was unlearned and inexperienced when he was young, was no match.

At the age of 13, they played against each other in the school field and were defeated by Zhao Xing.

At the age of 14, on the hunting field in autumn, Jin Hedi was in high spirits and asked some children to show him how to shoot arrows. Shen Congzhen lost to Zhao Yi by one arrow.

But this person, the old lady Liang Fu personally praised the article on strategy and theory. Last year in the western suburbs school field, he went through a hundred moves with ease in Zhao Yu's hands, and finally lost his strength because of exhaustion.

But Jiang Wan herself is also a practitioner.

No one is a fool whether he lost on purpose or was really exhausted.

It can only be said that Shen Congzhen is too good at life.

Zhao Yu is also very useful for his concession and sense of proportion, just don't expose it.

It was only now that Jiang Wan really felt that it didn't matter whether he knew or didn't know about Princess Huayang's thoughts.

As long as he sees Zhao Xing's intentions clearly, he will take the initiative to back away and stop provoking him.

As for Shen Baozhi——

Jiang Wan suddenly smiled.

She raised her hand to pour a cup of tea, held it in the palm of her hand, and brought it to Zhao Xing's face, her eyes still on Shen Congzhen: "A gentleman does not take what others like, even though I am a little girl, I will not take what you love. Since the copybook is your beloved thing, His Highness Huayang said it casually, and I don't really want you.

There are countless copybooks in my home, and my second elder brother sent several sets of ancient books over a few days ago, and I am not short of these two.

Mr. Shen Silang should keep it for himself.

However, this kind of thing is attractive to people, and people see it, but it is impossible to keep it in mind.

So according to me, it's best to hide it deeply, so that no one can see it. What does Mr. Shen Silang say? "

While listening to her, Zhao Xing raised his eyebrows and looked back.

His gaze flicked over her pale fingertips, and he took Xiaozhan without hesitation.

He knew that Shen Congzhen was watching, so when he picked up Xiaozhan, his fingertips covered Jiang Wan's fingertips, and when they touched each other, instead of avoiding it, he was extraordinarily calm.

Of course Jiang Yuanzhan saw it too, his eyelids twitched, and the veins on his temples twitched together.

He wanted to flip the table a little bit.

Even if there is a marriage contract, it shouldn't be like this!

Even if you get married in the future, go out, and the sky is bright and bright, you must restrain yourself!

How can you not care about decency at all?
Zhao Xing is shameless, his sister is a girl, shouldn't he be shameless with Zhao Xing?
Zhao Ran suddenly became aware of waves of hostility and coldness around him, which were not aimed at him, but very frightening.

Turning around suddenly, he followed Jiang Yuanzhan's gaze. When he saw that scene, he hurriedly turned his eyes away, pretending not to see it, and just turned his attention to Zhou Wanning for help.

The second cousin's move must have been intentional.

It is not appropriate to dismantle his platform at this time.

But he didn't dare to persuade, or even make a sound.

Don't look at him as a cousin - Jiang Yuanzhan's bad temper can be his ancestor.

I'm really annoyed, at the top, who cares about my cousin?
Fortunately, Zhou Wanning was quick-witted, and his mind was active, thinking that Shen Congzhen might not have any good ideas, so his mind and eyes kept turning back and forth.

At this moment, after receiving Zhao Ran's reminder, and thinking that it would be too abrupt to speak, he rolled his black eyes, picked up the teacup in front of him, and was about to send it to his mouth, but for some reason, his hand tilted, warm Most of the tea was spilled on Zhao Ce.

Not too hot, hot for sure.

Suddenly she was splashing again, Zhao Ce groaned and dodged to the side: "You can splash me all over with just a drink of tea!"

Zhou Wanning apologized quickly, and Jiang Yuanzhan really came back to his senses, frowning and looking over: "Are you burned?"

She shook her head and said no, Zhao Ce over there was even more dissatisfied, and shouted: "Second cousin, look clearly, she splashed me all over, if you want to ask, you should ask me, right?"

"You are a boy, and you are not just boiling tea, can you be scalded to death? What are you shouting for?"

Jiang Yuanzhan's face was dark, and he just vented his anger on Zhao Ce: "Stay away from Sanniang, don't sit next to her, even if she spills tea, it won't be able to splash on you!"

Zhao Ce was furious for a moment and felt speechless.

After all, Zhou Wanning did it on purpose, and she felt a little apologetic in her heart, and she caused Zhao Ceping to be scolded for nothing, so she handed over her handkerchief and said, "Wipe it first. Brother Yuan Zhan, don't scold him, I almost slipped just now." hand, and poured tea all over him, he is already annoyed, if you scold him again, he will be even more wronged."

Jiang Yuanzhan glanced at Zhao Ce lightly, said to ignore him, stretched out his long arm, and took the handkerchief from Zhou Wanning's hand before Zhao Ce could touch it.

 Zhao Ce: The wounded world has been achieved.just speechless
(End of this chapter)

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