The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 146 A Misunderstanding

Chapter 146 A Misunderstanding (Part [-])

Chapter 140 Seven

Of course the handkerchief fell into Jiang Yuanzhan's hands.

There was nothing unclean on his hands, he wiped it twice inexplicably, and said that it was dirty, he would wash it off and return it to Zhou Wanning, but Zhao Ce didn't use it anyway.

Zhao Ce rolled his eyes, but he didn't dare to be arrogant with him.

The hem of the gown was wet, and it wasn't too uncomfortable to wear it thickly in winter. He looked down, but the color was much darker than the surroundings, so it just didn't look good.

Anyway, it’s the same whether you wipe it or not. It’s impossible to do it, so let’s just forget it.

This time, Zhao Ce learned to be obedient, and walked towards Zhao Ze with the stool in his arms, completely away from Zhou Wanning.

Zhou Wanning didn't care, but seeing Jiang Yuanzhan kept looking at her hands, and couldn't care less about being angry with Zhao Xing, she breathed a sigh of relief, said with crooked eyebrows that she was fine, and waved her hands to Jiang Yuan. Zhan Kan: "It's not burning, it's not red at all, it's fine, look."

Jiang Yuanzhan hummed, and then he was relieved.

And Zhao Xing had already received the teacup from Jiang Wan's hand, and the two of them had just touched the fingertips that went together, and they naturally separated.

He knew why he made such a fuss for no reason, so he gave Jiang Yuanzhan a sideways glance with a half-smile, and after hurriedly passing Jiang Yuanzhan's face, he didn't go too far.

Such a look and expression was too provocative.

First, he didn't intend to offend Jiang Yuanzhan, and second, he didn't intend to find any unhappiness for his status and situation in Yue's family in the future.

He simply thought that Jiang Yuanzhan had something wrong with him.

Shen Congzhen was left alone for most of the day, watching them make out in the room, he was a complete outsider.

Jiang Wan's remarks about not taking away people's love clearly meant something.

Serving Zhao Xing with tea and water is also for him to see.

As for physical contact.

If Zhao Xing didn't do it on purpose, how could it be unavoidable?

He stuck here like a joke.

A Niang's thought, I'm afraid it won't work.

And Baozhi——Zhao Xing is not something everyone can touch.

He himself didn't want to see him, His Royal Highness stood in the way, and the saint didn't even allow it.

Fortunately, these two things have not been put on the table.

Treat it as a misunderstanding, it is best to expose the past.

But it can't be uncovered in such a muddle-headed way.

Shen Congzhen calmed down, with the most benign and harmless smile still on his face, he called Ah Wan.

Jiang Wan's eyelids twitched, and he followed the trend: "Mr. Shen Silang, is there anything else?"

Shen Congzhen said yes: "I have a few words, I want to say to you alone, can I take a step to talk?"

Zhao Xing was silent, Jiang Yuanzhan's face was ugly, and the rest of the people were all surprised.

Including Jiang Wan himself.

Is Shen Cong really serious?Relying on Princess Huayang and the Shen family of Runan, do you really plan to fight Zhao Xing?Or for Shen Baozhi?
She was a little unhappy.

If I had known this was the case, and the Han family had lost power, we should have uncovered Han Lingfu's scandal, so that people outside would give up their hearts and stop trying to trick Zhao Xing.

Now one or two are restless and want to rush to Zhao Xing's side.

But Jiang Wan also knew that the decision was made by the officials and the sage, if the sage could bear this anger, it was probably because the officials tried their best to persuade him.

She can't help but do whatever she wants.

She took a deep breath, put away those thoughts, didn't get up, didn't say whether it would be possible, and asked Shen Congzhen instead: "It's Chinese New Year, does Mr. Shen Silang really want to talk to me in private?"

Shen Congzhen was very firm, and nodded decisively: "Of course I won't make you unhappy."

Hearing this, Jiang Wan raised her eyebrows again, and then stood up.

Neither Zhao Xing nor Jiang Yuanzhan stopped her.

Instead, Zhou Wanning subconsciously wanted to hold Jiang Wan's hand, but Pei Qingyuan stopped him first, and shook his head at her, signaling her to leave it alone.

Zhou Wanning pursed her lips, watched Jiang Wan and Shen Congzhen go out the door side by side, and then turned to the right.

This private room was originally next to the corner at the end of the corridor. Go to the right hand side and at the end of the corridor, there is an open space, which is very convenient for talking.

Shen Congzhen brought Jiang Wan out, a literary play on the downstairs stage had just finished singing, the actors left, the babbling gradually subsided, but the applause kept coming and going.

The sound wave became louder and louder, but it covered Shen Congzhen's almost inaudible sigh more and more.

Even though Jiang Wan was walking beside him, she couldn't hear those small voices.

It was Jiang Wan who stood still first.

When she didn't go any further, she raised her head slightly and looked at Shen Congzhen.

Different from the alienation when he was in the house, and even more different from the sweetness when he saw Zhao Xing, Jiang Wan at this moment only has four characters with a blank face, and he can't even see the alienation and indifference, as if standing in front of him is just an unrelated person. Important people are unwilling to reveal any excess emotions.

When she spoke, her voice was also gentle: "You have been a very smart person since you were a child. What I just said should be very clear."

Shen Cong said sincerely.

There was no surprise on his face.

Jiang Wan had a full view of his performance and reaction, and then frowned: "You figured it out, what else do you want to tell me?"

"I want to explain clearly to you." Shen Congzhen sighed, this one was much louder, plus the two of them were standing face to face at the moment, no matter how loud the applause downstairs was, Jiang Wan could hear it clearly.

He paused for a moment before he said again: "Yesterday when I came home from the palace, I knew it was probably not good. A Niang told me that she had never been shut out like this in front of a saint.

Even the princess of the county and Mrs. Wei didn't even show her a good face.

At that time, I had expected that this matter would not be possible. "

Jiang Wan clicked his tongue: "Then you still come up to find me today? We all grew up together, and you'd rather hurt your childhood friendship because of something that couldn't have been done in the first place."

"I was thinking about it..."

Shen Congzhen sighed: "But it's not important. It's just that you are from such a good background, and your marriage is watched by all the nobles in the world.

Don't say it's a little lady like you and Miss Pei, even if it's Aning, because her maternal ancestral family is Fan Yang Lu's family, so many people are staring at her, waiting for her to marry Ji, waiting for the Zhou family to let go, and they will come to ask for marriage Woolen cloth?

Previously, you had a marriage contract with His Highness the Third Highness, and the official personally bestowed the marriage, no one dared to think of you.

Now that the engagement has been retired, my aunt also wants to get married to the Duke's Mansion. In fact, you should be able to understand.

As for me... I have nothing to say, as you can see, I am also happy to see the results, very willing.

But I thought to myself, let's just say it.

Auntie and I are both at fault for this matter. We should have gone to the county prince's mansion to tell the county princess generously, or waited until the Duke and Mrs. Guo returned to Beijing, and then went to the door to talk about it, instead of touching these thoughts in private , but reveals the ending again, so that everyone knows it.

I apologize to you, don't blame my mother, she is used to being honorable, she has been here for decades.

I will make this matter clear to her, and I will never ask her to think of you again in the future, and treat it as a misunderstanding, do you think it is okay? "

(End of this chapter)

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