The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 147 Essential Difference

Chapter 147 The Essential Difference (Part [-])
The next game after literary drama must be martial arts.

The New Year's Eve is lively, and there will be two more martial arts performances in the troupe.

The gongs and drums on the stage downstairs sounded again, denser and more urgent than before.

But it will not affect the atmosphere upstairs at all.

Serene, suffocating.

An invisible and inexplicable sense of oppression hangs over the top of the person's head.

Shen Cong really couldn't imagine that this kind of feeling would one day be brought to him by a 14-year-old girl like Jiang Wan.

He rolled his throat twice: "Awan..."

But he just opened his mouth, and was interrupted by Jiang Wan with a smile: "You just said, everything?"

Shen Congzhen's eyes were sure, and his breathing became heavier, and then he nodded solemnly: "Yes."

Jiang Wan clicked his tongue, and took half a step back: "Mr. Shen Silang, there are some things, if you talk about it, will it be considered as a thing of the past?"

Shen Congzhen frowned: "Then what do you want?"

She raised her wrist and shook it at Shen Congzhen: "Don't you want to tell me that although I hurt my hand, your sister was also grounded during the Chinese New Year, so it should be written off?"

Shen Congzhen's face turned pale.

He naturally thought so.

But Jiang Wan obviously didn't intend to let it go easily.

"She's not—"

"Whether she is or not, do you want to go back to the private room with me and talk about it?"

Shen Congzhen stopped talking.

Baozhi did it on purpose.

Because he could see it, he only asked after the fact.

However, everyone at the scene whitewashed the peace that day, and no one broke it.

At that time, he really didn't expect that Zhao Xing planned to settle accounts after the autumn, and made a fuss in front of the saint, but the saint actually defended Jiang Wan in Zhao Xing's face.

But fortunately, it's just a grounding.

Even if they all know the inside story, it doesn't matter.

A Niang only said that Bao Zhi was ill, and the others didn't know about it.

Shen Congzhen made up his mind, and when he spoke again, he softened his attitude: "Do you want her to come and make amends for you, or if you want anything, you can tell me."

He took a deep breath: "I don't have to defend Baozhi either.

You were trying to save her with good intentions, but she herself... She was not up to her expectations, and she hurt others because she was spoiled by her family.

But speaking of it, your little lady raised Jingui, who didn't grow up with a thousand pampers and pets?
Baozhi hurt her foot because she didn't pay attention, but you hurt your hand but it was a pure accident. "

Shen Congzhen said these words with a calm heart: "Awan, what do you want to do before you are willing to expose this matter, just tell me, I will promise you what you can."

Only then did Jiang Wan re-examine Shen Congzhen in front of him.

He knows the time too well.

It made her lose interest.

If it were Shen Baozhi, there would definitely be some fuss.

With Shen Congzhen, there is nothing to toss about.

For a moment, she thought of the Liu family and the Han family.

As long as there is a sensible person in the Liuhan family who can learn the three-point truth of Shen Congzhen, he will not fall into such a situation.

Jiang Wan asked herself that she was not a good person, but she appreciated sensible people.

Because most people in the world are ignorant and confused, it is really rare to find people who understand clearly.

"I hurt my hand, and she also grounded her foot. As long as she doesn't come to trouble me in the future, I will pretend that this incident never happened, and write it off."

Jiang Wanxiu raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes brightened: "Since you said everything was a misunderstanding, I naturally hope that you will do what you say.

If there is a real misunderstanding, I can treat it as a misunderstanding.

Mr. Shen Silang, I am very stingy, and I will be very angry if others think of something they shouldn't have.

You all think that I should be a model noble lady, but I am very open-minded now.

In life, happiness is the most important thing.

My father and brother protected me, not to tell me to be a role model with restraint. If someone insists on coming to my face to embarrass me and make me feel unhappy, I am not willing to be this role model. "

Her eyebrows and eyes are crooked, and her eyes are clear and innocent, but what she said made her heart chill: "You also know how to write the four words bullying others. These four words, looking at the whole Daye, no one will compare them." I am still qualified to do the best."

It was only half an hour before he left Yunxiang troupe.

Shen Congzhen left early, and everyone didn't take him seriously.

Except Zhao Xing.

Therefore, when they boarded the car and wanted to go home, Jiang Yuanzhan followed Zhou Wanning's car and escorted her back to Zhou's house.

The rest of the brothers also boarded the car after Pei Qingyuan got in the car.

Only Jiang Wan followed Zhao Xing slowly.

Jiang Yuanzhan has already left, even if he is still here, he doesn't bother to take care of her, and if he wants to make trouble with Zhao Xing too much, she may not be willing to be taken care of.

Zhao Ran and the others didn't dare to say anything at all.

He could only watch helplessly as Jiang Wan got into Zhao Xing's carriage, and the carriage was at the forefront, and followed them back to the Duke's Mansion.

Zhao Xing in the carriage handed over a hand stove: "Warm it up."

Jiang Wan was extraordinarily well-behaved tonight, she didn't say she wasn't cold, even if she was really not cold at all, she obediently took the gold-plated hand stove and hugged her in her arms.

She bent over, with the hand stove stuck to her lower abdomen, and tilted her head to look sideways at Zhao Xing.

His face was flat, showing no emotion.

But at times like this in previous years, he would always laugh.

In the past few years, although she didn't pester Zhao Xing, she always stayed with Zhao Yi more, which can be the same as before.

Jiang Wan curled her lips: "Fortunately, I am the most understanding and considerate person. I followed you into the car, and I have to tell you clearly, otherwise, wouldn't Second Brother be angry all night?"

It is inauspicious to live and die during the Chinese New Year, so when the sentence came to his lips, he suddenly changed his words.

She changed her words abruptly, a little abruptly.

Zhao Xing raised his eyebrows: "How do you change your mouth?"

He had a half-smile, and Jiang Wan said awkwardly: "Shen Congzhen told me that everything was just a misunderstanding, and told me not to take it to heart, and this kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

Jiang Wan didn't dare to go around in circles with him anymore, for fear that he would really make him angry.

She couldn't bear it, and was afraid that she wouldn't be able to coax her well.

Then he drew out a hand, pointed at Zhao Xing with light white fingertips, and pointed back at himself: "Second brother, and me."

That is, even Shen Baozhi was also resolved.

Zhao Xing not only didn't smile when he heard this, but frowned and clicked his tongue: "Forget about her hurting you?"

"It's not like I want to take revenge for everything."

Jiang Wan's tone became cheerful: "I deeply think that it is more important for Shen Congzhen to solve these two big troubles than seeking revenge.

Does the second brother think it's wrong?

And why are you encouraging me not to learn well?
Why don't you push me to find Shen Baozhi to recover this little injury? "

A sense of powerlessness came to my heart again, and then quickly spread to my whole body.

It's her reason no matter what.

Jiang Wan seemed to see what he was thinking, straightened up, and leaned against the carriage: "Some people cannot be easily let go, but some things are unnecessary.

In the past, no matter Hu Wangxu and others, or Liu Minghua and Han Lingfu, there is still an essential difference between Shen Baozhi and Shen Baozhi. "

(End of this chapter)

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