The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 148 Don't mention it again

Chapter 148 Don't Mention It Anymore (Part [-])
Chapter 140 Nine

The mansion of Princess Huayang is brightly lit.

The whole family has not been resettled.

Shen Congzhen came back from the outside and went straight to see the eldest princess.

Shen Baozhi was imprisoned in her own yard, and she didn't dare to let her out on the first day of the new year. After all, this time the sage was angry, and the Shen family didn't dare to do such things.

Angry and wronged, she smashed things in her room.

Princess Huayang pampered her blindly, Shen Jingshan couldn't stand it, went to Shen Baozhi's courtyard to discipline her, and repeatedly explained that Princess Huayang was not allowed to follow her.

Originally, the Eldest Princess Huayang quit, and Shen Jingshan didn't want to quarrel with her during the New Year's Eve, which would cause discord between the husband and wife.

Only by pointing out the lessons learned from the Liu family, Princess Huayang calmed down and stopped wanting to protect her.

At this moment, seeing Shen Congzhen, he was thinking about his affair with Jiang Wan.

He beckoned someone to come to him, brushed off the cold air from his body, pulled him and kept asking: "How is it? Have you seen Jiang Wan? Did you have a good chat with her? I think she is a precious girl, You are also a little delicate on weekdays, but did you show your face because of your sister?"

Princess Huayang pulled Shen Congzhen to cover her face and asked, Shen Congzhen listened patiently, but in the end, she just let out a long sigh.

When she heard that sound, her face was slightly condensed: "Did she really show you?"

Shen Cong said sincerely that it was more than just showing his face.

He didn't just look at Jiang Wan's face tonight.

Sometimes he felt that Auntie was confused.

The Princess of the Tian family, logically speaking, should be more knowledgeable than the world.

None of the children who grew up in the palace were pure-minded.

But I don't know why, A Niang is the exception.

Raising children only knows how to pamper and pamper them, but they never know how to restrain themselves from outsiders.

These years, if Aye hadn't been watching and taking care of them, sooner or later their family would be the next Duke Cheng's mansion.

Besides, Baozhi has been's very unseemly.

At least Han Lingfu didn't dare to act recklessly like this.

Shen Congzhen closed his eyes for a while, took his hand out of the hand of Princess Huayang, and called Aunt in a slow voice: "Don't think about that matter, and don't try the saint's will again.

The same thing happened with Baozhi.

In fact, you know that she is interested in the Second Highness, but let me tell you the truth, it is impossible to put her seniority there.

When did you see the sage think about her?

Even if it is just based on the Shen family's generation, not yours, Baozhi is spoiled by nature, and the Second Highness is the most beloved son of the sage, how could he choose Baozhi to be his concubine? "

Princess Huayang's complexion immediately changed: "What kind of bastard are you talking! Your sister is worthless!

In terms of origin, in terms of appearance, what does she have..."

"Stop talking like that."

Shen Congzhen's voice was rare: "There are so many Daye gentry families, isn't every family with a solid foundation?
Not to mention far away, is the Peiguo government not as good as our family's lintel?

Yes, you are the eldest princess, and the saints of the official family will call you aunt when they see you, but so what?

The Shen family in Runan is no longer revered in the past, and now the Duke of Peiguo is powerful again. Look at his in-laws, what kind of family background, what kind of people, why are they still saying such stupid things? ? "

He shook his head and sighed: "In terms of birth and appearance, Bao Zhi is not inferior to anyone, but he has never won anyone.

And who is the Second Highness?No matter how precious the little lady is, can she be more precious than him?
As long as he is willing, the sage doesn't have to pick any background or family status.

Character is precious, so it should be number one. "

After Shen Congzhen's voice fell, seeing his aunt's face was livid, he didn't dare to continue to provoke her, and his attitude was more gentle, and he didn't even dare to say that his sister had a bad temper.

In the final analysis, it was Aniang who spoiled Baozhi like that.

Besides, it's my mother's fault.

So he simply changed the subject, and only talked about Jiang Wan and Zhao Xing: "You asked me to look for A Wan tonight, and I went, and the people I met in the Yunxiang troupe, the Xiaojun Wang brothers were there, and Zhou Wanning was also there.

Before I could say a few words, the Second Highness came! "

When Princess Huayang heard this, her eyelids twitched: "Why is he leaving the palace at this hour?"

"Then besides the permission of the official sage, what else can it be for?"

Shen Cong was really helpless: "On the first day of the Lunar New Year, he was not in the palace to accompany the official saint, so he ran out of the palace to look for Jiang Wan."

He didn't even bark at Ah Wan anymore, and he thought to himself that he should keep a better distance in the future.

Then he continued: "There are some things that I can't explain to you for a moment, but you must understand in your heart that the relationship between Jiang Wan and His Highness is not that simple.

Just think about it carefully, how did Baozhi get punished so easily?

It's normal for a girl's house to fight a little, but it doesn't necessarily mean that Baozhi deliberately hurt others.

The sage didn't even ask, he just left you and Baozhi to talk, politely, and asked you to take her home and don't let her go outside.

You haven't thought about it at all? "

"You mean..."

Is it Zhao Xing?
When Princess Huayang thought of this level, she shook her head again and again: "How can such a thing happen! According to what you say, Erlang and Jiang Wan have become lovers and concubines..."

"Aniang!" Shen Congzhen's heart trembled when he heard it, "Why do you even say such things?"

Princess Huayang didn't take it seriously: "In my own home, I closed the door and told you, what are you doing?"

Shen Congzhen was completely helpless.

He didn't want to tell her all that, but he didn't think it was necessary.

But right now, it doesn't look right.

So he told Princess Huayang all about what happened tonight.

After the voice fell down, he sighed heavily: "We just need to know what's going on in our hearts. Fortunately, Jiang Wan is not really such an unforgiving person. I won't provoke her in the future, and I will see that Baozhi will not get involved with the second generation. Your Highness, everyone is safe and sound, and the days go on peacefully, and we can still be polite when we meet each other.

You must never make Jiang Wan's idea again!She and the Second Highness, we don't know, let alone who was moved first.

It would even be better if she put the Second Highness at ease first.

But what if it's the Second Highness - if we don't touch that bad luck, our family can't stand that kind of trouble.

Just let it go and live a good life, but do you have to make the whole family suffer? "

Princess Huayang never thought that Jiang Wan would have anything to do with Zhao Xing.

"But she is not with Saburo..."

"Don't mention it any more!"

Shen Congzhen also raised his voice.

Seeing that she was so unclear, I really felt that this matter should be reported to Aye instead of him persuading him.

In order to prevent future troubles forever, Shen Congzhen even thought of Pei Qingyuan.

He turned his heart away, and his voice became calm: "We don't get infected with any of her family members, and we stay far away from each other, so that we can live a peaceful life.

So Aniang, even if you want to show me a little lady, whether it's Jiang Wan or Pei Qingyuan, don't even think about it! "

(End of this chapter)

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