The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 149 Underestimated Her

Chapter 149 I underestimated her (one more)
When Zhao Xing returned to the palace, Zhao Yi was still in Empress Zheng's palace and did not return to Tizhen Hall.

Seeing him coming, he got up in a hurry, greeted Queen Zheng, said a few words to Zhao Xing with a smile, and walked away quickly.

Zhao Xing narrowed his eyes, and didn't bother to talk to him, and approached Empress Zheng with a smile.

Empress Zheng glared at him angrily: "You still know how to come back."

"I told you, I will come back to accompany you today."

Zhao Xing replied with a smile, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Empress Zheng saw it and poked him: "What? Did you meet someone outside the palace? Did you quarrel with Ah Wan?"

The latter sentence was just brought out casually.

In the past ten years, she has never seen her son quarrel with Jiang Wan.

The little girl's eyes turned red, and her spineless son gave in first.

His face was so ugly that he wished to take out his heart and liver to make amends.

How dare you provoke her in the new year?

Zhao Xing also heard the ridicule in that sentence, and sighed inaudibly: "I went to the troupe to find her, and I happened to meet Shen Congzhen."

Empress Zheng frowned: "He went to find Ah Wan?"

Zhao Xing hummed.

Empress Zheng also snorted coldly: "The eldest princess is really—"

Princess Tianjia is like this.

She didn't have the good fortune to have a girl by her side, but she has been in the middle palace for so many years, and there is no one in the harem of Emperor Jinhe. She also took good care of the princess born to the concubine for several years.

Empress Zheng knows better than anyone what a princess of a country should look like.

Like Princess Huayang, there may be nothing wrong with being young.

She is the most innocent and innocent, and has the cleanest mind. She has no intention of harming others, and she never thinks of harming others.

A gentle and kind heart is the most rare thing in the Tian family.

It cannot be said that she was not raised well.

It is not easy to maintain such innocence.

But when the age gets older and the family raises children, the disadvantages will be manifested.

As soon as the New Year's Eve palace banquet was over, she ordered Shen Baozhi to be grounded. Doesn't the Eldest Princess really understand what that means?

Everyone knew about Shen Baozhi's careful thinking.

She has already given enough face to the eldest princess' mansion and the Shen family.

Just treat it as a joke at the little girl's house, and don't make trouble outside.

As a result, on the first day of the Lunar New Year, the Eldest Princess dared to let her son go to look for Jiang Wan.

It just doesn't make sense!

Empress Zheng really doesn't know how to swear, and she also thinks that Princess Dachang is always considered an elder, so she can't say bad words.

The more this is the case, the more angry I am with myself.

Zhao Xingcai hurriedly patted her on the back to comfort her, and then replied: "Don't be angry, Zhuzhu and Shen Congzhen have made things clear.

Aunt Huang, she... Fortunately, Shen Cong is really a sensible person, he knows how powerful he is, and he will not pester Zhuzhu again.

And that thing about Shen Baozhi. "

Mentioning Shen Baozhi, Zhao Xing drooped his eyes, and gloom flashed in his eyes: "Zhuzhu is also resolved together."

Empress Zheng was slightly surprised: "Awan himself, did you solve it?"

Zhao Xing's eyes were stained with a smile again, he hummed heavily, and when he raised his head, Empress Zheng saw full pride from his face and even his eyes.

So Empress Zheng was speechless on the spot.

Then he pushed his hand away: "Cooperate with you to tell me this, to make my husband angry, just to tell me that Ah Wan of Jiang's family is very capable, and you don't need to come forward, and I don't need to come forward." , can settle these troubles for you, right?"

Zhao Xing smiled embarrassingly: "Look at what you said, why am I here to claim credit?"

He said that he was not asking for credit, but he didn't think that way in his heart.

Empress Zheng didn't expose him, and snorted coldly: "But if you want to put it this way, she has indeed been raised well in the past few years.

I saw that your aunt pampered the children, and the nieces and nephews in the family were so spoiled. Even Wanning went to her, she was very pampered.

Like me, she has no daughter-in-law, and the little girls around her can't wait to praise her to the sky.

I was thinking at first, there are no sisters in Ah Guan's family, she is the only one, the Duke and Duchess are used to it, she is still young, and she will be raised by your aunt for a year, so she is definitely more delicate than her grandparents.

One is afraid that she is ignorant of the world, and the other is that she will not be able to cope with those worldly affairs.

Although it is your will, I am always restless in my heart.

I'm afraid that she won't be able to assist you well in the future, or even if it's only in the inner house, she will ask you to take care of troublesome things for her.

According to what you said, it turned out that I was supercilious and underestimated her. "

Zhao Xing sighed slightly in his heart.

Those words that don't need Jiang Wan's assistance, and are more happy to handle troublesome things for her all her life, can't be said in front of the mother.

The thoughts of being a mother in the world are also the same.

I think that marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous person, especially a person like him, must have a good wife by his side, who is sensible and generous. In the future, he will be the mistress of the palace. What should not be done, you have to have a sense of proportion, and you have to be able to determine the degree.

He didn't think it was necessary.

Even if they are married, Zhuzhu will still be Zhuzhu, and he will still be him.

She does whatever she likes.

Just like what Jiang Yuanzhan said before.

Like Pei Guogong and his son who are guarding outside and fighting in the battlefield, isn't it for the sake of peace and prosperity for the family members?
With him around, why is Zhuzhu so sensible.

She can do anything she wants, what else does she need him for?
But saying this is nothing more than being scolded by the queen mother.

Zhao Xing just smiled: "Mr. Peiguo never makes mistakes in raising children. Look at his husband, it's impossible to raise Zhuzhu differently just because Zhuzhu is a girl, right?

If he was really spoiled like that, he wouldn't have caught Zhuzhu since he was a child and practiced with his brothers.

I practiced kung fu when I was young, and later my elder brother took control of my riding and shooting. You really felt sorry for a while.

That's hard work, who's little lady is detained by the family to do that?

Besides, look at the children of the Gu family, look at the children of the Pei family.

They are all high-ranking gentry and noble families, and the difference is really big. "

Empress Zheng knew who he was talking about.

She glanced across, and didn't want to mention those bad things: "It's almost over, those people are dead, let's go, Shengjing is clean, you still have to talk about it."

Zhao Xing smiled slightly: "Aren't I just chatting with you? But it's the truth."

Empress Zheng naturally knew it was the truth.

But it was true that he underestimated Jiang Wan in the past.

The girl looked at Jiao Didi like a glass beauty lamp.

She was actually not very happy when the government gave San Lang a marriage.

It wasn't that Jiang Wan was bad, but that the little girl was raised too delicately. Being her daughter-in-law, she was afraid that it would be bad for her son.

But there is no need to mention that now.

Although she is young, she can resolve problems.

It's not easy.

Empress Zheng laughed as she thought of this level: "Since it's all resolved, I won't talk about it in the future. Don't take it to heart if it never happened. You still have to give the Eldest Princess some face, understand? "

(End of this chapter)

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