Chapter 150 Xingyang Zheng Family (Second Update)
Chapter 150

On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, the snow stopped and the sky cleared up.

Shengjing has had a lot of snow this year.

From the night of the first day to the fourth day, I went down for three days and one night without stopping.

It's also damn cold.

Even Jin and the emperor said that it was fortunate that it was Chinese New Year, otherwise the people who went out to work would have frozen to death.

But after all, because of the heavy snowfall, the Beijing Central Night Market was much depressed, and even the New Year's Eve atmosphere was frozen by the winter snow.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, it stopped for half a day, and then started to play again.

After that, it snowed sporadically, and it never completely cleared up.

Until the seventh day, I finally saw the warm sun.

Han Zhangdian received a letter early in the morning.

It was sent by the Zheng family in Xingyang.

After the fifteenth day, the children in the family were ready to leave for Beijing.

This actually started years ago.

At that time, Jin and Di Mizhi transferred Jiang Yuanzhan back to Beijing to work in the Nancheng Army and Horse Division, but the vacant position in the imperial court was not the only one.

There are vacancies in each of the six departments, and so does the Overwatch Council.

At that moment, Emperor Jin He thought of the Zheng family.

There are two brothers of Empress Zheng's compatriots, and three brothers of concubines.

Her eldest brother has three sons, and the eldest son is nineteen years old, and he has also passed the exam. He did a good job in the essay, and Jin Hedi specially called him out to read it.

Later, he didn't take the exam again because he was going to be a knight in the future, and according to the imperial court's regulations, he was not allowed to continue the exam.

I just took the exam once, and it’s fine if I’m having fun.

So Emperor Jinhe made a decision a few years ago to put him on duty in the Overwatch Council.

Anyway, the old Duke is still healthy and healthy, and Aye is also in his prime, and he is waiting for the title. In recent years, the court also needs to employ people. He is young, and there is no harm in a few years of experience.

And I heard that they are not engaged yet.

For the sake of Empress Zheng, Emperor Jin He also cared about the affairs of the Zheng family, and even discussed it with Empress Zheng.

Not having a canonized son, and not being able to test for fame, he looks like a coward, which seems to be a hindrance to discussing marriage.

The top aristocrats may choose this, which is not good for him.

After hearing this, Empress Zheng just laughed and said nothing.

Then Emperor Jinhe finalized the matter.

The decree has not yet been made clear, but the Zheng family has heard the news early.

After the next year, the court will be copied, and it will not be until February or March at the most, when the imperial decree is issued, and he will officially take office, and everything will be logical.

So at this time, the letter said that I would leave on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, but in fact it happened to be in time.

If you are not in a hurry, you can slowly come to Beijing from Xingyang and walk for about two months, which is just in February.

If you don't get stuck on the road, you can travel faster, and I am afraid that people will arrive after the first month.

The three brothers Zhao Yu came to Hanzhang Hall to greet Empress Zheng. Seeing her smiling, they were very happy early in the morning. Zhao Yu's eyebrows also melted into a smile: "Is there any good news for the queen mother? I am so happy early in the morning."

Empress Zheng beckoned, calling Zhao Xing and Zhao Yi.

Zhao Xing stood beside Zhao Yu without moving, but Zhao Yi took a step faster.

After he took a step forward and walked towards Empress Zheng, he realized that Zhao Xing was still standing where he was.

Embarrassment flashed across his face, but he settled down and stepped forward to hold Empress Zheng's left arm.

Zhao Yu almost scoffed.

Zhao Xing remained calm and raised the corners of his lips.

Empress Zheng's good mood was immediately dissipated.

I just didn't want to be so idle during the New Year, so I comforted myself, pretending not to see it: "I received a letter from Xingyang early in the morning. After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Dalang and the others will go to Beijing. I figured if the journey is fast , it will be here after the first month, but if you walk slowly on the road, it should come in February."

Zhao Yu knew about this, so he glanced at Zhao Yi first, but he didn't see much joy in his eyes.

And keenly caught the word "them" in Empress Zheng's words, raised her eyebrows slightly: "Is there anyone else who wants to come besides him?"

Empress Zheng said yes: "Your grandfather and eldest uncle asked him to bring his two younger sisters to live in the capital for a few months before going back.

It is said that the girls are old now and have never traveled far. Dalang came to the capital to take up his post, and the two of them pestered Dalang at home to make trouble. Your grandfather was also a delicate girl, so he simply asked to come with him.

Since their brothers and sisters are all coming, your second uncle's family refused to let go, begged for a long time with your grandmother, and said they would follow.

Probably because he was afraid that Dalang would not be able to take care of his younger sisters when he was on duty in the court, so he asked Erlang and Wulang to accompany him and take care of each other.

On the way back to Xingyang, I am not afraid that the girl's house will be unattended. "

After hearing these words, Zhao Yu couldn't be happy at all.

So is Zhao Xing.

Of course only Zhao Yi is the one with eyes full of joy and genuine joy.

Zhao Yi stayed in Hanzhang Hall to accompany Empress Zheng, Zhao Yufei said that Zhao Xing still had some homework to finish, so he arrested Zhao Xing and went out together.

Empress Zheng knew everything in her heart, so let the two of them go.

Anyway, only Sanlang was willing to listen to and talk to her about the Zheng family's affairs.

On the other end, Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing walked out of the steps of His Royal Highness Hanzhang, his whole body was wrapped in coldness, and his face was terribly ugly.

Zhao Xing looked at it several times, and then he sighed heavily as he walked far away.

Zhao Yu snorted coldly: "Come as soon as you come, I can't wait to drag my family and move the entire Zheng family of Xingyang to Shengjing!"

Zhao Xing pursed his lips: "Now the Han family is useless, the Zheng family is going to Beijing at this time, a large family, and brought in such a group of people - the mother has not seen the Zheng family for many years, and now she is thinking of her nephew and niece coming to Beijing, she can only be happy For the sake of it, naturally I don't think about those.

But as I watched, the Zheng family really became more and more courageous, and tried again and again.

Whether the father can tolerate it, or not, I don't know. "

Zhao Yu hummed, but his handsome sword eyebrows were still furrowed.

With his hands behind his back, he turned around to look at the Hanzhang Hall, thinking that Zhao Yi was sitting in it, accompanying the queen mother, the mother and the son were happily talking about the Zheng family with a smile, and he felt sick in his heart.

"Looking at it in a short period of time, father is still willing to tolerate it. After all, it is the Zheng family, with a mother and queen, no matter how bad it is, it won't be so bad."

Zhao Yu raised his hand to pinch his eyebrows, his voice was cold and tired, "Zhao Yi grew up in Zheng's family, and his relationship with Zheng's brothers and sisters should have been better, we can't compare.

Now that I'm back in the capital, it's for others to be affectionate, so I can't get together with us.

Naturally, I didn't want to join this family either. "

The Zheng family in Xingyang is his maternal ancestor's family.

But Zhao Yu really didn't have a good impression of the Zheng family.

Not only because Zhao Yi is so simple.

Some people are not greedy enough, and they can't see the end of their lives in prosperity and wealth, and they still think about the next life.

On the surface, he pretends to be indifferent to fame and wealth, but in fact he is relying on the middle palace to do evil.

Zhao Yu pinched his left hand at the tiger's mouth, where there was a scar that had already faded. He stroked it and pressed it lightly twice.

Zhao Xing's eyelids twitched, and Shu Er pressed on the back of his hand: "Brother, it's all over."

(End of this chapter)

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