Chapter 151 Accident (one more)
In Hanzhang Hall, Zhao Yi had already moved a lot away from Empress Zheng.

Empress Zheng pulled him to talk about a lot of things about the Zheng family, and also about his childhood. After all, the smile in his eyes never faded away for a moment.

Seeing how happy she was, Zhao Yi talked a lot with her before he started to spoil the fun.

He softly called A Niang.

Empress Zheng's heart trembled: "Sanlang, what's wrong with you?"

He is very disciplined.

Since being taken back to the palace at the age of ten, except for falling ill due to fear in the first three months, holding her hand when the high fever persisted, and muttering "A Niang", she has never called her like this again.

Sometimes even Dalang would yell a few words when he was joking or trying to make her happy.

But Saburo always respectfully and politely called mother queen.

He changed his words suddenly, Empress Zheng only thought that he was asking for something.

Sure enough, Zhao Yi lowered his eyes, and the corners of his lips were also flattened: "But I don't think he is very happy, brother, probably the incident of being accidentally injured back then... Aniang, brother, he kept it in his heart and never revealed it.

Now that my cousin and cousin are staying in Beijing for a short time, and I don’t see you up and down, I don’t think the eldest brother is happy anymore. "

When Empress Zheng heard this, her face darkened slightly.

Not to mention Da Lang, even Empress Zheng hadn't forgotten that incident, and it was impossible to forget it.

Da Lang was good at riding and archery when he was young, and he was able to shoot from both sides when he was nine years old. He rode a horse in the school field, and he hit a hundred shots with a hundred shots.

He was proud of it, and so was Queen Zheng.

Jiang Hu also said at the beginning that Da Lang was born to be a general. It's a pity that he has such a good ability.

It's a pity that he was born in Tian's family and became the eldest son, otherwise he would be a famous general in Daye in the future, who could lead the enemy country to fear.

But when he was 12 years old, he injured his left hand, and it took him half a year to raise it before he managed to heal it.

Daily life is fine, but I can no longer hold a bow in my left hand.

Not only that, because the injury was serious at the beginning, leaving the root of the disease, even if he held the bow in his right hand, because of the injury on his left hand, he couldn't use so much force, and he couldn't use a bow that was too heavy.

The injury was suffered at Zheng's house.

He took Erlang to Xingyang to stay for three months, which was the intention of the official family.

Then something went wrong.

Aye and his elder brother played three performances to plead guilty, but the officials did not pursue her for the sake of her face.

Even Da Lang never mentioned it afterwards.

Empress Zheng knew that the officials had asked Da Lang several times in private how he hurt his hand back then. Da Lang only said that he lost his sense of propriety while riding a horse and accidentally injured it. For details, ask more questions. , became a gourd with its mouth sawn, and refused to say anything.

From then on, Empress Zheng knew that things might not be that simple.

I don't know which frivolous and rude junior of the Zheng family hurt Da Lang's hand, or for other reasons.

After all, it can't be as simple as an accident.

She was also angry and thought about investigating thoroughly, but Dalang and Erlang didn't say anything. When Sanlang returned to Beijing, she would also ask, but Sanlang just said he didn't know.

After all these years have passed, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with it.

The imperial doctor did not dare to hide it, saying that Da Lang's left hand was clearly wounded by a knife.

Empress Zheng pinched the center of her eyebrows, pressed and rubbed twice: "Do you really know nothing about your elder brother's work in the Zheng family?"

Zhao Yibai shook his head frequently with a face: "If I knew, I would have told you and my father a long time ago, but the elder brother and the second brother kept it secret, but I dare not!
I told you that the eldest brother was very cold at that time, and I didn't dare to get close to him, but I walked more with the second brother.

When they went out, I happened to make some mistakes in my homework, and was punished by my master for copying the books, so I couldn't follow them.

As a result, the eldest brother hurt his hand, and when I returned home, my eyes were full of blood, and I didn't dare to talk..."

When Empress Zheng went to Chengyi Pavilion in the afternoon, no one was alarmed.

She entered the door alone, and Zhao Yu sat under the moon window in Xici Room, with a bow on the small couch.

It's on his left.

The bow was given by Emperor Jinhe on his tenth birthday.

Empress Zheng's heart tightened, tears almost didn't fall.

Zhao Yu's face turned cold when he heard the footsteps, and he was about to curse.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of her, and hastily retracted the words that came to his lips.

After quickly adjusting his mood, he rolled over and stepped forward quickly, without bothering to put away his bow, "Why are you here? It can be seen that the servants are tired and not going back and forth!"

"I want to see what you're doing and keep them quiet."

Empress Zheng's eyes fell on the bow.

Although the bow was small and Zhao Yu couldn't handle it now, it was very powerful.

Who told him to be capable when he was young?
That was the official's special order to create a birthday gift for him.

He couldn't put it down, and used it every time he went hunting.

After the age of 12, it was never used again.

However, the bow has always been placed in the Chengyi Pavilion, and no one else is allowed to touch it.

Anyway, in these years, only Zhao Xing was able to play with his bow for a few days when he was young.

Later, when he hurt his hand, Zhao Xing felt sorry for him and was sensible, so he never touched his bow again, and even seldom shot arrows in front of him.

Empress Zheng held Zhao Yu's hand, and the place where her fingertips caressed was the tiger's mouth of his left hand.

Zhao Yu froze, pulled out calmly, turned to help Empress Zheng to sit down, put away the small bow calmly, and took the initiative to say: "Suddenly I heard that the Zheng family is coming to Beijing, and I think of the injury that happened in the past. , although it was an accident, and so many years have passed, is inevitable to think of many things in the past when I mention it, and after all, Erchen can't let it go.

These years, my son has not made any progress in riding and shooting. It is all because of this. I am not very happy. When I was in Hanzhang earlier, my complexion was not very good. When I came back to my palace, I took this small bow to look at it. . "

He poured a cup of tea for Empress Zheng, and put it on the small black lacquered case: "Mother, my son is fine, don't be sad."

He is the most sensible kid, and always has been.

But the more so, the more sad Empress Zheng felt.


Zhao Yu held a faint smile: "I know that neither you nor Father are convinced that it was an accident. The imperial doctor said it was a knife wound, maybe he misunderstood it, or maybe it was the accident of the emperor. When I was too young, I remembered wrongly. When I fell off the horse, I was scratched by my saber.

But it's all over. "

He made up his mind, and looked firmly at Empress Zheng: "You don't have to be afraid that my son will settle accounts after Qiuhou, and put this injury on the Zheng family, so there is no need to persuade my son."

When Empress Zheng heard this, her face changed drastically: "Da Lang!"

Her voice was even sharper: "Why do you think so? You are the flesh that fell from my body. If the Zheng family kisses again, can't they go past you?"

Zhao Yu sat down beside her: "Look at you, my son said it casually, and you got angry again. The minister said something wrong, so you should punish me."

(End of this chapter)

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