The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 152 Don't Understand

Chapter 152 Don't Understand (Part [-])

It was two days after Jiang Wan knew about this.

Zhao Xing didn't go out of the palace for two days, he went to pester Zhao Yu early in the morning, and only went back to his own palace at night when it was time to settle down.

Others didn't know, but he was very clear. He was afraid that Zhao Yu's mind would be heavy, he would be overwhelmed, he would be sick, so he could only put Jiang Wan aside for a few days.

After two or three days, Zhao Yu didn't seem to really take this matter to heart, even Emperor Jin He and Empress Zheng didn't mention it anymore, Zhao Xing watched from the side every day, seeing that his brother was really fine, it was only early in the morning out of the palace.

In the New Year's Eve, the brothers and sisters were always having fun together.

Go out to listen to operas, eat tea and drink, do everything together.

This year a Pei Qingyuan came, and Zhao Ran was interested, but he didn't want to leave his brothers behind, so he went back to the Jiang family and begged for a long time before he let the Jiang family relax.

He said that he wanted Pei Qingyuan to go to the temple for her to fulfill her wish, the journey was not too far, it only took half a day to go back and forth.

Zhao Ran "voluntarily invited Ying" and went with him.

There are two missing in the family, and everyone has no interest in going out, so they are playing leaf cards in the small flower hall.

When Zhao Xing came to the county palace, Jiang Wan was losing.

As soon as I heard that he was coming, I asked the little girl to bring him over quickly.

In less than a cup of tea, when she heard footsteps behind her, she didn't even get up, she turned her face to look, her little face was drooping again, and she curled her lips to call her second elder brother.

Seeing this, Zhao Xing shook his head: "You lose again, and you have to go to the table to fight with them every year. If you don't ask you to play, you won't be happy. If you lose money, you will feel wronged."

Although he said so, his hand was very honest, and when he stretched back, Yuan Fu had already taken a silver coin and put it in his palm.

It is a silver ingot of 20 taels.

Zhao Xing handed it over: "Is it enough?"

Jiang Wan smiled and went on, then stood up: "Second brother, hit me for me!"

When my brothers and sisters played together, they couldn't lose much in a single hand. After playing for a whole day, even if the three of them beat Jiang Wan alone, she would only lose a few taels of silver at most.

I got Zhao Xing 20 taels for no reason, and I was very happy.

Jiang Yuanzhan frowned, annoyed that she was worthless: "The family owed you money? 20 taels of silver made you happy like this."

"You do not understand!"

Jiang Wan ignored him, and just asked Zhao Xing to sit down.

Zhao Xing shook his head and said no: "Come out with me for two cups of tea."

Jiang Wan's eyelids twitched, and then he took a closer look. Zhao Xing's expression was the same as usual. At first glance, he didn't see any clues, but when he looked carefully, he could see a little tiredness from the corners of his eyes and eyebrows inadvertently.

In his previous life, he was in the Palace of Funing to review the manuscripts, and he often stayed up until late at night, and had to get up early the next day to go to court, so he had no leisure all day long.

Outsiders see him as if he never gets tired, but after all, Jiang Wan has slept with him for nearly ten years, so he can naturally see things that others can't.

Has something happened to him in the palace?
No wonder I didn't go out of the palace to look for her for two days.

Jiang Wan's heart sank, and his smile faded a lot.

The 20 taels of silver he just got was placed on the table casually: "Don't say that I can't afford to lose and I want to get off the table. Put the 20 taels here and ask Changan to stay and fight for me!"

Chang An hesitated and wanted to call her a girl, because her luck in playing cards was even worse.

Jiang Wan had already pulled Zhao Xing's cuffs and walked out the door, with an extremely sweet voice: "Go to Taoran? His family made a few new cakes a few years ago, and they are all very good, and there is also plum blossom wine at this time of year Taste two cups!"

Jiang Yuanzhan's face became more serious when he heard this, and he called her behind: "Don't drink outside!"

Zhao Xing clicked his tongue: "I'll accompany her, it's okay to have two cups, send her back before dusk, play your cards."

After finishing speaking, he led Jiang Wan out of the door without looking back, leaving no more words.

Tao Ran's business is good, because the tea and wine are good, and his family always has new recipes, homemade, and even cakes with some new tricks, which are of course attractive.

Originally, business was booming during the New Year's Day, so there was no room for private rooms.

But the shopkeeper of his house is the best at doing business and coming to work, and he never sells out all the private rooms and seats in the building.

Every day.

Day after day, year after year.

There will be three private rooms and three private seats, because they are afraid that some nobles will come to the door, but there will be no seats, and those who will not offend others will have to say something, and the shopkeeper of his family does not want to see this matter.

If it is true that the remaining few rooms are all rounded up, there is really no room, and it can only mean that the day is early.

Very thoughtful, so that people can not find fault.

At this moment, Jiang Wan ordered plum wine, paired with Tao Ran's newly made mulberry cake, it was slightly sour in the coldness, and it had a special taste on the tip of the tongue.

She just ate and didn't take the initiative to ask Zhao Xing.

When Zhao Xing saw that she was about to drink the third cup, he pressed it on the back of her hand: "You said two cups."

Jiang Wan pouted and let go of the wine cup: "Did something happen in the palace? I just thought you weren't in a particularly good mood, so I won't give you an extra glass."

It's not even a particularly bad feeling.

Two days ago, he couldn't be happy with his elder brother.

Not today.

"The children of Zheng's family will come to the capital after a few years." Zhao Xing sighed inaudibly, "At first it was just his family's eldest brother who arrived in Beijing to take up his post, but after coming and going, there were more people. The girls in his family also You Erlang and Goro also followed.

A few days ago, the queen mother received a letter from Xingyang, we went to pay her respects, and seeing her was happier than usual, the eldest brother asked a few more questions, and then we found out.

In the past two days, I was afraid that my eldest brother would be unhappy, so I stayed with him in the Chengyi Pavilion, so I didn't come out of the palace to look for you. "

Jiang Wan gasped: "It's true that officials and saints don't know...?"

Zhao Xing was actually not sure: "Brother, don't ask me to tell. Even if Zhao Yi knew, he wouldn't tell, and the Zheng family couldn't tell. Don't look at my grandfather and uncle coming to plead guilty one after another. Is it true? Do you dare to admit that it was a child of his family who deliberately stabbed the eldest son of the emperor? That is a serious crime of beheading.

The royal father and the queen mother..."

His complexion sank, and he sighed: "Even if you know, haven't you never pursued it? He is still happy now. He came to Beijing with him, and the queen mother told the elder brother. Going to the Chengyi Hall, I see it is really..."

He couldn't arrange what happened to Empress Zheng.

He suddenly stopped talking, and changed the topic: "It's just that I'm not feeling well, seeing you, I want to tell you, it's not really a trouble.

They were coming after all, it was something that the father personally ordered, and his family's eldest son had done nothing wrong, so he didn't necessarily want to ruin his future.

I see that elder brother hasn't taken this matter very seriously these two days, so I feel relieved and come out of the palace to see you. "

Jiang Wan's heart didn't work.

She really couldn't understand it.

How wise are the official saints?
Zhao Yu was injured inexplicably, did they believe it was an accident?
It's just that I don't want to pursue the Zheng family!
She really didn't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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