Chapter 154 Here She Comes (Part [-])

At the end of the first month, the Zheng family drove into Shengjing.

His family's face is also big enough, Zhao Yi personally took someone to pick him up at the city gate.

Empress Zheng hadn't seen her family members for many years. Although Zhao Yu caused a little heartache last time, but nearly a month later, she put those worries aside for the time being while comforting Zhao Yu.

Xiao Huangmen came to report in a hurry, knowing that the Zheng family's carriage was approaching, she ordered Zhao Yi to go to the city gate to meet him, and told him to bring him into the palace first.

As for the residence, Empress Zheng had already seen it for the brothers and sisters of the Zheng family.

The Zheng family also had some property in Shengjing, but they didn't take care of it all year round. Back then, it was for Empress Zheng to marry into the royal family. Apart from the dowry, they went to Beijing to buy property.

For the next few decades, because he wanted to keep a distance from Shengjing, he didn't free up his hands to take care of it carefully. He didn't know the profit and loss, so he hung around like that.

In the early years, the remaining mansions were sold off.

This time Zheng Jia Dalang was going to Beijing to take up his post, and Empress Zheng simply sent a capable female officer in the palace to help with the management.

How dare the firm be negligent?

However, within three to five days, a house with three entrances and three widths was chosen, renovated, and even the servants were carefully selected by Empress Zheng.

The Zheng family didn't need to worry about it.

Zheng Qingzhi, the eldest son of the Zheng family, is nineteen years old this year. He is a clear and handsome man. He behaves like the eldest son of a noble family. It can be seen that the Zheng family took great pains to raise him.

The two brothers Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing were there when the group went to visit Hanzhang Hall.

Zhao Yi walked in the front, shoulder to shoulder with Zheng Qingzhi.

After entering the gate of the palace, he took a few quick steps and sat down beside Empress Zheng, smiling without saying anything.

The little Gong'e had already prepared the futon, there were quite a few brothers and sisters from the Zheng family, the three brothers and the three younger sisters, the six of them kneeled neatly in two rows, and kowtowed to Empress Zheng.

After seeing the ceremony seriously, the official Hanzhang came over with the reward.

Only then did Empress Zheng speak with a smile, and waved her hands to get up: "The time really flies, why don't you make people old? You are all so old in a blink of an eye.

Back then when I went home to visit relatives, Da Lang had just landed, a small lump in his infancy, and now he has grown into an indomitable gentleman. Seeing that he is going to be an official in the court, he will be able to stand on his own in a short time. "

As she spoke, the corners of her eyes were moist, she raised her hand to wipe them away, and only asked Zheng Qingzhi: "Is the family all right? Are your grandparents in good health? Are your grandparents, uncles and aunts always in harmony?"

Zheng Qingzhi just nodded and replied that everything was fine, and introduced his siblings to Empress Zheng one by one.

He is the eldest son of the eldest son, and he has two younger sisters, the older one is called Shuangyi, who is 16 years old, and the younger one is called Shuangxue, who is not yet fourteen.

A pair of younger brothers and sisters from the concubine did not come to the capital together. It's not that people like them take the concubine too seriously. It's just that those two are too young, twins of dragon and phoenix. They are only six years old now. I can't help it, I was afraid of being rude when I came to Beijing, so I simply stayed at home.

Erlang, Wulang and Sanniang of the Zheng family were both born in the second house, Zheng Xuanzhi was the second, Zheng Tan was the fifth, one was eighteen and the other was sixteen.

The whole room was pretty and juicy, and seeing Empress Zheng didn't give a shit, but secretly looked at her several times.

Even Zheng Tanzhi was full of enthusiasm, as if he wanted to pounce on Queen Zheng and talk coquettishly, so it could be seen that he was spoiled at home.

Only Zheng Xuanzhi had a smile on his face, the smile was not as deep as his eyes, and his face was full of weakness and lack of confidence.

He looked in Zhao Yu's direction timidly several times, took a hasty glance, and quickly looked away.

Later, it was Zheng Qingzhi who discovered his behavior, moved quietly, and stood in front of him, covering most of his sight, and also separated Zhao Yu's gaze.

Empress Zheng naturally saw all this in her eyes, and sighed inwardly.

Back then, she guessed that it might have something to do with Xuanzhi, but now it seems that it is probably true.

She pursed her lips and beckoned a few girls to come forward.

The Zhao Yu brothers had no choice but to back away.

When the girls sat around Queen Zheng, she only went to hold Zheng Shuangyi's hand: "Sanlang returned to Beijing a few years ago, and when he was seriously ill for more than three months, he called his cousin in a daze. Later, I asked him, he Tell me that when you lived at home, you treated him the most affectionately, and you even secretly bought sugar skewers from outside for him to eat.

At that time, I wanted to send you to Beijing to meet, and to see what kind of good girl your parents raised, and now I finally see you. "

Zheng Shuangyi's face was flushed with shyness, she looked at Zhao Yi first, and then quickly looked away: "Look at what you said, I don't have a younger brother in my family, Your Highness grew up at home since I was a child, and I am the same age as him It’s like that, naturally, she should look like a sister.”

Empress Zheng couldn't hide the smile in her eyes, and went to tell Zheng Qingzhi: "The place to live has been prepared for you a few days ago, and Erlang and the others will bring your sister back to Xingyang. You can just live there, for the time being. If there is anything wrong with being a family, come back to me, and I will take care of everything for you.

It's just arrived now, your luggage has to be put back and packed, although there are people in charge of the mansion, but I'm afraid there will be a mess everywhere.

It's okay for you brothers, Yuanniang and the others will stay in the palace for a while, stay with me for a few days, and then I will return it to you. "

Zheng Qingzhi felt that this was not good.

But when the words of refusal came to his lips, Empress Zheng saw through his thoughts, and stopped him with a haughty face: "What's the matter with staying for a few days? There are many places in Hanzhang Palace. If it is farther away, there are also places for them to live, and they are not called." Live in the palace for a long time, stay with me for a few days and then release the palace.

It's so easy to come to the capital, why don't you ask them to go outside and have fun? "

Empress Zheng held Zheng Shuangyi's hand, and when she looked at her, she had that smiling face again: "It's just that it's the New Year's Eve now, and the excitement is less, but you can stay longer. In March and April, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. The scenery in Beijing is very different from that in Xingyang.

At that time, it will be fun to meet the young lady of the high school and go for an outing to enjoy the spring together. "

Zheng Shuangyi nodded and said yes: "I will listen to you. Before we left, my grandmother and my mother had specially told me to follow your instructions and arrangements for everything when we entered Beijing. Don't ask us to make nonsense on our own."

She also spoke softly, Empress Zheng would always think of Jiang Wan.

But the two girls are different.

Jiang Wan is too soft, sweet to the core of people's hearts, after a long time, it will get a little greasy.

Zheng Shuangyi is just right and obedient, after all, she is also two years older than Jiang Wan, more stable, with a bit of Pei Qingyuan's foundation.

Empress Zheng was full of liking.

She thinks it's best for the little lady.

Being able to be coquettish and obedient by the side of the elders, but also to carry the noble demeanor of the nobles, the combination of the two is the best.

(End of this chapter)

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