The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 155 Treat me well

Chapter 155 Treat Me Well (Part [-])
Zhao Yi sent Zheng Qing's three brothers out of the palace, but Empress Zheng didn't say anything, but in her heart she hoped that Zhao Yu's two brothers would follow.

Zhao Yu saw her attitude in his eyes, and his heart was indescribably complicated.

Coming out of Hanzhang Hall, Zhao Yu walked in the front with his hands behind his back, slightly ahead of Zheng Qingzhi.

Zheng Qingzhi didn't dare to pass him, and blocked Zheng Xuanzhi quietly.

Zhao Xing looked at it, feeling uncomfortable.

The faces of the two brothers naturally looked good, but they couldn't go anywhere.

Zhao Yi turned his eyes away, he didn't want to see Zhao Yu's back, so he called his cousin in a gentle voice.

Zheng Qingzhi originally wanted to say a few words to Zhao Yu, but was interrupted by Zhao Yi, so he had to swallow the words back, and then looked sideways at Zhao Yi.

"The mansion that the queen mother bought on the street close to the Ministry of Household Affairs is not too far from the Overwatch Council. It will be very convenient for you to go back and forth."

As he spoke, his voice paused for a moment, he glanced towards Zhao Yu, and said, "Father has already decided to make the elder brother a serious king in February, and the palace has also been selected, the house with you Also very close.

My mother sent me to look at it before. Your house faces north and your elder brother’s mansion faces south. Their backs are opposite to each other. They go out on two different streets, but they are still adjacent. "

If there is a chance, he can dig a secret road or something, so that he can go directly to Zhao Yu's palace.

Zheng Qingzhi didn't even dare to think about such a thing.

Hearing this, he felt only fear in his heart.

Judging from Zhao Yu's attitude today, is there anything he doesn't understand about whether the incidents of childhood have passed?

Not to mention Zhao Yu, even Zhao Xing is the same.

Brothers of the family, they share the same breath, and originally they vent their breath through one nostril.

Zhao Yi is that strange existence.

They are not of one mind with their brothers.

Zheng Qingzhi pursed his lips: "Your Highness..."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, Zhao Yu interrupted him with a smile: "Why is Your Highness not Your Highness, you and Saburo are cousins, and I am not?"

It didn't sound like it at first, but Zheng Qingzhi just heard the words yin and yang.

He subconsciously moved half a step to the left, such a move caused Zhao Yi's pupils to shrink suddenly.

Because he took half a step to the left, he distanced himself from him, and even exposed Zheng Xuanzhi to Zhao Yu.

Zheng Qingzhi didn't even care about his younger brother in front of him, and because of Zhao Yu's words, he subconsciously wanted to keep a distance from him and put aside any relationship.

Zhao Yu's eyes turned cold, and the tip of his right finger stroked the tiger's mouth of his left hand.

Such actions made Zheng Qingzhi's three brothers even more bitter.

It's a silent warning.

For a long time, several people almost walked out of the palace gate side by side, but no one spoke again.

Even Zhao Yi was unwilling to say a few words to smooth things over to ease the atmosphere.

After leaving the palace gate, Zhao Yu was not in the mood to send Zheng Qingzhi brother home, so he stopped at the palace gate.

Zheng Qingzhi still didn't dare to cross his position, and stopped after following him.

Zhao Yu saw that he was very disciplined, so he waved his hands: "It's better to let Sanlang accompany you back. If I go, I will inevitably mobilize the crowd, and it's very boring to pay homage every now and then."

No matter what, Zheng Qingzhi didn't dare to drag him to his mansion for a sit down.

There is no old relationship with Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing.

At this moment, I hope that Zhao Yu will not go, and Zhao Xing will go with him. Hearing this, he took a small step back, but bowed very respectfully, without saying a word.

Polite and alienated, the attitude couldn't be more obvious.

Zhao Yuheng glanced at it and called Zhao Xing: "Two days ago, the Ministry of Industry said that there were several changes in the palace, and the blueprints I sent over were still not quite right. Come with me to have a look."

Zhao Xing also checked Zheng Qingzhi's three brothers, and while agreeing, he explained to Zhao Yi for Zhao Yu: "Send them home, and don't stay outside for too long. The queen mother is happy to see her cousins ​​and sisters, and she is planning lunch. If you want to pass the wine, you also come back to have a meal with the queen mother, and persuade her a little bit.

My eldest brother and I are doing errands outside, so stop playing wild outside, there is no limit to being wild. "

He did it on purpose, of course, ignoring the sudden blackening of Zheng Qingzhi's three brothers.

On the contrary, because of these few words, Zhao Yu raised the corners of his lips, obviously much happier than before, patted his shoulder, and called softly: "Let's go."

There was a carriage of the Zheng family waiting outside the palace gate. From the gate of the palace to the Zheng family's mansion, it was not even time for two cups of tea.

It can be seen how much Empress Zheng valued Zheng Qingzhi.

In other words, how much they value the Zheng family.

The mansions near Miyagi have always been extremely valuable.

In addition to the king who was entrusted in Shengjing, it was the king of the county, and even the princess mansion of Princess Huayang had to be further out.

Back then, even the Jiang family was not qualified to set up the Pei Guogong Mansion in Miyagi Gener.

Zheng Qing got off the carriage, looked up at the gilded plaque, and couldn't help but sigh.

Zhao Yi then got out of the car, knew why he sighed, and smiled freely: "Anyway, it is the mother's favor, and this house has also been seen by the father. Since the father and the mother have approved it, the eldest cousin can live in peace of mind, and others will not." I dare not say anything."

If his house is next to Zhao Yu's palace back to back——

Zheng Qing's heart sank slightly.

It is too presumptuous.

If he had known early on, he would definitely have declined when he was in Hanzhang Hall just now.

Now that it's all here, if you want to go into the palace to refuse, on the one hand, the saint will not agree, and on the other hand, Zhao Yu will only think that he is posturing.

This beam can be regarded as closed again.

Zheng Qingzhi only felt a headache.

After entering the door and passing the screen wall, Zheng Xuanzhi's tense body stretched a lot.

He had a gloomy complexion, with a gloomy look in his eyes, and asked Zhao Yi sideways, "During the five years since you returned to Beijing, the First Highness and the Second Highness have not treated you very well?"


Zheng Qingzhi is such a gentle person, after hearing this, veins on his sideburns bulged, and he shouted at him in a high voice: "Are you out of your mind? This is Shengjing, at the foot of the emperor, our house is at the root of Miyagi, All contacts are nobles, you dare to talk nonsense and talk nonsense?"

"Who is talking nonsense!"

Zheng Xuanzhi obviously refused to accept discipline, and his face was full of displeasure: "Didn't he just—"

"Dare you say it?"

Zhao Yi lowered his eyes, lowered his eyelids to hide all the emotions in his eyes, and said in a muffled voice, "Stop making noise."

He sighed inaudibly: "Everyday will get better, and I'm fine.

After all, I am a close relative of flesh and blood, a brother connected by blood, and protected by my father, queen and queen, where can I be sent?

The eldest brother is the eldest son, the second brother and I should have given way to him.

The second brother is alright, but he is closer to the elder brother, but he never treated me badly. "

He raised his eyes slowly at this time. A 15-year-old young man, who is imitating a young lady, has mist in his eyes, and there are layers of ripples. Brother: "Don't be so impulsive, it's as if I have been greatly wronged."

(End of this chapter)

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