Chapter 156
Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing returned to the palace early.

It was an excuse to talk about changes in the Ministry of Industry.

If he was to build a palace for him, he would have to go and inspect it himself, and those people from the Ministry of Industry would not do it as soon as possible, and it would be serious to change a batch.

The two brothers wandered around outside, Zhao Yu also asked Zhao Xing if he wanted to go to the county palace, Zhao Xing was worried that his mood would get worse, so he refused without even thinking about it, and went back to the palace with him.

Zhao Yu didn't say anything, but knew in his heart that his younger brother was worried about him, just like a few days ago.

But the more Zhao Xing was like this, the more desolate Zhao Yu felt.

Is he wronged or not?
He was only 12 years old when he was injured.

He used to be that high-spirited.

Not to mention Jiang Yuanzhan, even if the children of Shengjing were added together, at the age of ten years, no one could compare with him in riding and shooting.

In the two years when he was most capable, he only lost Jiang Yuanzhan by less than [-]% when he held the bow with his left hand during the spring hunting.

I went to Xingyang, and my left hand was completely useless, and even my right hand was tied to the bow, and I couldn't get back to its peak in riding and shooting, so it was hard to make any progress.

Every spring and autumn hunting, although he can come out on top, but Zhao Yu knows very well that Jiang Yuanzhan and Shen Congzhen let him.

Shooting, he can't even compare with Erlang now.

At that time, the empress father and queen calmed down the matter until they found out that his left hand could no longer recover. It has been half a year since the incident, and it is even more inappropriate to pursue it.

He didn't say anything, and Erlang didn't mention it. Everyone thought it was an accident and pressed the button.

and then?
Almost ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Now that the Zheng family dared to send Zheng Xuanzhi to the capital so blatantly, wouldn't he be able to do anything to Zheng Xuanzhi because he was sure that there would be a queen mother?

What made him even more sad was his mother's attitude.

In the Chengyi Pavilion, Zhao Xing tapped twice on the chicken wing wood case with his fingertips, and with the other fingertips he was still holding a chess piece made of white jade: "Brother, it's up to you."

Zhao Yu withdrew his thoughts and looked down at the chessboard. His mind was agitated and in a mess, and he couldn't figure out a clue, so the chess game was naturally chaotic and disorderly.

He hesitated again and again, undecided.

Seeing this, Zhao Xing took a moyu sunspot from the chess box in his hand, and after settling down, he sighed silently: "Since the eldest brother can't let it go, why don't you tell the father, the queen, and the queen?

Let's not talk about whether to pursue it or not, don't ask Zheng Xuanzhi to stay in Beijing now, sticking to us in front of us, find an excuse, send him back to Xingyang, never see each other for the rest of his life, and end up in peace. "

Zhao Xing simply threw the chess pieces in his hand back into the chess box: "Erlang, I am not you, father and mother, and not even you."

He lifted the hem of the gown, turned over and collapsed, pulled on his shoes, and went inside.

Zhao Xing frowned, and quickly followed: "Brother..."

"All right."

Zhao Yu turned around, pressed him on the shoulder, and held him down: "You don't need to persuade me, no matter how upset you are about this matter, it will pass overnight.

You go to pay your respects to the queen mother, find a reason to leave the palace, and live in the emperor's uncle's mansion tonight. "

He withdrew his hand and pressed it between his eyebrows: "Those of the Zheng family, it's better not to be contaminated.

The queen mother knows what you think about Ah Wan, so she won't think about anything else, but there are a few young ladies living in the palace, there is something really wrong, even with their mouths all over their bodies, they can't tell.

Their surname is Zheng, if something really happened, even if it is you, the queen mother may not be so cruel.

Now that the queen mother is in high spirits, it is inevitable to ask them to stay in Hanzhang for one night, you can hide, and I will take a break later or tomorrow, and go and tell the father to send them out of the palace as soon as possible. "

After finishing speaking, he was still worried, and explained to Zhao Xing: "But I think the empress is like that, even if they are sent out of the palace, they must be sent to the palace to accompany them during the day.

I'm going to be crowned king in February, so you just use this as an excuse to say that the Ministry of Industry is going to change the palace. I've been dissatisfied before, and I can't take my hand to stare at it. Let you go outside and stare at it for me, during the day. Don't stay in the palace less, don't see them if you can. "

Zhao Xing's complexion turned blue, his whole body was full of coldness, he bit his voice, said he knew it, and didn't say anything else after all.

He knows his brother's temper, so it's not his turn to persuade others.

Those who can figure it out will naturally figure it out, and those who can't figure it out, it's useless for him to persuade them.

Coming out of Chengyi Pavilion, Zhao Xing pressed a huge stone on his heart.

It's because of brother's sentence "I'm not you", and also for the attitude of the queen mother towards the Zheng family.

"Yuanfu, do you think brother has been really happy all these years?"

He asked without thinking, Yuan Fu was quite frightened, how dare he answer such words?

The head of the official family will inherit the great rule in the future. This is not happy. Where is there a happy person in the world?
But Yuan Fu knew what his master was talking about.

A place like the palace is the most annoying.

His master is lucky.

Neither the First Highness nor the Third Highness has such a blessing.

Zhao Xing didn't expect him to return half of his life.

He stopped suddenly, turned his toes in a short while, and strode towards Funing Palace.

Yuan Fu wanted to persuade him, but Zhao Xing's cold and resolute back made him unable to speak, and he didn't dare to talk too much, so he could only tuck his hands in, followed quickly, and went to Funing together.

Of course Zhao Xing entered the palace alone, Jin and the emperor had just approved a memorial, while having a sip of tea, the little inner eunuch said back and forth that he was asking for an audience outside the palace, so someone brought him in.

Emperor Jin He didn't ask him why he didn't have tea with the Zheng family outside the palace.

Anyway, the only one who has not returned to the palace by this hour is Saburo.

But Zhao Xing stood there for a long time, silent all the time.

Jin Hedi rubbed the gold-painted edge of the teacup, and looked at him with raised eyelids: "Didn't you have something to see? You came and didn't speak, just stood there without saying a word, what are you doing?"

Zhao Xing is also in a bad mood today, so he is extra sentimental.

Normally this would not be the case.

Today is an exception.

Jin Hedi's tone made his heart ache even more.

He had been following his elder brother since he was a child, now that he thought about it carefully, why had his father ever spoken to his elder brother in such a tone?
It's not reprimanding and pointing out, it's discussing and probing.

As close as father and son, there is a big difference.

"The queen mother left the ladies of the Zheng family to live in the palace. I don't know if they want to arrange them in the Hanzhang Palace or find another place to settle them. I will come back to you and leave the palace tonight to live in the emperor's uncle's mansion."

Jin and Di raised their eyebrows together: "What are you doing?"

Zhao Xing raised his eyes, facing Shang Jin Hedi's scrutinizing eyes: "Avoid them."

Emperor Jin He choked on his attitude: "Are you angry in front of those children of the Zheng family? Did you come to Funing Hall to vent your anger on me?"

Look, no wonder the big brother says "I'm not you".

If it were the eldest brother, if he said such a thing with confidence, he would only be scolded.

But if he—

Zhao Xing laughed at himself in his heart, but of course he didn't dare to show it on his face: "Father, the sons feel that they shouldn't stay in the palace, and the mansion chosen by the queen mother for Zheng Qingzhi is too presumptuous.

Let's forget that the house has already been selected, the young ladies, if they stay overnight, they should go out of the palace early tomorrow, otherwise it would be too out of order. "

He definitely looked at Emperor Jinhe: "Father, the elder brother doesn't say anything, it's the elder brother's filial piety. After nearly ten years, you don't want to make my son feel uncomfortable, do you?"

 ps The second elder brother actually knows that he can be confident. It is disrespectful for him to say these words in front of the emperor, but he is not afraid at all.

  Damn, writing this chapter suddenly felt so bad for His Royal Highness, woo woo.

(End of this chapter)

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