Chapter 157
What happened in Xingyang ten years ago is still unclear to Jin and Emperor.

It's not that he can't figure it out, but he doesn't dare to pursue it in depth.

The eldest son's left hand has a lifelong disease, does he feel heartache?
But if it wasn't for the Zheng family of Xingyang, if the queen hadn't had that attitude, he would have given up early.

He has been a Mingjun for a long time, but only when it comes to the queen's affairs, he doesn't want to be a Mingjun Holy Lord.

There is only such a person on the tip of my heart in my whole life. Whatever she is willing to do, he will always do it.

But it is obvious that Erlang came to Funing Palace today to complain to Dalang.

Emperor Jinhe looked tired, let out a long sigh, and got up from the throne.

With his hands behind his back, he walked slowly towards the Xici Room.

Seeing this, Zhao Xing stepped up to follow.

The people in the hall had already been sent out by Li Fu, and he himself stayed in the outer hall. He was afraid that Jin and the emperor would not dare to leave directly if they had orders, and he stayed outside far away without hindering the next conversation between the father and son.

Emperor Jin He sat on the Arhat bed, and on the small black lacquer case inlaid with white ivory ruyi pattern on the bed, there was a yellow emerald chessboard all the year round.

Zhao Xing didn't hesitate, and sat down opposite Jin Hedi.

Emperor Jin He's eyes fell on the chessboard, and the endgame was not over.

That was three days ago, when Da Lang came to Funing Palace to answer a question, discussing a few court affairs, he got interested and invited Da Lang to come.

The father and son sat together for less than a stick of incense, and the game of chess was less than fifty moves in total, and they were delayed by other things, and they said they would finish the game in a few days.

Years later, there were a lot of things to do in the middle of the court, and Dalang couldn't spare his birth, so he was even busier than him.

It was not easy to get some free time in the last half of yesterday, because the Zheng family was about to arrive in Beijing, and I lost interest.

Emperor Jinhe sighed, "Can you make it out of this mess?"

Zhao Xing had just glanced at it and knew who wrote it.

So he shook his head: "I don't have that ability, and I can't solve this mess made by the elder brother."

Jin Hedi raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "If you don't try, you can say it won't work?"

"My son knows he can't make it, there is nothing to try, so why bother to be brave?"

Zhao Xing didn't even touch the chess pieces.

Emperor Jinhe didn't force him, but instead understood his attitude, smiled and shook his head again: "Ten years. At that time, your uncle rushed to Beijing, saying that Dalang had injured his hand in Xingyang, and he had seen a doctor. No, after recuperating for a few days, the two of you brothers rushed back to Beijing almost non-stop around the clock.

Neither I nor the queen expected at first..."

He took a deep breath, slowed down his voice, saw Zhao Xing's face changed slightly, and then continued: "Erlang, your elder brother is also the son of me and the queen, don't you really feel sorry for him?
He hurt his hand, but at first we really thought it wasn't that serious.

Think about it for yourself, when you returned to Beijing, your elder brother didn't say a word, I asked you privately several times, you said you were crazy about horse riding, and you didn't come here, I don't know what happened, is that the case? "

Zhao Xing lowered his eyes: "Father, you forgot. When I went back to Beijing with my elder brother, the wound on the elder brother's hand was still not healed. The mother was in the Chengyi hall, in front of the elder brother, and asked the minister several times. Was it an accident, or was there a dispute with the brothers of the Zheng family, the brothers quarreled and fought, and accidentally injured the elder brother by mistake."

Jin Hedi's heart skipped a beat: "I haven't forgotten."

Zhao Xing raised his eyes and looked over after hearing the words: "From the very beginning, isn't the father more clear about the mother's attitude than anyone else?

The eldest brother also understood it, so he swallowed it. He had no choice but to swallow it!

What is the crime of murdering the eldest son?
Erchen was ignorant when he was young, but now that he is getting older, he is familiar with "The Law of the Great Ye". When the incident broke out back then, let alone whether there is any evidence, the eldest brother said that the Zheng family is a serious crime of ransacking his family and destroying his family.

So what if it's from the Zhonggong mother family?The law is there, and the elder brother's injury is also there. The queen mother wants to protect the Zheng family, and you want to protect the queen mother, can you protect it?

At the end of the trouble, it can't be handed over.

The eldest brother didn't want to see that kind of scene, and didn't want to make the queen mother sad, so he didn't mention anything. "

When he said this, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth, eyes full of resentment.

Emperor Jin He was startled: "So you really know everything."

"Not only do you know that the people of the Zheng family, including Zhao Yi, dare to say that they don't know in front of you? For the crime of deceiving the emperor, ask them if they dare to bear it!"

Zhao Xing's voice became harsher, his pitch was high, and he couldn't slow down for a long time.

Emperor Jin He knew that he was in a hurry, and he probably wanted to talk about everything today, so he didn't rush him, and waited quietly for him to calm down.

Zhao Xing's fists were loosened, loosened and tightened, and he went back and forth countless times: "Zheng Xuanzhi has the closest relationship with Sanlang, because he is the closest in age. When I went to Xingyang with my eldest brother, my uncle and uncle both said that he The two are like brothers, but they are strangers after seeing us.

But how elder brother treats me and Saburo, father don't say he doesn't know, right? "

Jin Hedi's eyelids twitched twice: "You talk about yourself, Shao Yin and Yang are weird."

"That day we went riding horses, my grandfather still had some property in Xingyang, a large forest, surrounded, like a small hunting ground, enough for us brothers to shoot and hunt.

I was only nine years old at the time, and I was too small to ride a tall horse. My elder brother chose a docile and short horse for me.

Zheng Xuanzhi taunted him, but the eldest brother reprimanded him because he couldn't listen to that.

Zheng Qingzhi is the eldest brother, so naturally he will help him.

When I went into the hunting ground, he shot cold arrows behind me. "

Thinking of what happened in the past, Zhao Xing calmed down a lot now that it was really put on the surface: "I guess he didn't really want to kill people, and he probably wouldn't even dare to hurt others.

In the end, it's just that he feels that we, as elder brothers, have treated Saburo slowly, and he is just arguing for Saburo.

To scare me with a cold arrow is more like a warning, or in other words, a slap in the face.

The eldest brother lost his temper and raised his sword to kill him.

The elders were not there, only a few of us, and we got into a fight, and it really got on the head, and we wrestled into a ball.

In the confusion, Zheng Xuanzhi took away the dagger that Sanlang was carrying with him - at the last blow, he should have been hacked into pieces, because he did it on purpose! "

Emperor Jinhe heard this all the time, and his fingertips trembled: "Sanlang's..."

"Yes." Zhao Xing categorically stopped Jin Hedi from talking, "It is the dagger you sent to Xingyang when Sanlang was out of the full moon!"

Funny to say.

That was the paternal love bestowed upon Zhao Yi by the emperor, but it was used by Zheng Xuanzhi to hurt the elder brother.

An extremely sharp dagger, top-notch, with a cold edge and a scabbard inlaid with precious gems.

It is the most beautiful weapon.

Zhao Xing gritted his molars again: "Is Zheng Xuanzhi the only one in the Zheng family who deserves to die? Are the others innocent?"

As he said, he shook his head: "Brother is so skilled, when he was 12 years old, he was able to perform fifty moves under Pei Guogong's hands.

When those people restrained the elder brother with hands and feet, the elder brother never really did anything for the sake of the queen mother.

Royal father, from the beginning to the end, what the elder brother did was not good enough?How can he be considerate, how can he be patient?

Is it because the family name is Zheng? "

(End of this chapter)

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