The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 158 Self Loathing

Chapter 158 Self Loathing (Part [-])
Jin Hedi has experienced too many things.

He had also thought about what the child would encounter in Xingyang.

But I never thought that the Zheng family raised their children so boldly and recklessly to such an extent!

Even if it’s just to scare people with cold arrows, it’s not really intended to hurt people, one is to act behind the scenes, but the second is that the status of a monarch and minister is still in the front, and Erlang is the prince born in the first place. Isn’t Zheng Xuanzhi afraid of really hurting people? !
Jiro was right.

From beginning to end, Da Lang has done a good enough job.

Perfecting him, perfecting the queen, and perfecting the Zheng family.

Da Lang was the only one who was wronged.

Jin Hedi only felt his throat tightening for a moment: "You just listen to your elder brother and hold back these words in your heart for ten years?"

"if not?"

There is indifference in Zhao Xing's eyes.

He knew he shouldn't.

His father, queen, and empress doted on him so much that he was not qualified to pick on his parents.

But he just felt wronged and depressed for his elder brother.

Such emotions cannot be suppressed much.

Jin Hedi frowned: "You listen to him!"

Zhao Xing also frowned: "It was you who taught my sons and ministers from an early age to obey the elder brother, obey the elder brother, respect and love the elder brother as you respect your father."

He took a deep breath: "Father, do you know these details, such as the brothers of the Zheng family bound the elder brother hand and foot to stop him, lest he really hurt Zheng Xuanzhi's sect, how did the servants know?"

Jin Hedi's complexion turned blue.

Erlang was less than ten years old at that time. Before he was 12 years old, Dalang paid more attention to his articles and theories, and only urged him to slack off on riding and archery exercises.

It was only after he was 12 years old, with a strong physique, and his body had grown, that he grasped it more tightly.

So at that time Erlang couldn't help much.

He has boy skills, but he is not good at it after all. He is young, and even standing on the sidelines, he probably can't see any clues.

That can only be what Da Lang told him.

Jin Hedi pressed his fingertips on his eyelids and sighed heavily.

Zhao Xing knew that he understood.

"Brother said, the Zheng family may not be willing to get close to our brothers. They are all cousins, but the difference is huge. They even dare to treat the elder brother like this, let alone me, for fear that I will suffer from his children in the future. So let me know, you want me to be more careful, and stay away from his family members in the future, even if you want to walk around, there is no need for heart-to-heart talk."

What Zhao Xing said was all sarcasm, his eyes were full of mockery: "I am telling you about the past ten years ago today, and it is not to ask you to hold the Zheng family accountable, and my eldest brother has no such heart!
If he really wanted to put his family to death, or had to kill Zheng Xuanzhi, he didn't have to wait ten years. "

Still for the Queen.

Also in order not to embarrass him.

Caught between courtiers and queens.

Because the queen can distinguish right from wrong in many important matters, dignified and magnanimous, but not in the affairs of the Zheng family.

She couldn't figure it out, because the Zheng family and her were blood relatives, connected by flesh and blood, and descended from the same line.

The son is his own, and the father and brother are also direct relatives.

"I understand what you mean."

There was a strong sense of powerlessness between Jin and Emperor's brows: "Your mother's place, I will go and tell her to send the Zheng family's ladies out of the palace after tonight. After that...they live in Shengjing, so they have to go to the palace. Your elder brother is busy with court affairs, if you really don't like it, you can go out of the palace and go for a walk, if you don't want to see him, then don't see him.

As for the Zheng family's mansion - that mansion was chosen by your mother, I didn't want to please her, since she was happy, I let her go.

Living there, Zheng Qingzhi is indeed presumptuous.

In a few days, he will serve in the imperial court, go through formalities in the Ministry of Officials, take up the official position, and be in the Overwatch Council. At that time, the official censor will impeach him. I will find a reason to take the house and call him Just move to live somewhere else. "

Zhao Xing's expression softened slightly.

Emperor Jinhe saw it, sighed silently, and couldn't say anything to him after all: "Your elder brother... are you okay?"

Zhao Xing hummed: "Brother just felt uncomfortable for a while, and he didn't want my minister to accompany me, let alone ask my minister to persuade me.

After all these years, the elder brother has probably gotten used to it. "

But is it a good habit?

Jin Hedi couldn't tell.

For the emperor and ministers, this is very good.

Since what he wants is a Mingjun who can inherit the great rule and withstand the turmoil that may occur in Daye in the next few decades, what Dalang is doing now is the best.

Wen Neng put his pen to settle the world, and Wu Neng mounted the horse to set the world.

Emperor power tactics, the way of checks and balances.

Dalang can be said to be better than blue than blue.

But from the perspective of father and son, what good is that?

What grievances did Erlang have, he always said it outright, what he wanted and what he didn't want, how could he ever be willing to wrong himself?
Even if he knew that it was disrespectful and disrespectful, he was never afraid.

Saburo will act like a baby.

It's not that he can't see through Saburo's pretentious tone sometimes, but that's what a child should look like in front of his parents.

After all, it's normal not to grow up with them, to put on some disguise and be cautious about probing.

Only Dalang is abnormal.

But this is also caused by him and the queen.

At first, no one said anything, as if there was nothing like that.

Today, being punctured by Erlang, and putting it on the table, he had to face it squarely, Jin Hedi felt extremely uncomfortable.

He was silent for a long time, and Zhao Xing was also speechless.

After a long time, Jin Hedi waved him away: "I know about this matter, you just go about your business, but Erlang, don't talk about your mother's place."

Zhao Xingcai just stood up, when he heard the words, he paused and laughed silently.

That smile fell into Jin Hedi's eyes, and the corners of his eyes twitched twice: "What are you laughing at?"

Zhao Xing shook his head and said no: "I would not have told my mother, if it wasn't—forget it, this matter should have rotted in Erchen's stomach, and I would never talk to anyone for the rest of my life.

Let me tell you, it's because I feel wronged for my eldest brother, and my son can't see it.

The Zheng family is proud, that's just adding salt to elder brother's wounds!

But there is nothing to say to the queen mother, and it is useless to tell her, it will only increase her annoyance. "

He did indeed smile just now.

But it's really meaningless.

He just suddenly thought of Zhuzhu again.

He has learned [-]% of his father's intentions and attitude towards his mother.

It could be said that he grew up to be a seed of infatuation because he saw a lot of deep feelings between his parents and his mother since he was a child.

On the other hand, it is not worthwhile to replace the eldest brother.

The father has always used Ming Jun to train the elder brother and demanded the elder brother, but what the father did by himself is another matter.

Anyway, to the empress mother and the Zheng family, the emperor father can never be called Mingjun.

If you say these words, you will be scolded.

When thinking of this, Zhao Xing even loathed himself.

Because apart from Zhao Yi, between the eldest brother and his two brothers, he is the only one who dares to think so. If it is the eldest brother, wouldn't it be a mistake to even think about it?
Zhao Xing's expression was complicated, his eyes even more obscure, he hastily bid farewell to Emperor Jin He, and left Funing Palace without mentioning it.

(End of this chapter)

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