The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 164 1 Qiuzhi raccoon

Chapter 164 Raccoons of the same feather (second update)

Penglai Mountain stands alone in Taiye Pool, and there are countless corridors and small halls around the pool.

The noon table is placed in a small hall called Yingyu on the east side of Taiye Pool.

This hall is exquisite, and the window is facing Penglai Mountain. At this time, there is a cold mist, which seems to be surrounded by fairy spirit.

The ground dragon burning in the hall is very prosperous, and I don’t know how many pots of silver scrap charcoal are placed, in order to fully open the door of the hall, so that you can have a panoramic view of the Taiye Pool and Penglai Mountain, so as not to be frozen and kept in the boudoir. The delicate girls.

It sounds extravagant and extravagant.

After all, a basket of silver scrap charcoal sold outside is enough to feed and clothe a family of five or six for three to five months.

The plum-blossom clear wine on the table tastes the most authentic, suitable for ladies to eat in elegant banquets. It is not intoxicating and sweet.

Jiang Wan had already ate two or three cups with a small cup, and the dishes in front of him were really exquisite.

She is a person who never gets in trouble with her stomach.

No matter how uncomfortable Zheng Shuangyi's banquet was, she should still eat and drink.

It's just that someone insisted on chasing disgusting people and making things difficult for her.

When a shadow fell in front of her eyes, covering the small red sandalwood case, Jiang Wan clicked her tongue, raised her wrist, and after drinking all the wine in the cup, she slightly raised her eyelids to look.

Zheng Shuangyi pulled Shen Baozhi, each holding a glass of plum wine.

Jiang Wan frowned: "Sister Zheng, is something wrong?"

Zheng Shuangyi seemed quite satisfied with this title, so she ignored Jiang Wan's frowning eyebrows.

She took Shen Baozhi by the hand and led her a little forward: "Baozhi said just now that you were afraid that you would still annoy her because of the previous incident and hurt you once, so I didn't apologize to you properly. For this little banquet of mine today, ask me to come with her and toast you a glass of wine, it will be regarded as an apology from her, so don’t mention it in the future.”

Jiang Wan really thought this was outrageous.

Shen Baozhi is a typical no-brainer.

She wasn't making fun of anyone, but she was thinking of her former self.

Fools are the easiest to be used as gunmen.

What's more, someone like Shen Baozhi is the sharpest gun.

The tip of the spear is cold, and it is intended to hurt people when it is stabbed out.

Normal people don't care about this kind of thing.

That is to say, Zheng Shuangyi is very sick, and she refuses to let go of any chance to disgust her.

This drink is disgusting to eat or not to eat.

Jiang Wan looked at Shen Baozhi, without even lingering on her face, she was able to see the disdain on Shen Baozhi's face.

Shen Baozhi sincerely wanted to make an apology to others.

Jiang Wan's fingertips moved slightly, and under the watchful eyes of Pei Qingyuan and Zhou Wanning, they touched the small wine glass in front of him.

Zhou Wanning's face darkened suddenly, and she wanted to stop it.

In a blink of an eye, she saw Jiang Wan pinching the empty wine cup with two fingers, and she slammed it back on the small case with the cup facing down.

Although she drank it all in one gulp before, there were still wine stains on the bottom of the cup, now the small cup is turned upside down, dripping from the bottom of the cup onto the red sandalwood table, and then overflowing from the edge of the cup.

Zhou Wanning's brows and eyes quickly stained with joy.

That's right, Wanwan should be like this.

Instead, he should be patient and save enough face for Zheng Shuangyi.

She has been aggrieved for a whole morning!

And Zheng Shuangyi, who was standing in front of the small case, changed his face: "Awan, you are..."

Her voice stopped abruptly, she turned around, put her arms around Shen Baozhi's shoulders, and comforted Shen Baozhi in a low voice: "Don't worry, Ah Wan probably didn't mean that."

Pei Qingyuan frowned when he heard this.

Zheng Shuangyi...

Shen Baozhi is pampered and has an unreasonable temperament.

Such people are often the most vulnerable to being fanned by people around them.

And what Zheng Shuangyi is doing now is to fan the wind and light the will-o'-the-wisp.

"Zhuzhu has eaten several cups just now."

Pei Qingyuan's voice was clear, and he distinguished for Jiang Wan: "Didn't you see her drink it up when you came here? She is a person who doesn't like wine, and she doesn't know how to drink wine. If it weren't for the plum blossom wine on the table today, She would not touch a drop.

I ate a lot at this moment, and I was in a hurry. If I wanted to eat more, it would be plum blossom wine. I'm afraid I would be intoxicated too. "

Shen Baozhi bit her lower lip tightly: "I've never heard that plum blossom wine can make people drunk!"

She said viciously: "Miss Pei wants to help her to embarrass me together, so don't use such excuses to prevaricate people? Can't you treat someone as a fool?"

Jiang Wan didn't even want to look at her.

His gaze was always on Zheng Shuangyi's face.

Seeing the smug flash of Zheng Shuangyi's eyes, and matching Shen Baozhi's words, Jiang Wan couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

And I don't think I'm an idiot.

Jiang Wan cleared his throat: "Plum blossom wine is not intoxicating, but it will be uncomfortable if you eat too much."

She really drank a little too much, and her eyes were filled with moist peach blossom color. When she looked up, the mist was flowing, and it was as crystal clear as a deer, making people unable to bear to criticize her.

Even though Zheng Shuangyi and Shen Baozhi definitely wouldn't like her.

But others eat it.

Jiang Wan pouted, and pointed to the small wine glass upside down on the table: "The last time you hurt me was an unintentional mistake, it's been so long, and I never said anything, let alone take it to heart, why? Now what are the words of apologizing and not apologizing?
I really don't understand.

If I benefit from your toast today, doesn't it mean that you deliberately hurt me that day?

But if you intentionally hurt someone, the matter will be serious, we should go to Jingzhao Mansion to clarify.

Taking a step back, even if I don't care about it, aren't you too rude?
I really want to admit my mistake, I don't dare to hurt others, why didn't you come to the county palace to apologize to me a few days ago?

Now that Sister Zheng is here, you should tell Sister Zheng these things, and then ask her to accompany you to toast—"

She spoke eloquently for a long time, and then rubbed the tip of her nose with her backhand: "Aren't you looking at me for the sake of Sister Zheng's face, so I have to be toasted by you anyway, so that this matter can be uncovered and not mentioned?
If so, seriously speaking, you are not in a good mood.

Isn't Sister Zheng's face not face?
Force me to accept your toast, what if I refuse?Didn't it hurt Sister Zheng's face. "

Jiang Wan let out a long sigh, and even shook a bit when he stood up, as if he had eaten too much: "I don't like to speculate on others with malice, Mrs. Shen, why don't you tell me what you are thought?"

Shen Baozhi's face was pale.

She didn't want to apologize to Jiang Wan at all.

It was Zheng Shuangyi who brought her here!
She was so confused, asked Zheng Shuangyi to lobby, and she was already standing in front of Jiang Wan's small case.

Letting Jiang Wan say this now, his mind is in a mess, and he can no longer figure it out.


She still bit her lower lip, the previous disdain on her face was gone, only panic remained.

Seeing this, Jiang Wan's eyes turned cold.

With just this little skill and brains, she will count the money for Zheng Shuangyi when she is sold by Zheng Shuangyi.

But what did it matter to her?

Anyway, these two are like a nest of snakes and rats, otherwise they couldn't really hit it off. After a few hours of work, they joined hands to disgust her.

Jiang Wan clicked his tongue again: "I didn't bully you, I just told the truth, I don't even want to maliciously speculate on your intentions, why do you look like you are about to cry, as if I have done something to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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