Chapter 165 Don't Meddle (One More)
It is not an exaggeration to say that this banquet broke up unhappy.

Jiang Wan was crying, and Shen Baozhi was crying too.

The two girls obviously didn't even quarrel, after all the banquet was only that big, if there was a high-pitched voice in the hall, everyone in the room could hear it clearly.

Since everyone didn't hear it, it means there was no quarrel.

But it just broke out.

Shen Baozhi insisted that Jiang Wan was too deceitful, but Jiang Wan just wept and didn't say a word.

On the contrary, Zhou Wanning was so angry that she wanted to rush up and beat Shen Baozhi up.

The plum blossom feast that the sage specially set up for the sisters of the Zheng family was completely ruined.

Yingyu's side was making a fuss, the girls were crying and angry, which alarmed Empress Zheng.

Empress Zheng asked about the matter in detail, and sent people to send the young ladies out of the palace, leaving only the Zheng family and Jiang Wan and the others.

Jiang Wan in the Hanzhang Hall had already wiped away his tears, Shen Baozhi probably had lingering fears when he saw Empress Zheng again after the last foot restraint incident, and he was more restrained than before.

Although she wiped away her tears, the choked sobs could still be heard.

Empress Zheng called Zheng Shuangyi to her side, pulled her, and asked in a deep voice: "How did you make a plum blossom feast like this? You are older, and it's not good for the two of them to have a dispute, so why don't you persuade me?" What time is it?"

Zheng Shuangyi made a gesture to stand up and plead guilty.

Empress Zheng held her hand and did not let go.

Pei Qingyuan saw all of this and secretly thought it was bad.

The saint's words were clearly not meant for Zheng Shuangyi.

It is also impossible for her to really blame Zheng Shuangyi for this kind of thing.

She pursed her lips, rolled her eyes slightly, and thought about it.

Pei Qingyuan took half a step forward, she was standing on Jiang Wan's left, now she moved, covering half of Jiang Wan's body, and called the saint in a soft voice: "You are welcome."

She is pleasing, Empress Zheng's expression softened a little when she heard her speak, and she hummed, beckoning her to say.

Only then did Pei Qingyuan continue, telling Empress Zheng the part of Ying Yuzhong's toast, without adding any details, and it's not bad to miss anything.

After finishing speaking, she looked sideways at Shen Baozhi, shook her head in an unclear manner, and said with a low sigh: "It wasn't a big deal at first, it was probably a misunderstanding, which spoiled everyone's interest and ruined Sister Zheng This banquet has even more failed the sage's grace of allowing us to enter the palace to have a banquet."

She is a person who does not lie, and Empress Zheng has always known her like this, so when Pei Qingyuan speaks, Empress Zheng is born to be more trusting.

Shen Baozhi stood there alone, actually pitiful, but Empress Zheng felt that she was acting pitifully for others to see.

Before he hurt others, he dared to report evil to others, and recruited Yuan Niang as a gunman.

Empress Zheng's eyes darkened again: "The matter of the last time, I said it was revealed and I didn't mention it, what kind of trouble are you making today?"

These words were naturally aimed at Shen Baozhi.

Shen Baozhi's shoulders trembled, and his whole body trembled.

Seeing this, Zheng Shuangyi called her aunt softly: "I don't think Baozhi has any malicious intentions, she just wanted to shake hands with Ah Wan and make peace with her. If it really counts, it's because I didn't figure out the reason of the matter, and I just wanted to be a good person indiscriminately. I should take more care of this banquet today, be a middleman, make peace, wouldn't it be nice for everyone to be harmonious in the future? As a result, Baozhi and Awan both burst into tears. It's really not mine."

She lowered her eyes again: "Auntie, don't blame Ah Wan, let alone Baozhi."

But this matter has nothing to do with Jiang Wan.

It was clear who was at fault.

Empress Zheng was blinded by the word "family affection" and thought that Zheng Shuangyi was a good person.

If Zheng Shuangyi is really a good person, making peace with others and mediating from them, he should figure out the ins and outs of the matter and not be a fool.

Unless she is not so kind at all, she will act like this.

However, Empress Zheng didn't care about it.

In the whole world, only her niece and daughter are the most holy and good people, and they are all for the good of others.

It's really hard to talk.

Jiang Wan lowered his eyes even more, fearing that the sarcasm in his eyes would show even a little bit of sarcasm, which would make this matter even more troublesome.

Shen Baozhi sobbed and said nothing.

Zheng Shuangyi refused to make Jiang Wan feel better, and protected Shen Baozhi everywhere. For her sake, Empress Zheng couldn't vent her anger no matter how angry she was.

Zhou Wanning also saw clearly, and felt even more upset.

But no way.

Somebody has to give the steps so that the saint can come down.

She gritted her teeth, and called the saint aggrievedly: "It's nothing else, it's because I was too impatient, and I almost touched Mrs. Shen in Yingyu just now. I really can't see her acting like this, but it looks like Wanwan." Wan bullied her.

If the saint wants to blame, just blame me.

If I had restrained my temper, I wouldn't have made such a big fuss and ruined the saint's feast. "

Empress Zheng went to see Zheng Shuangyi, Zheng Shuangyi just smiled and shook her head.

So Empress Zheng waved her hands and said forget it: "You guys also pack up and leave the palace and go home, your temper has been like this since you were a child, you don't recognize others, it's also her blessing that Zhuzhu has a confidant like you.

Left and right are the point of your little girl's bickering, and it's not worth serious punishment for you.

If I punish you here, won't you, Aye, my mother, punish you even more severely when you go home?

Go ahead, don't mention this matter again, and let me know that you guys are making a fuss about it, but there is no such thing as easy to talk about. "

The two sisters Zheng Shuangxue and Zheng Shuangrong also went out of the palace to return to Zheng's mansion, and only Zheng Shuangyi stayed in Hanzhang Hall.

She accompanied Empress Zheng to Shuanglu, and she didn't lose the wind for a while.

The gloomy look on Empress Zheng's face faded a bit: "You are young, it's good to fall down."

Zheng Shuangyi smiled gently: "Aye said that when my aunt was a girl at home, she loved to play Shuanglu the most, and she was good at it. I never liked to play Go when I was young. My grandfather taught me how to play Go, and I didn't benefit much. Later, I found out that I played Shuanglu. It’s okay, just ask me to learn this.”

In fact, it was specially learned and practiced specially to please Zhonggong.

But of course she wouldn't say it.

When Empress Zheng heard this, her smile became even stronger: "You won't stay in the capital for a long time. After a few more months, I will pay more attention to your marriage. In the future, whether you marry outside or come to Shengjing, you You only care about living a clean and rich life, so why bother with these people's messes?"

She paused for a while, then raised her eyes to look over: "Shen Baozhi is the most spoiled, for her mother, no one would care about her, she herself doesn't know how to restrain herself.

Jiang Wan's side... She is better, but San Lang offended her and Pei Guogong's family in the marriage before, and now that she sees you, she won't feel close to you.

You just have fun playing with you, if they have any conflicts, just quarrel, you don't want to meddle anymore, but get involved instead, and make you all in trouble, understand? "

(End of this chapter)

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