Chapter 166 Being Friends (Part [-])

On the carriage back home from the palace, Jiang Wan's face remained ashen.

Pei Qingyuan and Zhou Wanning looked at each other, not knowing how to relieve her for a while.

After a while, the muffled sound of the wheels rolling made the atmosphere in the carriage more solemn. Zhou Wanning couldn't bear this atmosphere, and stomped her foot lightly: "You should have said earlier that you can't be so angry. I'm just trying to be punished and scolded. In Yingyu At that time, she was also arrested and beaten! Or if we went to the saint and had a big fight, what's the big deal?
It's better than what you look like now, keeping silent and sulking yourself! "

Jiang Wanxiu's eyebrows were still furrowed, but she passed a hand over to cover the back of Zhou Wanning's hand: "Then what have you become? A street shrew?"

Of course Zhou Wanning is not that kind of person.

She just has a straightforward temperament, flamboyant and enthusiastic life.

It's not the kind of arrogant, spoiled and unruly girl.

There is a huge difference between the two.

Jiang Wan took a deep breath: "Shen Baozhi, I don't pay much attention to her, and she doesn't deserve me to be so angry about her.

We've grown up so much together, don't I know who she is? "

Pei Qingyuan frowned: "Are you because of Mrs. Zheng?"

Jiang Wan hummed heavily: "It's also the attitude of a saint."

As she said that, she laughed self-deprecatingly: "Actually, thinking about it, there's nothing to be angry about."

Empress Zheng didn't even care about Zhao Yu, so could it be that she would take care of her feelings?

Whether Zheng Shuangyi is good or bad depends on the point.

She can't write two Zheng characters in one stroke. She is a close relative of flesh and blood. Why should she be annoyed?
If you have to say——

During the days Zheng Shuangyi lived in Beijing, she was afraid that she would not have a happy life.

Zhou Wanning asked her tentatively: "Is she really targeting you like this because of Zhao Yi? Does she not know about you and the Second Highness?"

"Look at her like that, the saint didn't tell her."

Jiang Wan replied to her lightly: "If it's not for Zhao Yi, why else?
I have no grudges with her in the past, and I have no grudges in recent days. It is impossible for me to offend her in my dream. "

"Should she be..."

Before Zhou Wanning could finish speaking, Pei Qingyuan gave him a light thump: "Stop talking, it will be overheard, it's not a good look."

Jiang Wan said forget it: "It can't be helped, who told someone to have a good aunt, who became the mother of Zhonggong Tianxia, ​​and who is so protective and partial, shouldn't we have to avoid her edge and bear it if we can?"

She clicked her tongue, leaned on the carriage with her arms around her arms, and told Zhou Wanning worriedly: "Don't let the second brother slip your mouth about this matter today."

Zhou Wanning was both surprised and aching in the heart.

Zheng Shuangyi was targeting Jiang Wan. She could tell that she was targeted, and she couldn't fight back.

An unprecedented first encounter.

All because of Empress Zheng.

Zhou Wanning said sullenly, "I still feel aggrieved."

Jiang Guan laughed out loud: "Why don't I accompany you to run amok and bully men and women after their sisters leave?
Or, let's pick a dark and windy night to lure her out, like my second brother, put a sack on her, and beat her up with a dull head to relieve her anger? "

Pei Qingyuan knew that this was all a joke, so he couldn't help poking her: "You talk about it casually, but I'm afraid that Ningning will take it seriously, and if you really do it later, I'll see how you end up!"

What is she going to close?

Who is going to really give in and endure.

Zheng Shuangyi didn't want to be domineering in front of her, so she could keep out of sight and keep close to Zhao Xing, regardless of those people.

But if she insisted on coming to her with nausea, do you still expect her to swallow this breath?

Jiang Wan raised his hand, touched his neck with his fingertips, and stroked it twice.

Thin and fragile.

That's why it was so easy for Zheng Shuangyi to take her life.

Before she died, she had to suffer a lot—the white silk was wrapped around her neck, tightened, and the suffocation gradually subsided. When death came a little bit, apart from hatred, there would actually be panic and fear.

She couldn't even die if she wanted to.

At the moment of dying, Bai Ling suddenly let go, she regained her freedom, took a deep breath, as if she had been reborn.

Such a cycle is the most painful torture.

When she was exhausted and could not wish to die, she drank another glass of poisonous wine that pierced her intestines and lungs.

Human life is so cheap.

Jiang Wan closed his eyes and dismissed those scenes from his mind.

She regretted it a little.

"You don't have to be angry with her."

When she spoke suddenly, Zhou Wanning thought she had some good idea, and asked her in surprise, "Do you have a way to deal with her?"

The corners of Jiang Wan's lips rose, and when he opened his eyes, helplessness flashed in his eyes: "What can I do? But I think she will act obediently and docilely in front of the saint, and she will never make things difficult for me. If so, let's It's just that I don't know that she is putting on airs and acting, and that she is really nice, get along with her for a while, and when she returns to Xingyang, won't everything go well?"

Zhou Wanning's small face collapsed again: "Are you taking pleasure in bitterness?"

Pei Qingyuan also patted the back of her hand, the intention of appeasement couldn't be more obvious.

Jiang Wan smiled and said no: "Frankly accept, my mood is less likely to be affected.

Didn't she mention the peach blossoms in Daxiangguo Temple in March?

Just look, we shouldn't say what she said today, and when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, she will still come and pull us to go for an outing together.

So I thought, when the time comes, I might as well be the host and invite their sisters to Daxiangguo Temple.

She came to us, and that became her host. If I invite her, it's my place and I have the final say.

Anyway, I can't shirk it, so I might as well invite her on my own initiative. "

She just rolled her eyes in her heart: "Now we have officially met, and it will be necessary to walk around the capital in the future.

According to my opinion, a small feast for three days, a big feast for five days, if she vomits during the feast, it is best if she is willing to stay at home and not go out to the feast. Aren’t we clean? "

What the hell kind of idea is this.

Even Pei Qingyuan was stunned: "It doesn't seem like you are trying to solve the current predicament, but I hear you are more like breaking a can."

Jiang Wan laughed and remained silent.

There's nothing wrong with breaking the jar.

It made everyone think that she was afraid of Zheng Shuangyi, did not dare to offend, did not dare to provoke, or made friends with her - she had a very close personal relationship.

These four words are very useful.

"Although she is targeting me, her heart is full of meat. If I treat her better and be more sincere, she won't be able to get along with me, right?"

Jiang Wan smiled happily: "Isn't it good to be friends with her? She can still say a few more good things for me in front of the saint.

I see that Zhao Yi has lost my marriage now, and the sage probably wants to pick another young lady of the same family for him. Look, there is one right now?
Suddenly, I figured it out, it wouldn't do me any good to have a fight with her, I plan to be friends with her! "

To be friends, to be a killer, to act well, and to wait until the fire is over in the future, so that you won't be afraid of burning yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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