Chapter 167 Su Wang's Mansion (Part [-])
On the [-]th day of the second month, Zhao Yu registered King Su, moved out of the palace, and moved to King Su's mansion.

The specifications of King Su's Mansion were all built according to the regulations of the East Palace, and the officials of the King's Mansion were not much different from the East Palace.

If it were any other king, this would be an arrogance.

But Zhao Yu got these, as it should be.

The noble courtiers who came and went to congratulate King Su's mansion for three days, and the banquet was held for three days, and two troupes of actors were specially invited to the mansion.

Zhao Yi moved to King Su's mansion on the seventh day of King Zhao Yu's reign.

After the court ended early that morning, Jin Hedi left Zhao Yu to talk and called him to Funing Palace.

He didn't say a few words, anyway, this matter has been decided long ago, Zhao Yu couldn't refuse, so he could only accept it indifferently.

Emperor Jin He still wanted to make peace with him, and told him not to be too aggressive with Zhao Yi, but Zhao Yu listened with a cold face, without saying a word.

In the end, both Jin and Di felt bored, so they sent him out of the palace.

When Zhao Yi moved there, Lady Hanzhang sent him off in person.

When Zhao Yu saw it, his face became even uglier.

Zhao Yi's luggage had just been placed in the west courtyard of the palace, so Zhao Yu ordered someone to call Zhao Yi to his study, grabbed Zhao Yi to ask about his homework, and dragged him to practice kung fu in the second half of the day. After a whole day of tossing, at dusk, Zhao Yi was exhausted, so Zhao Yu let him go back to rest with a sneer, and he left the palace in good spirits, and went to drink.

He seldom drinks with outsiders, and all he hears at the banquet are compliments, which is really boring.

This meal was different.

His childhood companion, Yuan Daoxi, the eldest son of the Yuan family in Runan, went back to Runan to worship his ancestors on behalf of Aye more than three months ago. He only returned to Shengjing a few days ago and rested at home for a few days, just in time. He became the king, and sent someone early to make an appointment with him for this meal.

Haven't seen each other for a few months, every time he goes back and forth, he has changed from the eldest prince to King Su, Yuan Daoxi always has a lot of weird ideas, even if he doesn't visit the palace of the king, he is still the old Zhao Yu, having a meal outside in private , only personal relationships are discussed.

After this meal is over, he will be the king of Su in the future, and the prince in the future. His status is precious, so he should show his status as a monarch and minister.

At that time, Zhao Yu listened to Yuan's young man's reply and scolded Yuan Daoxi with a smile, but he still complied.

Going out at the moment, but met Zhao Xing again.

Zhao Yu stopped in his tracks, and frowned because he saw Zhao Xing's uneasy expression: "Why are you leaving the palace at this hour?"

Zhao Xing shook his head and said no: "I was planning to go back to the palace, and I came here to elder brother when I heard something not quite right, and I have asked Yuan Fu to go back to the palace to report first, if I can't go back to the palace in time, I will stay here with elder brother tonight. The queen father and mother won't say anything."

Zhao Yu clicked his tongue when he heard the words: "A very important matter?"

Zhao Xing nodded.

Zhao Yu pursed his lips, turned his head and told the people who followed: "You go first and tell Ziming that there is something urgent. If I don't go in half an hour, tell him to come back and make another appointment."

The little eunuch got it and ordered the cat to bow down and leave, but was stopped by Zhao Xing's outstretched arm.

Zhao Yu looked at him puzzled: "What are you doing?"

"Since Yuan Ziming is back, he must be Eldest Brother's good helper. Tonight he and Eldest Brother have an appointment for a small banquet. Can't I go with you?"

Zhao Yu immediately understood, but still shook his head, raised his hand and pressed Zhao Xing's hand, and sent the little eunuch to go: "No matter what it is, you must tell me first."

He paused for a moment, thinking for a moment: "Did you hear the gossip of Prince Su's mansion outside?"

Zhao Xing's throat tightened, he nodded and said yes.

Zhao Yu's face darkened for a moment, and he led Zhao Xing into the door, heading straight for the study, without saying a word.

As night fell gradually, the last rays of the setting sun dissipated in the sky.

Boundless darkness spread rapidly, covering the land of Shengjing.

Candles were brightly lit in King Su's mansion, and in Zhao Yu's study there were eight Changxin Palace Lanterns alone, and an unknown number of candlesticks with glazed covers. The light was bright, but not too dazzling.

The servants served warm tea and cakes that Zhao Xing liked to eat, and they left in a hurry after serving the food.

The carved door of the study was closed tightly, and Zhao Yu was not in a hurry to ask him what was going on, seeing that he didn't move a piece of cake, his face turned black: "You haven't eaten, have you?"

Zhao Xing hummed: "I left the palace to go to the emperor's uncle in the afternoon. I was going back to the palace a long time ago, but Zhao Ze dragged me to the competition again, which delayed me for a while."

"Eat something to cushion your stomach first."

Because Jiang's eating time is never fixed.

When he was young, he would occasionally go to the county prince's mansion for two meals. If he was there, the Jiang family would be better, and they would set meals according to the time of day.

Generally speaking, at this time, the Jiang family does not pass on the rice.

Everyone in the county palace is used to it.

So there is no doubt that Erlang didn't plan to have dinner at the county prince's mansion from the beginning.

Returning to the palace at this moment, just in time for the meal, but some accident happened, and it was transferred to him, so of course he didn't eat.

Zhao Yu sighed, and ordered outside the house: "Go and tell the chef to cook two things that the Second Highness likes to eat. It doesn't need to be very troublesome. Simply make two dishes, and then make a bowl of noodles or soup and send them over."

As for the place to live, there is no need to order someone to prepare it now.

From the first day of the construction of King Su's Mansion, Zhao Yu reserved a yard for Zhao Xing in the mansion.


"you eat first."

Zhao Yu frowned, didn't look at him again, took a book from the desk, and started to read it with his head down.

He fell silent and did not speak, and the anxiety on Zhao Xing's face gradually calmed down.

I don't know how long it took, Zhao Xing ate half of the tea on hand, and the cake was five or six yuan less.

Those on duty in the back kitchen did not dare to neglect, a bowl of chicken noodle soup and two delicate side dishes were prepared very quickly.

The little eunuch came in with a plate of food, looked at it, then walked towards Zhao Xing, put the things on the black lacquered square table in his hand, and then backed out holding the plate.

Zhao Yu didn't even raise his head, but just explained: "Don't rush to collect it, just step back and don't ask anyone to come over."

The little eunuch responded repeatedly, and quickly walked out of the door.

The footsteps gradually faded away, and it was he who retreated as Zhao Yu ordered.

In fact, Zhao Xing was not very hungry at all, but Zhao Yu always asked him to eat when it was time to eat. Even if he was not hungry, he had to eat a few bites to fill his stomach. .

He had listened to such words since he was a child, followed such requests, and had no change in the day when he ate.

I just ate a few pieces of cake, but now I haven't eaten two bites of side dishes, and I have eaten less than half of the chicken noodle soup, so I feel very full.

Zhao Xing put down the silver chopsticks and pushed the bowl: "Brother, I'm done eating."

Zhao Yu hummed, put down the scroll, looked up, and stood up with a frown.

He paced over and patted Zhao Xing on the shoulder: "Go and sit over there."

Zhao Xing stood up according to his words, and immediately saw Zhao Yu sitting on the seat he had placed, the cake he hadn't finished eating, and the half bowl of noodles, Zhao Yu ate with relish.

"Brother, if you ask someone to do it again..."

"Talk about your business, leave me alone."

Zhao Yu swallowed it down, still not looking at him: "It's just a pad for the stomach, if it's nothing important, I have to go have dinner with Ziming later, so let's just do it."

(End of this chapter)

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