Chapter 168 The Worries of the Unfounded (Part [-])
Chapter 160 Nine

When Zhao Xing was young, he didn't eat much, and he always took Jiang Wan with him, so he ate a lot of snacks, so even if Zhao Yu was in charge of him, he never ate much.

The palace prepares a rich meal, and if you can't finish eating, you take it back and throw it away.

At that time, Zhao Yu would often eat the leftovers of Zhao Xing, and when he couldn't finish eating, he would ask the servants to take them away.

Chengyi Hall does not pass meals all year round, and Zhao Yu basically settles every meal in Guande Hall.

But now that he has grown up, Zhao Xing's face is hot.

No wonder it was only called a bowl of noodles just now.

He pursed his lips and sat down opposite Zhao Yu.

There was no sound at his end, Zhao Yu just stopped eating noodles, looked up and said, "Say it."

"Brother, did you catch Zhao Yi and toss it all day?"

Zhao Yu didn't move the silver chopsticks in his hand: "How do you know?"

Zhao Xing's face was gloomy: "I heard it outside. On the way back to the palace, the people said that His Royal Highness Su Wang is really a majestic elder brother. He taught his younger brother to be so strict. The Third Highness didn't know how to be arrogant when he was around a saint. It was the first day he entered Su Wang's mansion. , was detained and punched for a long time by His Royal Highness King Su, and he was so tired and stupid.

Perhaps, Su Wang, the eldest brother, never liked the younger brother of His Highness the Third Highness, so he worked on it like this. "

Those words came from the mouths of the common people, Zhao Xing just imitated that tone and returned it to Zhao Yu.

When it comes to arranging Zhao Yu, the people of Shengjing still know how to be afraid, but they are eccentric, and they can't catch them, so who can do anything to them?

Zhao Xing could hear what the implication was, and so could Zhao Yu.

But that's not what matters.

Zhao Yu narrowed his eyes, and suddenly smiled: "This is really amazing, I have a huge palace with high walls, and even a little bit of wind and grass blows out of the wall with the wind.

What happened in the afternoon spread throughout the capital at dusk. "

Although he smiled, his tone was bad.

"That's why I rushed over to tell my eldest brother after hearing this."

Zhao Xing clenched his fists: "Brother, don't you think that after the court ends tomorrow, you will report back to the emperor to know that Su Wang's mansion has such delicious things, and today I just spread such words, what if there is something else tomorrow?

Eldest brother is now crowned king, and there are many officials under him, all of whom are serious and have to do errands.

Is it possible that things related to government affairs, or even the secrets of the country, should be spread like this? "

Whether it's eating the inside out, or someone doing it deliberately, Zhao Xing just said it in a vague way.

Zhao Yu thought about Empress Zheng, shook his head and said no need: "I have my own discretion, and I don't need to tell my father about this matter.

I have already opened my teeth and built a mansion. I can't take care of my own palace, and I have to go back to the palace to sue my father. Is it plausible? "

"But Zhao Yi..."

"You know it's him, and I know it too. If the father, the queen, and the queen don't say anything, if they know, can they still kill him?"

Zhao Yu said again, he couldn't eat the rest of the noodles, and he didn't have any appetite: "Zhao Yi lives in the West Courtyard, and has nothing to do with this place, and I won't ask him to come here, you go clean up and resettle him. Come on, if you go back to the palace early tomorrow morning, don't see him at all, just pretend you don't know."

He said he had his own measure, and Zhao Xing persuaded him a few words, but if he didn't listen, it would be hard to say more.

Zhao Xing just felt that after the Zheng family came to Beijing, the eldest brother was more difficult to talk to than before.

is withdrawn.

It wasn't like this before.

Now I don't even want to listen to him.

Zhao Xing lowered his eyes and got up slowly: "Then I'm going to rest. If the eldest brother goes to see Yuan Ziming, he will also eat two glasses of wine, and he will go to court tomorrow."

Zhao Yu said he knew: "By the way, your birthday will be in a few months. I told you that you can't do this again after the eighteenth. Have you decided which yamen to go to?"

Zhao Xing shook his head: "I can do it, no matter where, when the time comes, father and elder brother will arrange it.

But it's better to be more leisurely. After the birthday, my father gave me a marriage. I picked an auspicious day to get married. Maybe I will start a family within this year. Brother, it's not easy to call me a newlywed Yaner, busy with government affairs, right? "

What a waste of words.

Zhao Yu glared at him angrily: "Since you asked me to be the master, don't mention these demands. It's useless to say it. The court is just when it's employing people, so you can go wherever you want. You want to sit in the beauties and indulge in gentleness?" , you are so beautiful."

But then I thought of Zhao Yi and the Zheng family.

Zhao Yu sighed: "I chose a fiefdom for you, the land of Shu is good, exquisite and rich in wealth and prosperity.

In private, I asked my father, the last time Ah Wan had an accident, didn't he scare you and say that if you can't do it well, he will throw you out, and you won't be allowed to return to Beijing for ten years?
Father Huang took a fancy to Yandi and thought it could train people, but I still think it is a little bit hard there.

Let's see in a few months. If you really get married within this year, you will be crowned king before marriage. There may be no important matters in the court. I can help my father cook here alone. You can take Awan with you. It is not impossible to play in Shu for a year and a half, and treat it as the last leisure. "

Zhao Xing's eyelids twitched fiercely: "Brother, you are thinking of spending me now? You have a calculation in your heart, and now you don't even want to say it?"

Zhao Yu didn't want to hide it from him at first, let alone hide it.

He got up and walked to Zhao Xing's side: "Isn't this something to be said? I didn't say that I would ask you to lead Awan to the fiefdom first. What are you in a hurry for?
He's not a good guy, but with that little mind and vision, he can't make much of a difference.

What's great is that he has the help of Zheng's family and relies on his mother to act.

Now imagine towards the worst, but there is no need to scare yourself. "

Zhao Yu smiled again as he spoke, and the depression on his face and the impatience in his eyes disappeared: "Didn't I teach you? Think about the worst in everything first, think about it, and then reflect on whether you are stupid people's worries.

Erlang, am I so worthless as an older brother?Can it really fall into his hands? "


The only ones who can make the eldest brother fall down are the emperor father and the empress mother.

Zhao Xing's eyelids pressed down even more.

There is no way to say this.

Because the eldest brother himself understands very well.

The most uncomfortable thing is not brotherly killing, but knowing that Zhao Yi has evil intentions, but he can't punish him. If he gets the law and solves it thoroughly, and the days to come will be smooth and healthy, then it will be a good life.

In the final analysis, the problem lies with the queen mother.

"Brother, I..."

Zhao Yu's face darkened: "You don't need to say anything, if you do, I will turn against you too."

As soon as Zhao Xing opened his mouth, he knew what Zhao Xing was going to say, and interrupted in a cold voice: "The last time you went to Funing Palace to meet Emperor Father, I don't know what you said.

You are for my own good, but only once is enough.

Whether it is the Zheng family or Zhao Yi.

If the father and the queen had made a decision, they should have made it long ago. Let's persuade and ask, and what we get is only conflicts and knots, which will never solve anything.

Don't be stupid, and don't do stupid things again.

Whatever the queen mother wanted to do, the emperor did not go against his will, even if the two of us put together, it would not work.

If you try to persuade me again, you will make the queen mother sad, and the emperor will drive you out of Beijing in a fit of anger. "

He patted Zhao Xing again, with a little helplessness in his eyes: "It doesn't matter, the empress father and mother are not ruthless, I will solve it slowly by myself, but it takes more time and energy, it is not worth anything, Erlang, I taught you After so many years, at this time, don’t be stupid because you love me, think about it for yourself tonight, whether what I said is serious, think it through, and then tell me.”

 ps Your Highness really didn't pay attention to Zhao Yi's scum, but often a gentleman who does big things falls into the hands of a real villain, which is harmful.

  The second brother's indecision is only at this stage!It's not a crappy design.

  He was simply too distressed. Among the parents and elder brother, it was obvious that the second elder brother chose the elder brother. He would rather stand on the opposite side of his parents and defend his elder brother.

  Immortal brotherhood woo woo woo
(End of this chapter)

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