Chapter 169 Acting (Part [-])
Yuan Daoxi waited for almost half an hour, but did not see Zhao Yu's figure appearing. Seeing that it was getting late, he couldn't help sighing, got up and walked outside, and went down the stairs to go home.

In the end, he happened to meet Zhao Yu who was coming towards him at the entrance of the restaurant.

He was still cold, and his complexion was not very good. Yuan Daoxi subconsciously frowned, stepped back, and retreated into the restaurant.

There were a lot of people eating in the restaurant at this time, the young man rushed forward to meet the people and went up to the private room on the third floor, and got Yuan Daoxi's order to go down and prepare the dishes he had prepared earlier.

Tea and cakes are also prepared early in the morning.

Yuan Daoxi ordered it according to Zhao Yu's preferences.

Zhao Yu had no appetite, and he didn't even take a sip of the warm tea.

Seeing this, Yuan Daoxi frowned even more from the frown at the entrance of the restaurant: "Your Highness, are you here for dinner?"

Zhao Yuheng glanced over and said, "I feel uncomfortable when I encounter some things, so you should take it easy."

Yuan Daoxi didn't really care about it either.

He and Zhao Yu... This kind of relationship is very strange.

Zhao Yu was excellent in everything when he was young, but even when he was eleven or twelve years old, he didn't need to find any companions to read.

The officials taught him hand in hand, and even specially invited Mrs. Liang Fu and Jiang Hu to guide him with every article and martial arts.

At that time, when I said that I wanted to find a reading companion for Zhao Yu, it was nothing more than finding a playmate.

Because the officials thought that Zhao Yu was too boring.

It's because they have a dull temperament, don't like to talk, and don't like to get close to others. Except for Zhao Xing, among the children in Shengjing, none of them can say a few more words to Zhao Yu.

Anyway, during those few years, even the brothers Zhao Ran were no exception.

The officials had no choice but to choose a companion to read after much deliberation, and they chose him.

In fact, Shen Congzhen is more suitable than him, but it may be because he was more lively than Shen Congzhen when he was a child, and he would cause trouble and cause trouble.

But Yuan Daoxi still remembered that on the first day he was a companion to Zhao Yu, Aye called him to the study room and told him not to be presumptuous, not to be absurd.

After entering the upper study room, he followed Zhao Yu to listen to the lectures in front of Mrs. Liang. Mrs. Liang also told him that his companionship was different from others.

Because what he is doing is the long-term companion of the emperor, that is the future emperor of Daye, so he is not allowed to be presumptuous.

Yuan Daoxi was only 13 years old at that time, and after hearing this, he felt depressed.

As time goes on, he understands the importance of the word eldest son.

But he also felt very sorry for Zhao Yu.

Most of the time, he tolerated Zhao Yu.

It sounds arrogant to say that, but it is true.

Yuan Daoxi still poured another cup of hot tea, and went to Zhao Yu instead: "For so many years, haven't I always been taking care of His Highness?"

After Zhao Yu was stunned for a moment, he burst out laughing.

Yuan Daoxi saw that he finally had a smiling face, so he took a bite and moistened his throat: "I have been waiting for you for almost half an hour in vain, and the sky is already like this.

Now that King Su is conferred, he is so busy. In the future, he will be crowned prince, and his head will hang upside down. It will be difficult for him to see you. "

He was joking, but Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows and looked over: "I was stopped outside the palace by Erlang just now. He has something urgent to tell me, so I can only let you wait for now."

Yuan Daoxi's eyelids twitched: "Speaking of which, I don't even bother to ask you, I've been away from the capital for more than three months, and Shengjing has changed drastically, isn't it too amazing?
The Liu family, the Han family, and the marriage between His Royal Highness and Jiang Awan—"

He dragged his tongue and sighed: "Is this going to change?"

But Zhao Yu shook his head: "It's not that we've reached the point of changing the sky. It's just that I told you that Zhao Yi is an ambitious wolf, and we must guard against it in the future."

He wouldn't bring it up for no reason.

Yuan Daoxi's complexion sank: "The Second Highness is going to see you at the palace at this time, is it because of the Third Highness?"

Zhao Yu looked at him firmly: "You are outside, so you haven't heard anything?"

Yuan Daoxi's expression froze for a moment: "I think it's normal for Su Wang's mansion to be so big, with many people coming and going, and officials coming in and out. If there is any trouble in your mansion, it's normal for it to spread outside.

Your status is precious, and your every move has attracted the attention of the people all over the world.

Brother, you are the only one who is crowned king, and His Highness the Third Prince is still living in your palace. Brothers of the Tian family, is it true brotherhood or incompatibility? Because there are too many scripts written in the script, the common people are curious. This is not unusual. of it? "

Zhao Yu's eyes darkened: "Listen, you mean to draw a line with me."

Yuan Daoxi's throat rolled: "I don't dare. You are King Su today, and you will be the prince of the Eastern Palace tomorrow. If you are ordered to send me, do I still dare to refuse?"

"You know that's not what I'm talking about."

The corners of Yuan Daoxi's lips froze: "I just finished my filial piety for my grandmother. I also know that the court is employing people, so what can I do for His Royal Highness King Su?"

Zhao Yu stared at him for a long time, then smiled helplessly: "It's not up to me to arrange your position, now that you're a new year, and you're a filial piety, and in more than a month, Father will definitely make arrangements.

As for what I want you to do, what I want you to do, after seeing where your father arranges you, why don't you understand? "

Yuan Daoxi's eyebrows were tinged with irritability: "We are born involuntarily, and we seem to be rich and wealthy, but in fact, our destiny is not all in the hands of others?
I'm not complaining about the officials.

It's just a matter of feeling. "

Zhao Yu snorted: "It's a shame that I'm here to express my feelings. After going out this door, do you still dare to say such a thing?"

Yuan Daoxi laughed and said, "Who are you going to talk to? Can't you talk to your good third brother?"

Yin and Yang weirdness.

In fact, when it comes to the ability of yin and yang, there is no one who is Yuan Daoxi's opponent.

For so many years, he just restrained himself because of his status as the eldest son of the emperor.

"But seriously—"

Yuan Daoxi dragged the ending again, then stopped abruptly, and thought for a while: "He lives in your palace, and the intentions of the officials and saints are very obvious. If you treat him like this, the officials and saints may not be happy.

And he... He has the ability to play flowers with shady means. If such a person is placed in Su Wang's mansion, how can you hide secrets by your side?
I am afraid that tomorrow, the world will know when His Royal Highness King Su falls asleep and when he gets up.

What's the use of grinding him with those methods?

He is so blatant because the Zheng family came to Beijing, and the attitude of the sage towards the Zheng family made him more ambitious. Are you going to let him go without mentioning it? "

Zhao Yu gathered his fingers together, squeezed the small white porcelain cup in his hand, and his sharp eyes turned into a cold light: "Let him alone? His thinking is too beautiful. Tomorrow, you should also go to Su Wang's mansion seriously Let me go once? Then just accompany me to perform in a play."

(End of this chapter)

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