Chapter 170 Punishment (Part [-])
Chapter 170

People like Yuan Daoxi can still get drunk and be absurd after drinking, and when they fight with others, it is enough to make people dumbfounded.

And the person he hit was still Zhao Yu, which was simply shocking.

When Jiang Wan heard about this, the girls were sitting together playing leaf cards, and they were all sluggish for a moment.

"Where did you hear this? Don't someone spread the rumor outside?"

Chang Ning repeatedly shook his head and said no: "It has already been spread outside, but no one knows why, I heard that His Royal Highness King Su made an appointment with Lord Yuan Dalang to have a meal last night. Mr. Yuan Dalang went to the door to pay a formal visit. He stayed in the palace for lunch, and His Highness the Third Highness also accompanied him. For some reason, he was drunk, and he didn't know whether he was crazy about drinking or what he was doing. .”

She swallowed her saliva as she spoke, only feeling that her scalp was numb: "His Royal Highness Su is very skilled, even ten Yuan Dalang Lords added together are no match for His Royal Highness Su, let alone His Highness Third.

But His Highness was thinking of the love they grew up with, and he didn't fight back. I heard that Mr. Yuan Dalang slapped him twice, and his face was injured.

At this moment, there are all kinds of things outside, even Mr. Yuan has rushed to Su Wang's mansion to make amends, and was sent back to Yuan's house by His Highness, just saying that it's okay to come.

I don't know if the palace knows.

The maidservant just heard about it, and was also taken aback, thinking it was a rumour, but after further inquiring, she found out that both the prince and concubine of the county had left the house, and it is likely that they went out of the house because of this matter. "

That's true.

Otherwise, such words would not be spread to Changping County Prince's Mansion.

But is Yuan Daoxi crazy?

Zhou Wanning recovered from the sluggishness: "He is the most tempered person, he was not serious when he was a child, but since he became Su Wang's companion, he has become more and more restrained, and he has become more promising.

How could he fight with someone?Or fight with King Su?
Especially drunk - this is really a ghost, growing up, I have never seen him get drunk twice. "

Actually there are.

I drank once more when I was 14, and once more when I was 17.

Both times they were drunk with Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu is a good drinker, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he can drink a thousand glasses.

Yuan Daoxi is a very poor drinker, but his wine quality is not bad, he falls asleep after drinking too much, and never makes trouble.

this time……

Jiang Wan thought of Zhao Yi.

"Does it mean that His Highness the Third Highness is also there during lunch?"

Chang Ning didn't understand why she asked such a question, nodded and said yes: "Yes, His Highness the Third Prince lives in Su Wang's Mansion, so we naturally have lunch together."

Don't be Zhao Yi's trick again, right?
Seeing her frowning, Pei Qingyuan patted the back of her hand and said, "Don't worry, Yuan's family came to make amends, but King Su didn't pursue it, because he just looked at the relationship in the past, and probably didn't care about Yuan Dalang.

Up to now, there is no news from the palace. I think I don’t know it, but I know it. With King Su around, the Yuan family will have nothing to do. passed. "

Of course she wasn't in a hurry for this.

Yuan Daoxi is a nice person, but he has nothing to do with her.

At most, he can be regarded as an elder brother who grew up together since childhood, has a good friendship and can play together.

It was Zhao Yi who made her anxious.

Jiang Wan pursed her lips and told Chang Ning: "Is cousin at home? Did the second brother go to the Yamen for duty?"

Chang Ning nodded again: "Erlang is on duty today. He went to the yamen early in the morning and didn't come back. The little county king went out with the county prince, but the second and third masters are at home."

Someone is at home.

Jiang Wan thought for a while, and told Chang Ning: "Go and tell your cousin, I have something very important to see my second elder brother, and ask him to go to the palace to talk to me later."

Changning turned around and was about to leave. Pei Qingyuan called her to stop, and pressed the back of Jiang Wan's hand: "If the official sage doesn't know yet, but you send people into the palace to invite the Second Highness down, wouldn't it be bad if it alarmed you?"

Jiang Wan shook his head and said it was all right: "Cousin is sensible, he won't disturb the saints of the official family, besides, cousin also said that with King Su around, the Yuan family is fine, and Yuan Daoxi is fine."

Pei Qingyuan thinks about it too, although she still feels that this matter has nothing to do with her, King Su can take care of it well, and even the Second Highness may not get involved.

But looking at Jiang Wan's anxious and irritable look, he refused to say any more words of persuasion when it came to his lips.

The little cousin seems to be born to worry about her life, and she didn't feel it when she came to Beijing when she was a child. This time, after living in Beijing for so long, I realized that Zhuzhu really puts everything in her heart.

In fact, Zhao Xing was not in the palace.

He left the palace early, Zhao Yu said last night, let him think clearly before going to King Su's mansion to see him.

So he originally left the palace after having lunch in the palace to go to the palace.

As a result, he heard about this incident along the way, and immediately ordered the servant to hurry up the carriage and hurried to the palace.

When people left, Yuan Daoxi didn't return to Yuan's house.

He, Aye, came to make amends, but he didn't take him back at all, which was Zhao Yu's intention.

He drank too much, a puddle of mud, unable to move, so he simply left him in the palace to sober up, and asked the Yuan family to leave him alone for the time being.

Zhao Xing went to the main courtyard, and Zhao Yi was also there.

Zhao Yu's face was livid, his eyes even gathered in fear, his whole body was chilling, and he didn't have the slightest intention to restrain himself.

Zhao Xing's heart skipped a beat: "Brother, I came out of the palace, and I heard people say along the way..."

"it is true."

Zhao Yu didn't look at him, and his eagle-like eyes fixed on Zhao Yi: "I'll ask you again, Ziming got drunk in the palace and fought with me. Didn't you spread the word?"

Zhao Yi bit his lower lip tightly, almost crying: "Brother, how could I do such a thing? It's been less than half an hour since I started working in the field, and I haven't left Brother's side for half a step. How can I do this? Go outside and talk about this?

What's more, is there any benefit to me? "

"is it?"

Zhao Yu sneered blindly: "Then yesterday, I taught you your homework and taught you how to practice. It turned out to be a day of training you. You were so tired that you couldn't get up. Before dusk, it spread all over the world, and it has nothing to do with you." gone?"

Zhao Yu suddenly raised his head and looked over, his eyes full of horror: "There is such a thing? I really don't know!

The eldest brother ordered me to concentrate on my studies, I have never been out of the palace, and I don't know anything about the outside world!
The cousins ​​of the Zheng family sent someone to invite me to have tea at home, but I refused to go.

Brother, it really has nothing to do with me! "

"it is good!"

Zhao Yu's voice was very heavy, muffled, and he waved his hands, ordering his followers: "Those who served close to me yesterday, and those who are working in front of me today, all of them will be dragged down to beat ten boards!
Don't think that the law does not blame the public, the palace is so big, there are no rules, the servants are not dedicated, and the word is passed on very quickly.

Since Saburo didn't know anything about it, as an elder brother, I naturally believed him, then it was the fault of the subordinate servants.

Go, finish the beating, another three months of fines! "

(End of this chapter)

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