Chapter 171 The Wealthy Idle Man (Part [-])
It's okay to be fined if you do something wrong as a servant in the palace, but it's really a heavy responsibility to be punished for ten boards and three months of monthly fines.

Besides, these people live on this.

When I was in the palace before, the servants around me would not be harsh. Now that I have moved out of the palace and opened a mansion, it is not like this to stand up.

Zhao Xingjian frowned tightly, thinking about it, and figured out some intriguing meanings.

So I took back all the words that I wanted to persuade one or two when it came to my lips.

He only stared at Zhao Ying coldly.

Zhao Yixin's hair was tense, and before he was about to quit, he called the elder brother in a deep voice: "They may not all be at fault, they are all pulled down to beat ten boards, and they will be fined for three months, elder brother, this is Isn't it too heavy?"

"is it?"

Zhao Yu still asked back.

He was smiling, and the smile didn't reach his eyes, and he was even a little cold: "What are you going to tell me about not blaming everyone?"

Zhao Yi pursed his lips tightly and remained silent.

Can't take this.

Zhao Yu hummed with a smile: "There are some things that you don't say, and I don't say, but it doesn't mean we don't know clearly.

Saburo, live here with me, not in the palace, you have father, queen and queen to protect you.

In King Su's mansion, only my rules are the rules.

Just listen to what I say, especially the servants below.

Rewards and punishments are all based on my will, let alone my words.

You are right, and they are right, then tell me, who is to blame for these two incidents? "

Zhao Yi was stunned for a long time without being able to speak.

The smile on Zhao Yu's face disappeared, and after a flash of irritability, he called Zhao Yi in a deep voice: "If you want to intercede for them, you must first admit that you did something wrong, and then it has nothing to do with them.

If you are right, they can only be wrong.

Saburo, who was wrong in this matter? "

"Brother, I..."

Zhao Yi clenched his back molars, knowing that this might be a trap, but he couldn't deal with it.

Zhao Yu sneered, "Understood, it's not your fault, go and rest."

After Zhao Yi was sent back to the west courtyard, Zhao Yu ordered people to watch him, and only told him to finish the homework left yesterday and to check in the next half day, and he was not allowed to run around and play like crazy.

Zhao Yi knew even more clearly that from the moment he moved from the palace to King Su's Mansion, he knew that freedom was unlikely.

As for the servants on duty, no one dared to intercede because of Zhao Yu's words, so they were dragged down and beaten ten boards, and told the steward of the palace, and fined three months' monthly money.

When Chang Feng came back to answer the question, his face was not very good-looking: "The beating is not serious, I have explained it on purpose, but I have to put on a show, and I have to rest for three or five days before I can come to serve on errands."

Zhao Yu hummed: "Then tell them to rest, they don't have to come to serve, and they will be on duty after their injuries are healed.

If you give them the monthly money for those three months in private, and add an extra tael of silver per person, you can't make them suffer this beating for nothing. "

Chang Feng said he knew: "The slave has already made arrangements, and now they know why they were beaten, and they don't dare to say anything, but the slave looks at them and complains about the Third Highness."


Those who can work in King Su's mansion, or those who moved out of the palace after working in Chengyi Pavilion, are the people Zhao Yu is used to, and no one knows Zhao Yu's rules better than them.

What can be said can be said, what can't be said, and the master's news should not be passed on privately. These are the rules brought out by the palace, and no one should teach them at all.

As for the new errands in the palace, they were carefully selected by the sages, and the rules of the palace are very clear, even if they just came to the master's side to take orders, they would not be so confused.

Who can blame them?

It is impossible for the servants to pass on the two events of yesterday and today.

Then why was he punished?

Chang Feng lowered his eyes, not daring to make another sound.

After Zhao Yu heard the last sentence, he just acted as if he didn't hear it, waved his hand, and told him to go: "Comfort me, after all, it's just for nothing, don't let the people below really feel resentful, you will get it later There is a lot of restlessness in the palace."

Changfeng said he knew it again, and he could hear the meaning behind his master's words, so he tucked his arms around his waist and walked out quickly.

There are only two brothers Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing left in the hall.

Can still smell alcohol.

Zhao Xing frowned: "This is too much to drink."

In fact, Zhao Yu also had a headache.

He usually doesn't drink a lot, although he has a lot of wine, he is never greedy.

This scene is really not easy to play.

He pinched his brows and sighed: "Master Yuan was really scared, when Ziming wakes up and goes to the restaurant, he will be severely scolded."

Zhao Xing's eyelids jumped up: "Don't you tell Master Yuan?"

Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows with a smile: "Do you know what to tell him?"

Zhao Xing followed suit with a laugh: "I was very worried when I first came here, thinking how the elder brother would have such a fight with Yuan Ziming, wouldn't it be a big event that the sky would fall?
But after coming here, watching the scene just now, and listening to the words of elder brother and Chang Feng, everything became clear. "

He smiled, his frown relaxed, and his face softened: "I have to grow by my side, otherwise I am too stupid, or you can't teach me, brother?"

Zhao Yu's mood obviously improved, and he even poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Zhao Xing: "But you just know about it, and you don't need to tell anyone."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly thought of Jiang Wan, and said, "If Ah Wan asks, you can just say it, it's nothing to worry about anyway."

Zhao Xing nodded and said yes, he was somewhat worried, so he asked him: "Brother, now you are not afraid that he will go back to the palace to sue?"

Zhao Yu just smiled and said nothing.

What complaint?

After Zheng's family entered Beijing, Father felt more guilty than before.

And it was originally to mediate their relationship, so they were brought out.

Since I live here with him, I have to listen to him in everything.

He wants to grind Zhao Yi, and Zhao Yi also suffers.

Besides, he didn't do anything.

Being neglected and excluded by others, what is that?

Zhao Yu didn't speak, and Zhao Xing knew it in his mind: "Brother thinks it's okay, it's just that Yuan Ziming is pity, so he returned to Beijing, and his reputation outside will be ruined first."

"What kind of reputation is this? But after drinking two extra glasses of wine, beating up someone, fighting with me with impunity, nothing happened, that's the prestige."

Zhao Xing was stunned, and laughed aloud: "It turns out that the eldest brother used this to persuade him to do such a thing? I said, he is willing to play with you like this!"

Zhao Yu shook his head and rolled his eyes: "I want you to accompany me to act, can you do it? It doesn't work, if something really happens, you ask me to count on Yuan Ziming."

Zhao Xing knew that he was not telling the truth, so he didn't answer back, and even followed his words: "Isn't that just right? In the future, Yuan Ziming will be the right-hand man of the elder brother, and I will just be a rich and idle person. He will assist the elder brother in governing the world, and I will lie down." Enjoy peace on top of this splendid river and mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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