Chapter 172

Zhao Ze went to the palace, only to know that Zhao Xing had left the palace to go to King Su's mansion after lunch, so he turned to the palace.

Yuan Ziming hadn't woken up yet, and Zhao Yi hadn't finished his homework yet.

Zhao Yu was bored reading the playbook in the study, and forced Zhao Xing to sit beside him to listen and learn.

When encountering something that was not difficult, he simply threw it to Zhao Xing for disposal, and he reviewed it again at the end. If Zhao Xing mishandled it, he pointed it out and taught him, and if he handled it very well, he would also boast a few words.

Zhao Xing was very helpless, he felt that he was pointing him like he was taking care of the child, and he complained a few words, but he sat in the study obediently and did not move for half a step.

Until Zhao Ze came to find him.

As soon as Zhao Yu saw Zhao Ze, he knew that he was not here for his own business.

The playbook in his hand was clasped behind his back: "He came to find someone for Ah Wan?"

Zhao Ze smiled embarrassingly: "She said she had something very important to talk about, and told me to go to the palace to find someone. I went to the palace, and said that you would come to the Su Palace after lunch."

The words were of course directed at Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing thought about it for a while, most likely it was because of Yuan Ziming's trouble in Prince Su's mansion, otherwise what else could be urgent, asking Zhao Ze to go to the palace to spread a message?
He subconsciously went to see Zhao Yu.

The eldest brother said that if Zhuzhu asked, he could say as much as he wanted, because he had expected it a long time ago.

Seeing his gaze, Zhao Yu waved him to go, and said impatiently, "I can't make up my mind all day long. If you can't read more than two of these memorials, you will feel dizzy. It will exhaust you to death! Go, see You're annoying."

He said it was annoying, but he didn't think so in his heart, Zhao Xing got up with a smile, said a few words to him, pulled Zhao Ze, turned around and went out.

Neither the Prince of Changping nor the Jiang family have come back yet, and the Prince's Mansion is no different from usual.

Zhou Wanning went home early, Pei Qingyuan didn't stay by Jiang Wan's side because of Zhao Xinglai.

So when Zhao Xing went to look for Jiang Wan in the courtyard, only Chang An and Chang Ning sat with her under the small pavilion by the lotus pond.

At this time, the thin layer of ice formed on the lotus pond melts, and the water is trickling. In fact, there is nothing to enjoy, except for the rockery and strange rocks beside the lotus pond.

Jiang Wan leaned against the beauty in a chair and was lost in thought. He only looked back when he heard footsteps.

Usually when she saw Zhao Xing, she always had crooked eyebrows, but today she couldn't smile.

Seeing this, Zhao Xing looked solemn.

Chang'an and Changning had good eyesight, met with him, and both exited the pavilion.

Zhao Xing held the hem of his gown and sat down opposite Jiang Wan: "Not in good spirits? Seeing that you are not interested, you are sleepy."

For the first time, Jiang Wan hummed: "I had a dream, last night."

Zhao Xing's heart was pounding, and suddenly he fell to the bottom of the valley, his eyebrows frowning - if you have such a dream again in the future, tell me in time, it will be considered as thank you.

This is what he said to Zhuzhu.

At that time, he was thinking, no matter what the dream she had meant, or whether it was absurd or not, after having the case of Han Peizhao in the Ru Parallel Palace, he really dared not take such things lightly.

If there is something bad about her, he knows in advance, even if it may not come true, he should take precautions as soon as possible.

But since that time, several months have passed, and she has never mentioned this matter again.

Zhao Xing had put the matter down long ago, but she suddenly brought it up again today.

It turned out that it wasn't about Yuan Daoxi.

Zhao Xing looked solemn: "You say."

Jiang Wan took a deep breath: "What I say, does the second brother believe everything?"

Such non-answer rhetorical questions seem inappropriate, especially for such questions.

Zhao Xing's face changed slightly, obviously unhappy.

He suppressed the emotions in his heart: "I never believed in you, why do you still ask such stupid things?"

Jiang Wan pulled the corners of his lips and smiled, but the bright and flamboyant smile on weekdays looked extraordinarily bitter today.

Zhao Xing felt bitter in his heart: "It doesn't look good for you to smile like this."

Jiang Wan pursed her lips: "I dreamed that something happened to His Royal Highness King Su."

Zhao Xing's heart tightened, thinking that he had heard it wrong, subconsciously asked: "What's the matter?"

"I don't know what year and month it was, but at that time King Su had already named the crown prince and married the eldest daughter of the Chen family in Runan as the crown princess. A few months after the marriage, there was a riot in Nanyuan, and my father and brother couldn't go to the palace for some reason To put down the rebellion, Zhao Yi is useless, and second brother, you can't go either, King Su asked himself to lead the army to put down the rebellion in front of the official's house."

Speaking of these things in the previous life, Jiang Wan's scalp still felt numb.

Even though she had already thought up a set of perfect rhetoric, she deliberately blurred the time, and then brought out the fact that the Chen family in Runan was the princess, so that Zhao Xing could go to hear the mouth of the official sage afterwards, and even more Only by believing in the authenticity of this matter can we know how powerful it is.

But when she really said it, she panicked.

She has smelled, heard, and even experienced blood and slaughter.

Jiang Wan closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief: "The military chaos in Nanyuan is turbulent, but it is not something to be afraid of. The officials also think so, so they let King Su go and order eight thousand elite soldiers to let him go out of the city to put down the rebellion."

She paused again, and looked up at Zhao Xing.

So the episode came to an abrupt end, and Zhao Xing's eyes sank: "What happened later?"

"He didn't come back."

Just five words, but it weighs a thousand catties.

It hit Zhao Xing's heart so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

He wanted to ask something, but found that his voice was lost, and his throat was so tight that he couldn't say anything.

Jiang Wan tugged at his cuff and shook it.

Zhao Xing looked down, pinching his sleeves with pale fingertips, he didn't know what he should do.

"Second brother, it's Zhao Yi."

He guessed it.

But he didn't understand.

Jiang Wan had never seen Zhao Xing's expression and complexion like this.

His face was pale, with a dazed and bewildered look on his face.

His incomprehension was all written on his face.

In her previous life, even on the night of the mutiny, when she was sitting at Funing's inner hall, Zhao Xing's bedside, looking at him, he had never had such an expression.

Jiang Wan felt a pain in his heart: "I know the seriousness of the matter, I woke up from a dream last night, and it's hard to fall asleep again.

Thinking about what happened to Han Peizhao in Ru Parallel Palace a few months ago, I dare not not tell you.

This thing is too absurd, but...but this dream has noses and eyes.

Otherwise, how would I know about Runan Chen's daughter?

And how do you know that the Nanyuan military chaos is nothing to fear? "

She couldn't persuade Zhao Xing, and there was no way to persuade him at all.

After Zhao Xing verified some things, he could only tell Zhao Yu that the two brothers should plan and deploy, or strike first.

Before Zhao Yi takes any action, get rid of Zhao Yi's hidden danger first, so that the chaos in Nanyuan can be quelled.

Jiang Wan didn't dare to say it at first.

Because she changed her life against the sky and took back a life, she really didn't dare to change the fate of others.

In the previous life, Zhao Yu died, and Zhao Xing was extremely vulnerable.

She has been thinking, if it is determined by the destiny, how can it be changed by manpower?
But she suddenly figured it out.

Man conquers the sky.

Zhao Yu is more suitable to be emperor than Zhao Xing.

Jiang Wan raised his eyes, his gaze was firm: "I thought about it for a long time this morning, why don't you go to the official sage first to find out what's going on with the Chen family in Runan to see if it's true or not.

Then in the afternoon, I heard about the Yuan family's elder brother making a big disturbance in Su Wang's mansion. I somehow felt that this matter had something to do with Zhao Yi.

Erlang, the matter is of great importance. I would rather believe what I have than what I don't have.

I can only tell you! "

(End of this chapter)

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