Chapter 173 Temptation (one more)
Jiang Wan's words were rather credible, and it was poking at Zhao Xing's weak heart at the moment.

Zhao Xing's face was ashen.

He thought she was right.

And it's not entirely untraceable.

Now there is a Runan Chen family there.

If true...

Zhao Xing pinched his eyebrows and asked Jiang Wan, "I don't know when it happened?"

Jiang Wan's lip line was flattened, the corners of his lips were tightened, and he nodded and said, "But I was married to you at that time. I think King Su just became king this year. next year?
It is estimated that it will be within a year or two?
I have no way to be sure, and I thought to myself that if this kind of thing is really a warning from heaven, it is the worst thing to take lightly.

It is not an option to speculate on when this will happen.

Or, when there is a real riot in Nanyuan, it will be fine if King Su is not asked to lead troops out of the city.

But you see, can the Nanyuan military chaos be quelled early?

If King Su didn't go and someone else went, then if it was really a trap, wouldn't it be whoever goes and who can't come back? "

When she mentioned this, she couldn't help being startled, and squeezed her fingertips tightly: "If King Su doesn't go, it's probably my father and brother who will lead the troops to suppress the rebellion."

At this point, Jiang Wan's voice stopped abruptly.

She looked worried.

But Zhao Xing had more thoughts in his heart.

In this way, it really resembles Zhao Yi's handwriting.

The incident between Han Peizhao and Xue Chan was originally aimed at Jiang Yuanzhan.

That was to attack the Duke Pei's government.

At that time, he knew very well in his heart that in Zhao Yi's view, no matter how fair and upright the Pei Guo government is, it will not succeed.

With in-laws, there is no longer any neutral attitude to speak of.

This is Zhao Yi's idea.

Always so extreme.

Zhao Xing gritted his molars: "I know, you don't have to worry, since you told me, I will try to find a way to prove it.

If it is within a year or two, it stands to reason that now the father, the queen and the queen should also consider the candidate for the elder brother's concubine.

These days, I'm going to check the news, and see if the queen mother really likes the lady of the Chen family in Runan.

If so..."

Naturally, it is necessary to deploy early and stop it as soon as possible.

It's not just that big brother can't have an accident.

The military chaos in Nanyuan, these four words alone are not enough.

When soldiers make trouble, the unlucky ones will always be the common people.

Although Nanyuan is not as good as the Turkic people, they can't just let it go and let it go.

And this is collaboration.

Although Nanyuan had surrendered to Daye as early as 20 years ago, he was a vassal of the country and paid tribute every year, but Zhao Yi dared to collude with Nanyuan and murder his elder brother, how could he not be collaborating with the enemy?

Zhao Xing pursed his lips: "But Zhuzhu, in this case, you can only tell me, you know?"

Jiang Wan's eyes darkened, and he nodded heavily: "I have a sense of proportion. To whom should I tell such absurd things?

Even my aunt and uncle probably thought I was crazy after hearing this.

Su Wang would not believe such nonsense.

And only you, you will believe what I say. "

She lowered her eyes and looked sleepy: "But if you ask the sage for proof, how are you going to tell King Su?"

This is indeed a hassle.

But there is always a way.

Or he would investigate it in private first, get the evidence, and go to the elder brother to say that's all.

There's no rush to think about that now.

No matter how bad it is, just tell the elder brother directly, and he tried hard to persuade him, even if the elder brother doesn't believe in such ghosts and Buddhas the most, for his sake, he will listen to one or two of them and put his heart into it.

So Zhao Xing raised his hand and rubbed Jiang Wan's head again: "It's okay, I have my own discretion, and I will do what I see, don't worry about it."

Jiang Wan said yes: "Then what else can I share with you?"

Zhao Xing finally showed a slight smile on his face: "It's fine now, I'll tell you after I figure it out, the two of us are discussing, what you should do, I will tell you, I can do it myself , you don't have to share.

In fact, you are by my side, which is the best sharing. "

Jiang Wan's heart felt stuffy, and her nose became sour.

She took a deep breath, rubbed the tip of her nose with her backhand, and said nothing more.

Zhao Xing hurried back to the palace, and Empress Zheng sent someone to send Sister Zheng Shuangyi out of the palace.

In fact, they met under the jade steps of Hanzhang Hall.

Zheng Shuangyi greeted her politely, while Zhao Xing maintained a polite and distant face, without saying a word, stepped up the steps, and stopped looking at the Zheng sisters.

After all, Zheng Shuangrong was young, so he tugged at Zheng Shuangyi's cuff and shook it: "Sister, does the Second Highness not like us very much?"

Zheng Shuangyi lowered her eyelids, and held the young girl's hand in her palm: "What happened to His Royal Highness probably has nothing to do with us, so don't talk nonsense."

Zheng Shuangrong clearly had something to say, Zheng Shuangxue didn't dare to let her speak again, and said to the female official Hanzhang with a sweet smile: "Don't send it away, Auntie, I'm afraid His Highness will have something to say with Auntie, Auntie, go back to work, there are so many people in the palace Come back, we can leave the palace by ourselves."

The female officer Hanzhang is shrewd and knows that she doesn't want her to follow. To put it bluntly, the sisters have something to say, so they don't plan to ask her to listen.

what can i sayIt is nothing more than the words related to several His Highnesses.

However, saints are not restrained. These few people who come and go in the palace on weekdays dare to say a few words about their highness in front of saints. How can it be her turn to speak as a slave.

So she nodded and said yes, watched the Zheng sisters go away, turned around and went back to Hanzhang Hall without mentioning it.

And when Zhao Xing entered the door, a piece of incense was changed in Hanzhang Hall.

Empress Zheng sat cross-legged on the arhat bed in the Xici room, with a chess game on the mahogany square table in front of her.

As soon as Zhao Xing smelled the fragrance, he knew that it was not the one that Empress Zheng used to love, so he frowned: "The queen mother is too accommodating to them."

Empress Zheng beckoned him to come and sit down: "Look at this chess game, isn't it pretty good?"

Zhao Xing sat down and watched as he said.

It's not bad, but that's about it.

His elder brother taught him his chess by hand, so he didn't pay attention to this little trick.

To be honest, with such a chess game set up, Zhuzhu can solve it with a flick of a finger.

No big deal.

It's nothing more than my mother's preference, so I feel very promising.

Zhao Xing didn't belittle anything, he just smiled and turned his eyes away: "It's not bad, I think of the chess game that Yiqing played before going to Chen Jun last year, it seems to be similar to this."

When he mentioned this, Empress Zheng remembered and said yes: "Also, she will return to the palace next month, so I think it's likely that Yuan Niang and the others can play together and learn from each other. When you play chess, you just meet your opponent, so you don't have to suffer bitterly, fearing that she will pester you to play chess with her every day."

It turned out that the queen mother knew about Zheng Shuangyi's chess move, and it was just a match against Yiqing.

Zhao Xing hummed, and fiddled with it casually: "By the way, mother, the elder brother is now officially named king. Don't you and the emperor put his marriage on the agenda?"

(End of this chapter)

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