The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 174 It's Real

Chapter 174 It's Actually Real (Part [-])
Chapter 170 Five

Empress Zheng saw that he was holding a white stone and dropped it, so she squeezed out a black stone.

When hesitating and about to make a settlement, he suddenly heard this sentence and gasped: "What did your elder brother say to you? Is he someone he likes in his heart? He asked you to come back to the palace to test my tone?"

Zhao Xing shook his head and said no: "Brother is all focused on government affairs. I am going out of the palace today, and I was detained by him in the study to accompany him to read those books. It is very boring. How can he think about it."

Disappointment flashed in Empress Zheng's eyes, and she immediately glared at him: "I asked you to accompany me to read the booklet for a while, but you kept calling yourself bored, which shows that you are not making progress now!"

Zhao Xing didn't answer these words, but interrupted: "I've only been playing around for a year or two, and in two years, will I still have such a free time? Don't scold me, brother. It's been several times, am I just idling around?"

His tone was light, but he spoke with confidence.

Empress Zheng still rolled her eyes at him: "Your elder brother's marriage is not in a hurry, I have discussed it with your father, and among the girls who are about the same age as your elder brother, those are the ones who stand out.

He just became king, let's settle down for a while.

You also know that your eldest brother is carrying the heavy burden of Daye on his shoulders, and his concubine cannot make any mistakes.

When your father and emperor got married, the first emperor also chose thousands of choices, and it took several years to make a decision.

Your royal father has his own considerations, even if it takes another one or two years, it will be fine. "

Zhao Xing's heart sank.

In another year or two, the eldest brother will be appointed as the crown prince, and then he will marry the crown prince.

Zhuzhu said that the Nanyuan military turmoil happened within the past two years, and she probably guessed so.

Now it happens to match what the queen mother said.

The Runan Chen family——

Zhao Xing didn't go around in circles any more, and said in a muffled voice: "I heard from Yuan Ziming that he went back to Runan this time to worship his ancestors, and he also visited the Chen family, and met several ladies of the Chen family, all of whom were outstanding.

It seems that the eldest daughter of the Chen family, that Mrs. Chen, is almost twenty this year? "

He raised his eyes to look at Empress Zheng: "Yuan Ziming doesn't know who he learned from now, so he went to inquire about other people's private affairs. I heard that she was engaged when she was 16 years old, but her grandfather passed away, and she will die for three years." , don't want to delay the family, the two discussed and called off the marriage.

The filial piety was only done in November last year, and the marriage has not yet been settled.

Eldest brother even teased Yuan Ziming, saying that he didn't care about Mrs. Chen, but he knew everything about her. "

Empress Zheng's eyebrows twitched, and her eyelids twitched twice: "Then what did Yuan Daoxi say?"

Zhao Xing's heart became tense for a moment, and he secretly said: "He just smiled and said nothing, the eldest brother told me in private, it's probably true, anyway, I haven't seen him like that.

The Chen family in Runan is on the same level as his family, and Mrs. Chen is also about the same age as him, so it is very appropriate to say it. "

As he spoke, he paid attention to Empress Zheng's expression.

Sure enough, when the sentence was right, Empress Zheng's face changed slightly.

Zhao Xing frowned almost invisible: "Does the mother think there is any problem?"

Empress Zheng also lost her mind to play chess, so she threw the chess pieces back into the chess box and leaned against the three-legged table.

She propped her elbows on the bed, and her smile was somewhat unstoppable: "Since you said it, and there is no outsider, let me tell you, in fact, a date was set last year to crown your elder brother as king, and I was thinking about his right concubine candidate.

He is in his 20s, of course your father is not in a hurry, and I know there is no need to be in a hurry, but as a mother, I think differently from your father, so I must still be in a hurry.

After much deliberation, I considered all these ladies from the gentry, and the most suitable one is really the eldest daughter of the Chen family. "

Empress Zheng sighed heavily again, it can be seen that she was really bored in her heart: "That girl is also famous in Runan, just like Pei Qingyuan back then, she is the eldest daughter of the family, and the head of the family taught her very well. it is good.

She has both talent and appearance, good conduct, and her family background is not inferior to others. Her mother is also from a noble family, and her great-grandmother is also a clan daughter, so she is actually very precious.

I also know about her engagement, and I even sent people to inquire about it. It was indeed because of her grandfather's filial piety. The two families retired the marriage amicably, so it's not worth anything. It shows that the Chen family is of high character. , don't delay them for a few years for nothing, right?

Now that you are less than 20 years old, and less than one year younger than your elder brother, there is nothing more suitable.

It's not that other people's homes are not bad, but after looking at them, they are not as good as hers.

But if you say that Yuan Daoxi—”

She made the ending a little longer, and then her voice stopped abruptly: "Yuan Daoxi is your elder brother's companion, and the two of them have a good relationship. If he takes a fancy to Mrs. Chen, I will tell your elder brother about this marriage again. You The elder brother flatly refused.

Erlang, take care of this matter for me, go back and check Yuan Daoxi's tone to see if he really likes him.

If so, I'm afraid I will have to worry about it for a long time. "

What Zhao Xing thought in his heart was definitely not this.

The shock came overwhelming, and quickly spread to the whole body.

it is true.

Zhuzhu's dream turned out to be true again!

Yuan Daoxi was talking nonsense and used it to test his mother's tone.

Moreover, the eldest brother also mentioned to him in private that the Yuan family had already taken a fancy to the wife of the Wen family in Taiyuan, and the two families had also discussed it in private, and it was basically settled. It's a gift.

It's just that Yuan's and Wen's have never announced it to the outside world, so the queen mother didn't know about it.

That being the case, there is a high probability that the daughter of the Chen family in Runan will be the future emperor's wife.

At least the queen mother really chose her.

And in these matters, as long as she doesn't do anything to ruin her reputation, her father will most likely listen to her mother.

Zhao Xing tried his best to restrain himself, so he didn't pull a face down.

Empress Zheng still saw some clues: "Erlang, Erlang?"

She yelled twice, and Zhao Xingcai suddenly came back to his senses.

Empress Zheng frowned: "Do you know something else? I see that your complexion is not very good, and your expression is not right. Between Yuan Daoxi and Mrs. Chen..."

Zhao Xing hurriedly said no: "I don't know the specifics, but the elder brother told me all this. But this is the elder brother's own marriage, and it is not easy for the queen mother to ask the elder brother.

Anyway, these days I have to go out of the palace to elder brother's place, and Yuan Ziming often goes there too, and we can often see each other, I'll find out what Yuan Ziming has said for you later, and see what he thinks about Mrs. Chen, if he is really interested , you might as well consider other young ladies for your elder brother as soon as possible. "

Empress Zheng had a sad face, and sighed quietly: "Okay, you take this matter to heart, don't ask me to rush you to do it, and find out as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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