Chapter 175 Concession (Part [-])
"If that's the case, it's true."

Jiang Wan's tone was heavy.

Zhao Xing also sighed, it is rare that there is no smiling face in front of her.

"Then Nanyuan..."

"Nanyuan, I'll think of a way, you don't have to worry about this."

Zhao Xing answered when her voice stopped abruptly: "I just haven't figured out how to tell my brother."

He rubbed between his brows: "There is a right opportunity, but I was thinking—"

Zhao Xing also prolonged the ending, and the moment the voice paused, his burning eyes fixed on Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan was slightly startled: "Did you think about it last night? Now that you've thought about it, why don't you just say it?"

Zhao Xing was really not embarrassed by this.

Hearing Jiang Wan's words, he didn't hesitate even more: "Eldest brother has been talking about letting me go to the court to practice before, but I always shirk it.

Nanyuan surrendered back then, and now the military system has to be reported to the Ministry of War, so if I want to start an investigation, it is most appropriate to go to the Ministry of War.

After spending some time and getting to the bottom of it, I will know what tricky dealings Zhao Yi has with Nanyuan. "

Jiang Wan frowned upon hearing this.

Because she really remembered that after marrying Zhao Xing in the previous life, he followed Zhao Yu's wishes and went to the household department to handle errands.

The world's money and food are not at ease to be handed over to anyone. Zhao Yu has been cultivating Zhao Xing since then. In the future, whether it is the Ministry of Households or the Ministry of Officials, if he is asked to take care of the family, Zhao Yu will have nothing to worry about in the court.

As for the Ministry of War——

"Are you afraid His Royal Highness Su will not agree?"

Zhao Xing asked suspiciously, "Why doesn't elder brother agree?"

Jiang Wan said: "I saw you talking about this hesitation, and thought you were afraid that King Su would disagree."

Zhao Xing shook his head and said no: "Brother said earlier, I can go to any yamen I want, anyway, it's just for experience, when the king opens the mansion, there are other errands.

I just thought that I would probably get married within this year. If I went to the Ministry of War, I couldn't say that I would just throw away my hands and get out after I found out what was going on in Nanyuan, right?

You have to start well and finish well when you do things. If you work as a consul at the Ministry of War, you will have to wait at least half a year to explain the past.

The six ministries of the imperial court are always the busiest, and they will be really busy later, I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you. "

If it wasn't too inappropriate, Jiang Wan would have laughed out loud.

Weird people say that sons and daughters love each other, but heroes are short of breath.

Isn't that the reason?
Jiang Wan couldn't help shaking his head, and the frequency of shaking his head was even faster: "If you tell His Highness Su Wang what you said, he will definitely scold you.

The affairs of the imperial court are the most important matters, but you only care about your own little life and want to have a romantic relationship with me, right? "

Zhao Xing smiled without saying a word.

The smile is shallow, not like in the past.

For him, the affairs of the world and Jiang Wan's affairs are all important matters.

But after saying so much, Zhao Xing also had a decision in his heart, and her meaning could not be more clear.

So Zhao Xing sighed again: "Then it's settled like this."

Jiang Wan said yes, with a gentle voice, and thought for a while: "Then do you want to tell my second brother or uncle?"

Zhao Xing frowned, as if he was seriously thinking about this issue, but in the end, he refused: "The situation is unknown, what did you say? Think about it carefully, if this kind of thing is changed by anyone else, let alone I told your uncle clearly, even if I went to the emperor's place, I would not dare to answer.

But it happened to be him again.

Brothers fight against each other, fight against each other, don't get other people involved.

What's more, how can I say it?

I have no evidence, I only have a red mouth and white teeth, am I just suspicious? "

Seeing that Jiang Wan was also frowning, he was afraid that she would think too much, so he explained: "I believe you, it's hard for others to tell. I don't know when this happened, and now I don't know if I can find out the clues. If it is impossible to tell others, it will inevitably lead to misunderstanding.

You know me, this kind of misunderstanding is the last thing I want to provoke, it's all troublesome things, and even my eldest brother will have to be involved later. "

Jiang Wan said he knew.

How could she not understand Zhao Xing's thoughts?

Of course, I will not say anything about trust or distrust.

So it's all up to him to make decisions.

"I went to the Ministry of War to receive an errand. In the final analysis, you are also dispatched by the Privy Council, and you don't want to work under my uncle."

Jiang Wan curled her lips and interrupted jokingly: "Second brother is the one with the most righteous ideas, I agree with whatever you want to do.

By the way, spring is warm and flowers are blooming in March, Daxiangguo Temple prays and burns incense, and there are two temple fairs in the western suburbs of the city, will the second brother go? "

Zhao Xing counted the days, nodded and said after a while: "When we go to the Yamen, there is no such leisure time, you want to play?"

"not me."

Jiang Wan's complexion sank, and Zhao Xing knew who it was.

He also frowned: "If you don't get along, you can ignore it."

But Jiang Wan shook his head: "Originally, I wanted to accompany my cousin, but Ning Ning yelled earlier that my cousin finally came here, and I guess I will go back to Hedong in April and May, so why don't you go with her to have a good time?" Quickly play two games?

This can only be said to be a coincidence, they just came to Shengjing again, and everyone was getting together.

It's not a big deal, I feel that there is nothing wrong with each other, and I can live in peace anyway.

The saint is so partial to their sisters, Zheng Shuangyi insists on rushing to show her favor, so I just make friends with her, so as not to trip me behind the scenes. "

Zhao Xing saw that her mouth was wrong, so he didn't expose it, he rubbed her hair and coaxed her a few words: "That's fine, I count the days, Yiqing will be back soon, she has been in Chenjun for a few months , just in time to return to the palace, and take her with her when she goes to play.

Don't be so honest, if someone is unhappy, just go and tease her and ask her to charge you.

In order not to turn around and blame everything on you, making you unable to close the game. "

Jiang Guan burst out laughing: "I didn't know that there are still brothers like you in the world. You really can't bear to let go of your own sister, she just came back, don't tell her to play quietly for a couple of games, or Instigate me to use her as a gun, I have to tell her to tell her to pester you for a good time."

Zhao Xing looked indifferent: "The queen mother loves her, and it's okay for her to have disputes with the Zheng family. Don't you have concerns in your heart and always want to bear and give in? I deeply think that there is no need for it.

I also know what happened last time.

Zhou Wanning's temperament can protect you, but when it comes to the mother, it's another story.

I'm a gentleman, why don't I point out a few ladies?
Don't wrong yourself, it hurts me to see it.

Last time Shen Baozhi's matter was exposed like this, this time they don't know how long they will live in the capital, how far are you going to tolerate it? "

The brightest smile rippling on Jiang Wan's lips: "Do you think I look like that kind of person?"

(End of this chapter)

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