The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 176 Regardless of life or death

Chapter 176
Zhao Yu agreed with both hands that Zhao Xing was going to the Ministry of War to receive an errand.

Although his original idea was not the Ministry of War, it made no difference.

As far as Zhao Yu was concerned, Zhao Xing was still young, and he had time to practice for him. The six departments of the imperial court asked him to stay for a while, and to see where he would be more handy, he could just ask him to pick a leader.

Otherwise, Zhao Yu knew all about other arrangements.

The rare thing is that he is willing to let go.

I talked about it for half a year, but I kept biting to death and refused to let go, and refused to go no matter what.

Zhao Yu pointed at the table case, his eyes flicked to the note beside him: "I'll take it as if you really don't think about it, just go if you are willing.

The six departments are each a radish and a hole, and you don’t want to take other people’s positions. The military department is not missing now. Jiang Yuanzhan only appointed the Nancheng Bingma Division a few years ago, and there is no shortage for you.

What's more, I can't ask you to go to the Bingma Division, just stay in the ministry, go to the Yamen every day, listen to the errands and learn some skills.

The Minister of the Ministry of War has gone through three dynasties and has the most experience. If there is anything you don't understand, go to Mr. Gu. He is a privy envoy and A Guan's uncle, so naturally he treats you differently.

I originally thought about sending you to the Ministry of Household Affairs, but from this point of view, the Ministry of War is also a good choice. "

Zhao Xing propped his hands on the armrest, and hummed expressionlessly, but he didn't have much thought on these.

It is not necessary to enter the Yamen to receive an errand to benefit.

He has been with brother for so many years, and he has been influenced by his ears and eyes. What does he not understand?

The specific procedures of the daily affairs of each ministry are generally known, and it is not really necessary for him to be a minister in the future, so Zhao Xing has always thought that there is no need for that.

Now it's just the situation.

"Brother, wait until April."

Zhao Yu clicked his tongue: "Spring begins in March, everything recovers, Daxiangguo Temple prays, there are temple fairs in the suburbs, and there will be spring hunting in early April. Have you promised Ah Wan to accompany her to play?"

Embarrassment flashed across Zhao Xing's face.

What else does Zhao Yu not understand when he sees this?

He snorted twice: "The last time."

Only then did Zhao Xing have a little joy on his face.

"Two more things—"

He prolonged the ending, and thought for a while: "I have always talked about everything here, and I can't hide things in my heart. There are some things that I know or think of, so I want to ask my brother. No?"

Zhao Yu said, "What's wrong with you today? But I've never heard you say that before."

Zhao Xing took a deep breath: "One is your marriage, big brother, and the other is... It's my unfounded worries."

As soon as these words fell into Zhao Yu's ears, he straightened his face immediately: "Did my mother tell you about my marriage? The Zheng family..."


Zhao Yu's complexion softened a little after hearing his unthinking and categorical denial.

In fact, I really can't blame him for thinking too much.

The matter of becoming a king was also decided last year, but the marriage has never been mentioned by the emperor father and the empress mother.

He thought that this matter was not in a hurry, and it might not be officially put on the agenda until after the crown prince.

As a result, the sisters of the Zheng family went to Beijing, and Erlang somehow mentioned his marriage.

Where can Erlang hear it?Didn't the queen mother tell him?
Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows and looked over: "What did the queen mother tell you?"

"The queen mother probably fell in love with the eldest daughter of the Chen family in Runan. I heard that the eldest lady is both talented and beautiful. She is a very virtuous lady. She had a marriage proposal when she was 16 years old. It happened that her grandfather passed away and she wanted to behead her. After three years of decline, they didn't want to delay each other, so the two families gave up, now 19 years old, younger than the elder brother, the queen mother said that this lady is the most suitable candidate among the ladies who are about the same age as the elder brother."

The ancestors of the Chen family in Runan belonged to the Lord, and the great-grandmother of the Chen family was also a daughter of the clan, with a high lintel, so they were compatible.

Zhao Yu didn't feel much after hearing it, so he said, "It does sound like a good candidate."

Zhao Xing looked down.

Zhao Yu stared at him: "What do you want to say?"

He shook his head: "It's nothing, but since I knew it, I wanted to tell my elder brother. If the queen mother falls in love with another woman, I will tell you if I know about it."

Zhao Yu smiled: "Emotionally, if you meet, it's the icing on the cake, if not, it's not too bad.

Uncle Huang and Aunt Huang are childhood sweethearts, which is enviable to say the least.

The emperor father and the empress mother were married by order.

But you see, after decades, isn't the love still the same?

You got a beautiful wife like a flower, and you got what you wanted. Do you think that my concubine can't choose one according to my own wishes, and I am actually very wronged? "

Zhao Xing once thought so.

But after hearing what my elder brother said, I knew that there was no need to mention it again, so I followed Zhao Yu's words and replied: "It's not like that, this matter is divided into people, elder brother doesn't pay attention to this, the future emperor's wife must be a famous lady, precious Duan Fang, even if he has no feelings, he can respect each other like a guest, and raise his eyebrows, there is nothing wronged or wronged, and it is not my turn to be wronged on behalf of the eldest brother."

For those who have the whole world in mind, the matter of love is the most insignificant.

Eldest brother has watched how his father treats his mother all these years, he was taught to be a wise king and a holy lord, his ambition is to create a prosperous world, and he is naturally more restrained in this regard.

Hearing this, Zhao Yu's frowning brows relaxed: "Then needless to say, the eldest daughter of the Chen family in Runan can also afford it. What about the other one? What unreasonable worries?"

"The military generals in the court are weak, if there is turmoil and military chaos in the past few years, what will the elder brother plan to do?"

The beginning of this is a bit inexplicable.

Zhao Yu was stunned for a moment.

"Is it because you think of these things that you want to go to the Ministry of War?"

Zhao Xing said: "But not all. No matter where the six departments go, it is an experience for me. This year is the Ministry of War, and next year it is the Ministry of Households. There is not much difference in itself.

But the situation that the imperial court is facing now is very urgent.

I heard Jiang Yuanzhan mention it twice before, but he didn't discuss this matter with me in depth.

I have also thought about it a lot, and after careful calculation, if there is a military chaos this year, the court is not without soldiers, but without generals.

The talent of a general is too rare.

I think Eldest Brother was praised by Father Pei Guo when he was young, after thinking about it, I am afraid that Eldest Brother..."

He pursed his lips, closed his voice in a timely manner, and swallowed the last words back to his stomach.

Zhao Yu suddenly realized: "Are you afraid that I will ask you to lead the army?"

Immediately, he frowned again: "Don't you want to go to the Ministry of War to learn some skills, if there is a war in the future, you plan to go out for me, right?"

"I have a few catties and a few taels, and I can still count them. If I don't have that ability, how dare I lead the army to delay the overall situation?"

Zhao Xing waved his hands again and again, denying it flatly: "But I am really worried about big brother."

Only then did Zhao Yu feel relieved, and then said with a smile: "The crisis of the country does not matter whether it is life or death. Erlang, there is only one eldest son, but the prince of Daye is not the only one."

He smiled, and his expression became serious: "But you will also say that your worries are unfounded. There is still the Duke of Peiguo's Mansion in front of you. Why is it my turn? I will tell you the truth." , but you don't have to worry too much, just put your heart back in your stomach, and don't mention this again."

(End of this chapter)

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