Chapter 177 Inviting Credit (Part [-])
Some things don't need to be asked at all.

But I couldn't help it when I got to my mouth.

The moment I blurted out, I actually regretted it.

Because I knew what the answer would be.

Life and death without regret.

My elder brother is the future prince of Daye, the future emperor, with lofty aspirations and a heart for the world. He hopes to create a prosperous world, and he must also protect the peace of the people.

The army is in chaos and the world is in turmoil. If it is true that the country will lose the country, how can he stay in Shengjing.

If he could, Zhuzhu probably wouldn't have such a dream.

Knowing it would be like this, but still hoping to hear a different answer.

Or, I got a guarantee from my elder brother - I will not go out of the city to suppress the rebellion, but I will sit in Shengjing and stabilize the court.

Zhao Xing lowered his eyes and laughed at himself: "Eldest brother is right, it's all unfounded worries, who can predict what will happen in the future, and now he is using this to bother elder brother."

Zhao Yu sensed that there was something wrong with his mood, so he frowned and asked him, "Did you hear something stupid outside? I don't think you are right."


Zhao Xing retorted without hesitation: "What nonsense can you say? Others dare not say anything unpleasant to me. It's just that these days are not comfortable.

I never had a happy day when I came to Beijing from Zheng's house.

Eldest brother was crowned king again and moved out of the palace, very unaccustomed.

It will be fine in a few days. "

Zhao Yu thought about it, and felt that this was true, but he was still not at ease, so he told him: "If you have anything, just tell me that living in the palace is not comfortable, just come and live with me. Father and mother will not say anything about you.

The cross courtyard in the east is specially prepared, and there is no shortage of food for you.

I know you're uncomfortable, especially the Zheng family who boasted so much that even Ah Wan suffered a loss twice.

You can't see Ah Wan being angry, but the queen mother is standing there, you can't say anything.

For me, and for A Wan, he was already angry, but now he will only be even more angry, right? "

Pretty much those words.

Plus Zhuzhu's dream.

Back and forth, everything really got mixed up, and it was almost overwhelming.

Fortunately, brother is not careless.

Zhao Xing only felt lucky about this.

"Outing in March, spring hunting in April, do you want to go together, brother?"

"Spring hunting is definitely going. I won't go for an outing. You will feel uncomfortable if you go."

Zhao Yu returned to him without hesitation, and then clicked on the notebook on the case: "There have been several bandit riots in the northwest, they have entered the city to rob the people, and the father has sent troops to suppress it. This matter may not be so simple, the booklets are sent to the court one by one, and there is still no conclusion yet.

There were water thieves in the coastal generation of Fujian, and there were several torrential rains, and several counties were on the verge of bursting embankments, so money had to be allocated to build embankments.

The Ministry of War was devastated, and the Ministry of Households was crying poor.

Do you think this year will be smooth?
I just came out for the new year, and it's only February, so there are all kinds of troubles. "

Zhao Xing knew that the household department was crying for poverty.

A few days ago at the Taiji Palace Grand Meeting, the Minister of the Household Department kept crying for poverty, and even asked the people from the Ministry of Industry to run him out.

Because the household department cried for poverty, it didn't start this year.

The imperial mausoleum was built the year before last, and the palace was built last year. Every time I went back to the household department, I jumped out and cried poorly, saying that I had no money.

In the end, it was the Ministry of Industry that suffered the most.

But next year we will make a budget every year, and we will also do the accounting at the end of the year. Why do we overspend every year and say that we have no money when something happens?
Emperor Jinhe had a terrible headache, and Zhao Yu also racked his brains for an unknown amount of time, but he still couldn't find a solution.

Empress Zheng took the lead in frugality in cutting expenses in the palace, but what's the use of that?

Raising the world is not like this.

The garrison also needs military pay and food, and the Liaodong side is especially negligent.

Now this happened again.

Zhao Xing pursed his lips: "The Liu family ransacked the house earlier, didn't all the property they got go to the household department?"

His face turned cold: "I heard Zhuzhu say that she went to see Liu Minghua in prison at that time, and what Liu Minghua said was that the Liu family has been hollowed out for so many years, it is simply an empty shell, even He also wanted Liu Minghua's own private property to support the entire Duke's Mansion, as a face for their Duke's Mansion.

I thought it was nonsense at first, and Zhuzhu also half-believed, so I didn't take it seriously.

Why just copied a state mansion, and the household department ran out to cry poor again?
Could it be that what Liu Minghua said was true? "

Zhao Yu's expression was also not looking good: "Liu Guogong's mansion really has no money, it is so poor, there is no income from copying, and it can't even make up 10 taels.

Just counting all the treasures and antiques in his house.

It's embarrassing to say.

I kept quiet before because there was no need for that.

Anyway, people are dead, so what's the use of honor after death?
The household department also thinks it's not good to hear, let alone good-looking, don't you know Liu Shangshu?
He has always been a peacemaker, and he is most willing to save face.

If it weren't for the successive accidents in the Northwest and Fujian, and the household department couldn't get the money, he still wouldn't say it. "

Zhao Xing's heart sank: "If you say that, it's really difficult."

Zhao Yu also sighed: "Uncle Huang gave Father Huang more than 3 taels in private, but it is not of much use, and this matter cannot be disclosed to the outside world, lest people find out and cause another disturbance.

The courtiers have money at home, but who dares to take it out like this?

You can't take out the two sleeves cleanly, and if you can take them out, none of them are clean.

The more this kind of time, the more afraid to give money.

But the Zheng family—”

As soon as he mentioned the Zheng family, Zhao Xing's eyes tightened: "Did the Zheng family pay?"

"Pay money and people, I bought a lot of food, sent my family to follow, hired several escorts, and sent them to the northwest."

Zhao Yu couldn't stop laughing when he mentioned this: "It just happened to reach the ears of my father, how coincidental do you think it is?"

Zhao Xing understood in his heart.

This can't be said to be malicious speculation by the eldest brother, or the heart of a villain.

In fact, there are too many reasons for this kind of thing to happen in these years.

When the imperial court encounters any difficulties, the Zheng clan will always show their loyalty at the top.

Everything is done in private, and the imperial court does not know about it at all.

But afterwards, all of them were introduced into the Palace of Funing.

For example, the Northwest Earthquake four years ago, the homeless riots two years ago, and the Bandits this time.

The Zheng family gets news quickly, makes decisions quickly, and handles things faster.

Anyway, they are not afraid of the imperial court checking their accounts.

If you get a gift from the imperial court and the emperor rewards you, can you still have no family background?

It is not worth mentioning to them that those things are sent to the northwest, but it is a great credit for them to be introduced to Beijing.

Zhao Xing gritted his teeth: "It's abominable to be completely unafraid of father's suspicion, let alone elder brother, and too arrogant!"

(End of this chapter)

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